We should never be allowed to ignore posters, here's why

The problem I found with the ignore feature is that it made people find out who the other alts were on your account, and I wasn’t comfortable with that.

Sometimes I like to hide and start fresh with people you see.

I sometimes want to ignore certain people on the forums, but then I don’t cause without them I couldn’t laugh at their ignorance. I am sure they feel the same about me if I slip up.

FWIW Discourse it appears is implementing or implemented the feature:

That said it does not appear to have made its way into the version of discourse running here.

IMO: I think an ignore has a valuable purpose in preventing ongoing harm in harassment cases, CMs and Mods can’t be everywhere all the time. The ability to ignore users can prevent individual users from harassing or otherwise reducing participation from posters they don’t like. I said can because it depends on the targeted user actually using the ignore feature.

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I disagree. There are certain posters who are nothing but trolls, or others who simply resort to insults and labels, like the OP.

Ignoring them would be nice.

And here is my reminder, if you really want to ignore someone, you can use a browser extension for custom css and creast a partial ignore. I can dig out my ‘how to’ if anyone wants it, but if you search ‘Annastasi css’ you should find it.

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I will be honest to say that I did not read your entire post, but going off just the title alone I will ask this one simple question.

How do you deal with another person in real life when they just ignore you?

Their reason for removing down votes is total bull crap because I am sure the vast majority of up votes are solely based upon the person agreeing with the post and not that the post was “helpful”. Hell now we have people just up voting posts that disagree with the one they would have just down voted instead. Blizzard was just playing PC police and removed it to protect people’s feelings that someone may not like their point of view is all.

There are some posters that no level of discuss is worth having with. The ability to ignore should be added, just so we can mark a troll and never have to see them again.


I’d love it, because people would try to pull it on me and just find better credentials than this char has. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It seems in practice it is not what happens.

You know how a troll is screwed? When he doesn’t get attention or nobody knows he’s around.

I think the people against a ignore feature are just fearing they are going to get ignored.

It’s a private forum, not a public one. You can post here because you’re a paying customer. You have the privilege of posting, not the right to be heard. If someone decides you’re not worth their time and likely won’t be at any point in the near future, it’s their call to make :man_shrugging:

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it’s not as if people need a “feature” built into the forum in order to ignore posts.

we’re not being forced to read every post, and if a poster is a known instigator, it’s quite easy to simply gloss over their tripe.


It doesn’t matter whether you think people should exercise some odd sort of self-control and not open threads they have no way of knowing their nemesis is posting in.

The purpose of the ignore feature is to allow posters to choose not to view the posts of someone they don’t get along with, while still being able to use the forums. The feature actually works fine and serves the purpose for which it is intended in just about every other forum in existence.

Forums are purchased from companies that design them with a variety of features. Most forums come with an ignore feature, which permits readers to read threads without having to read the posts of those they dislike or feel (often quite rightly) are flamebait trolls.

The old forums had an ignore feature, which a lot of people used. For some reason the devs chose a forum software which did not have that feature. People have guessed why this forum does not have this popular feature.


All of you are the reason we can’t have nice things HEHEHE

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WHOOMP! There it is.

It’s a moderation thread.

I’m sorry, but in no world is there a downside to me putting Rastlin on ignore. Not that they’ve been active lately, but there is nothing to be gained by me having to see such an obvious troll’s postings.

We had the ignore function for YEARS and the forums were no better or worse off than they are currently.

100% well said.


Personally I think if I’ve ignored someone in game it should carry over to the forums. and not just for that character, but their whole account.

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just flagged your post.

you contribute nothing.

if we had ignore you would be account wide ignored.

it would be a better world.

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You seem to want to use any weapon at your disposal that’s not logic.

game forums should serve an actual function for players other than a means of self validation and valuation for people who believe that they , out of 6 billion people , are actually interesting rather than just paying customers of an entertainment.

Exactly my point on why an ignore function isn’t needed. You seem to have spoken my mind.

nothing is necessary, even wow.

but an account wide ignore function would allow individual players to avoid clicking on a post and then realizing they have been rickrolled by a forum lurker and troll such as yourself.

you bring nothing to any discussion as nothing you state has merit or even the remotest chance of being implemented or prevented from implementation.

you are attempting to assume power you will never have with key words like should and never relating to actions that you have absolutely no control over.

Alinsky only works if someone offers you that power and it isn’t happening here.