We should never be allowed to ignore posters, here's why

Before the forum we have today we were able to ignore posters, we also had other forum features such as downvoting a topic.

The reason downvotes were taken away from us is because downvotes did nothing productive for forum discussion or the posters and readers, in fact, it hampered discussion so greatly that Blizzard was forced to remove it. Ex-CM Ornyx gave reasoning when he stated:

"Yes, we’ve recently pushed an update to the WoW forums that removes the ability to downvote posts made by other players.

We originally added this feature as a means for players to assist with forum moderation by upvoting helpful posts and downvoting inappropriate or toxic posts. In practice, however, we found that it was primarily being used for things like downvoting a post simply because they disagreed with it, which was not the intent, and too often led to different opinions getting unfairly buried. Moving to an upvotes-only environment will remove this unintended abuse, while still allowing players to give recognition to posts that have a positive impact on the World of Warcraft community.

As a reminder, you can still report inappropriate or abusive posts to the moderation team by selecting the “Report Post” option located in the dropdown menu on the right of the offending post."

Fast forward to the new forum we have today and we’ll find many threads that were spam-flagged while said threads clearly broke no forum Code of Conduct rules. Many posters will flag a post that they simply don’t agree with, resulting in that thread being locked down for a time period, which, in turn, can end up burying the post behind dozens and dozens of other threads on the forum - in the end real discussion was impeded.

If we were allowed to simply ignore posters that we wanted to ignore than many posters would ignore posters due to that poster not having the same line of thought as that poster. The end result would cause an actual echo-chamber, an echo-chamber is the most counter-productive weight that a forum could have.

A number of posters simply cannot be trusted with tools like an ignore feature and still be able to have a forum with healthy discussion. If a certain poster bothers you then stop reading their posts and threads, stop giving them attention, and stop giving them your time.





I think you are afraid people will just ignore you.


Ingame is one thing, the focus is on the game. You open up and come here on the forums voluntarily, which is designed solely for discussion. You’re looking at two different things.

Basically, it’s not about one person. Not you, me or OP.

(It’s also really easy to see you didn’t read or think much of the OP’s post at all, but okay.)

Also, could have been like you and said something along the lines that you’re afraid of any confrontation, but I’m not aiming for likes.


Did you just make a post about moderation?
If so then you can be reported for volation of the CoC on the forum.


n that one of reasons i agree with the OP


no maybe u should read the OP it has nothing to do about morderatin try to read first


If Reddits taught us anything, its that a lot of people generally only want to discuss things with people that agree with everything they’re gonna say. I know, sounds horribly boring. Worse than that there’s the types that label anything contrary to their opinions as toxic, trolling or as a personal attack. And thats not just reddit but you’ll see this happen in any online forum.


Salt it was all about salt…

“Y” told peeps to quit the game if they did not like it.

D-chicks made a lot of " salt shakin ".

Then the fourm bots did the hivemind things…

Wow, that was a riot act of a post. Feel better, OP?

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The echo-chamber would only be by user, not by forum.

We managed just fine for years. The forums did not implode.


I feel that Void Elves don’t like to read my comments.

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This thread is deserving of this.



Exactly. Also there is the fact that there are also people who just don’t contribute to healthy discussions.

Like oh, 99% of anti-lfr threads. There’s nothing healthy or productive about those threads. Yet Blizzard refuses to get in here and clean up the trash. That is the issue. Healthy discussions can only happen when the folks who maintain the forums ACTIVELY clean up the garbage every so often. People who develop a reputation for spewing out trash are part of the problem.

That’s not about an echo-chamber, that’s about wanting to get rid of the trash that doesn’t create healthy discussions.

Yes, LFR should be discussed as it does need improvement, but over 99% of LFR threads are nothing more than some people whining about how its bad for the game without giving any suggestions on how to improve it. Their only solution is “since we think its bad, burn it with fire, destroy it!”

That’s not healthy discussion.

Also, sunday has become a meme, where people troll out the wazoo, and nothing is done. That’s a sad sign that Blizzard isn’t doing their job. The meme never would have happened if Blizzard was actively removing the trash on a regular basis.

And until Blizzard ACTIVELY takes out the trash, and does so on a consistent and regular basis, the forums will continue to be a mess.


Everyone (with a sub) has the right to post here as long as they follow the rules. We also have the right to ignore anyone.


Ironically, what the OP is posting about is indeed happening in this very thread. People that disagree on here mostly just want to come off as edgy or cool or whatever, slinging insults as much as they can, but hiding it under passive agression or rhetorical questions / unnecessary comment.

Some people, in fact, believe that trash talk should be the norm, and if you can’t take it then for some reason your entire opinion should be invalidated.


Thats not a good enough argument for me to not want an ignore.
Sometimes a person is going to troll no matter what and I want to just not SEE their posts at all anymore at a point.
That should be MY choice to make, not yours.


I sure didn’t, if you would have taken about 45 seconds out of your day to read the post rather than add spam to the thread you would have known this.

This is very true, very sad but very true.

if we’d use the report function for it’s intended purpose instead of spamming the moderators with false reports we’d see less of these types and players that deserve to be suspended would be suspended more frequently.

Not even remotely true, nobody has a right to post on the forum. Posting on the forum is a privilege, not a right.


If you don’t like what a poster ever says then don’t read their comments, don’t read their threads, don’t reply to them, stop giving them attention, and if they break the forum CoC then report them and get them suspended.

It’s actually Blizzards choice, and so far they’ve made their choice.

Report them when they break the rules and you’ll see them disappear.

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You’re not wrong.


I dunno how someone can just make a comment like this when the Ignore features that we had on the old forums did no harm on the forums.


I honestly agree. Ignoring posters does not lend itself to productive discussion. These forums are specifically for discussion, when you can ignore whoever you like then suddenly you cut out portions of the discussion and find posters repeating the same points over and over that have already been discussed but they don’t see it because they ignored someone.

Having a way to ignore someone just because you don’t like them -or- their opinion differs from you does not get discussions anywhere. There are people, even for me, who I absolutely loath on these forums but would never ignore because like it or not this is a place of expressing opinions and viewpoints on the game and topics pertaining to the game. Cutting out an entire side of discussion simply because you don’t like them creates more problems than it solves.

So honestly, I hope that we NEVER get an “ignore” feature built into the forums. It makes sense with messengers and such but makes no sense for a forum where the focus is discussion, expression of opinion, ect.