We should never be allowed to ignore posters, here's why

the forums serve no purose other than to inform about some issue ingame.

if I decide a poster never has a worthwhile contribution I would like to ignore them and go on my way.

the forums suffer no hurt in the slightest.

in the meantime I flag posts like OPs that are a waste of space.


If you’re flagging posts that don’t break the forum CoC then you have no business complaining about a waste of space or trolls as all you’re doing is swamping the mods with garbage instead of actual real reports.

Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean you should flag it.

How do you mute people?

The common thread here is that they want to throw as much automation as possible at the problem in the hopes they can stop paying actual people to moderate.

I’m not convinced he’ll ever grasp the concept that some of us care more about fishing than raiding. So is anything really gained by going in circles on these issues over and over?

Would be nice if there were a place where people with thicker skin could argue the merits the game without the super sensitives getting their panties in a bunch

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I actually enjoy fishing too (I’ve got my Legion fishing pole which actually had a really neat quest line towards the end, I got my panda raft years ago as well as my water strider before it had to wear shoes to know how to walk on water).

I wasn’t replying to thread topic, just the poster who was expressing that people against LFR don’t vocalize their opinions in anything but a “LFR must be set on fire” type of way, which I think I did nicely and I haven’t seen anyone actually address any of the points I made since then, just swing the conversation to some judgmental post about “well thank god we can’t ignore people cuz this guy would be talking to himself” and “he’ll never grasp the concept”

The larger subreddits are definitely that way, as are those based around divisive topics (like politics). The smaller and/or hobby based ones are pretty chill though.

This has all been true since pretty much the existence of the modern internet, though. Long before reddit or post voting appeared, the small to mid sized phpBB-type forums usually managed themselves alright. As they grew larger they inevitably turned into sludge pits.

So it seems the secret to quality online communities is to stay away from (or at the very least, strong limit discussion of) highly divisive topics, to say focused, and to say somewhat small.

I never used the ignore feature much. And if I did, it was due to harassment and usually only for a short time.

Thus far, I only.have one person I’d ignore. Because I don’t pay attention to who I quote half the time and said person seems to think I’m stalking them. Even when I try to back them up on something, they jump down my throat and flip out at me, quoting things from other posts I made as they stalk my profile.

Yet, apparently, I’m the problem. :woman_shrugging:t2:

So I’d rather just not accidentally reply to them in any thread ever again.

Lol well if you see his posts? I really can’t take him seriously :roll_eyes:

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Mvps would often be talking to themselves.

Click on your icon in the upper right corner. Click the gear icon. Go to preferences then notifications. Enter their name at the bottom.

I mean i basically have an ignore list already. I have a list of known trolls/morons and i don’t respond or read their posts. Imo we should have an ignore feature.

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A truly compelling argument.

I would still like to be able to ignore a few posters I’ve identified whose only purpose on the forums is to troll. Since they’ve been repeatedly banned for it I think it is fair to be able to ignore them. A maximum of five (5) slots for ignore would work for me.

Ha! Yeah, that would totally be the call. :slightly_smiling_face:

Its surprise re-implementation would be hilarious. Post alt outing, the justifications and mental gymnastics of some of the more… prolific posters would be brilliant. :laughing:

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Again, completely on the mark. That said, I still find some thoughtful threads pretty interesting, including this one.

Great comment. Yes, you’ll find too many folks who are incapable of understanding how to practice actual free and open discussion without the need to punish and/or scapegoat those who express ideas they disagree with.

They are interested in mob mentality, not thinking. I would surely hate to come to meet such in real life.


As an aside you may find that a right is something that can be “taken” as well as 'granted". A privilege is something that can only be granted.

Thus anything that can be wrested from the hands of those who hold it is a right because it existed all along. Privileges exist only as things offered and cannot be taken because they never existed beyond that offer.

just something to think about when one is imagining whether something is a privilege or a right.

If you wanted to, could you simply take it? Well then its a right.

…and now on to the question of whether or not you SHOULD.

tl;dr ignored post.


You mean, ignore them?