We should never be allowed to ignore posters, here's why

I’m gonna need a translator, the only thing I get out of this is your first one and a half paragraphs and that you feel threatened enough by logic to call me a troll. I suppose you’d be the type that immediately ignores anyone you disagree with.

a lot of clever people post interesting and helpful things on the forums.

you’re not one of them.

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This is the same thing an ignore button would achieve which makes your post pointless.


Stopped here. Because you already have what you wanted. Therefore this thread is pointless.

People cannot be trusted with deciding who they want to see posts from?

They have to remember people who post things they really don’t want to see and all their alts and look at names before looking at posts? I basically never look at usernames, I just read posts.

There is no rational behind what you’re saying.


Discussions rarely get anywhere anyway, particularly by the input of the type of person I would ignore. There are many, many posters on here who exist to do nothing more than troll and/or insult, and they do so frequently, across many threads.

There is no harm in ignoring them. Ignoring them removes their noise.


Yes. This. OP, who made you the judge of who within this community is trustworthy? You’re using the language of tyrants and dictators.

You’re in luck. Blizzard chose this awful forum software.
We can’t ignore anyone and despite them originally saying it was something they were looking to get added back in when it first went live… It’s apparent after a year of nothing changing at all that they’re too lazy or don’t have the clout to get anything really done.

For reference:

Here is where they said a year ago…

"I’m following up on a few things already, but I can answer a couple questions:

  • Ignore : We do have a story in for this for feature development. It’s not part of the traditional Discourse offering, but we’re using a modified version that our Web & Mobile team has been partnering on with the Discourse folks. "

With or without and ignore function, it’s still really easy to ignore people. Just takes a little bit of will power and a scroll.

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I don’t think people typically put those they disagree with on an ignore list. I am pretty sure that people only to do when they find someone to be antagonistic.

Are people here really incapable of reading something they disagree with and saying ‘it’s not worth my time to respond to every piece of tripe post that comes across my forum scrolling’?
You can ignore someone without covering up what they say. It’s not hard.

Almost every form of social media or electronic has some sort of ignore function. Why are we arguing against this?


I always liked your name, don’t know why.

No ‘we’ dont know anything of the sort. Projecting much?
AS STATED I USE the ignore to stop obvious trolling.
What you choose to use it for is YOUR choice.

for DISCUSSION…NOT to be baited .
And when THAT is going on, I will ignore that person with or without the ignore feature…as Im now doing with you.

Ive used maybe a dozen forum packages over they years and even the earliest ones Ive used ALL had an ignore.
Seems to me that the only reason to not want it is so one could keep attacking people knowing they couldnt block seeing it.

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This would be another big issue. MVP’s are there to encourage positive discussion and bring value to a discussion. They aren’t just a bunch of shills or white knights like many claim. Blocking out positive discussion is very counter–productive to the whole idea of a forum.


If you feel they have broken the forum CoC then report them and Blizzard will take care of the rest, ignoring users could break a positive discussion. Many players think players are trolling them simply because they don’t agree with them. This is a very common theme here, you know this as well as I do.

Just because you don’t agree with him doesn’t mean he doesn’t have some superb arguments and reasoning at times.

This is horribly untrue. Many discussions lead to changes in the game.

If this were said a few years ago I’d agree, I can’t agree in this timeframe. Players will mass flag a thread just to get it locked down and hopefully deleted, whether it breaks the forum CoC or not. Players today are not what they were in the past, the majority are a different bunch.

Many players seem to not be able to deal with those who have a differing opinion.

If many had anything valuable or positive to say I would agree with you. Most of the time all I see is trolling in green text.

I’ll reply to that with a charming little anecdote that an old billiard friend of mine used to say. “The sun shines on a dog’s butt sometimes”. Actually, he used more colorful language, but you get the idea.

My point is that I shouldn’t have to slog through the chaff (and let’s be honest here, with Rastlin there was A LOT of it) to view the rare coherent and well thought out oddity. Most of their stuff was self-indulgent and back patting nonsense.

While entirely anecdotal, I typically see mass flagging unless someone is trolling or spamming the forums with their own thread on a subject matter that is already being discussed in a number of other threads. Maybe on a subject matter that is already discussed to death there might be some but then again I think it has less to do with disagreeing and more just finding people annoying.