We shall have peace when the Horde answer for their crimes

Happy 4th Blom! I’ll launch some fireworks from the ramparts of Orgrimmar just for you and BBQ a Gnome in your honor.

Gnomes are best when slow cooked in a crock pot. Cooking them over an open flame makes the meat chewy.

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I used to RP as a member of the Scarlet Crusade on my human Paladin. Then I RP’d him leaving the Crusade because every other person was dead and he had no more cheques to cash and, honestly, who has time to be a beggar on Azeroth?

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Topper McNabb, apparently.

He’s able-bodied and there are gnolls to slay in Elwynn. Get movin’ McNabb.

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But he just needs a couple copper to buy a gnoll stabbing knife.

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A team of alliance sneaking into Orgrimmar and slaughtering a bunch of them?


You’d be wolf meat in seconds.

Have you even seen a celebration among the horde? They are already fighting each other. They’d be more than warmed up to whoop on you.

Another Flag of Ownership planted; this is just too easy.

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Is this call and response?


Blom doesn’t try to make it difficult. He’s bloody single minded in his fan fiction addiction.

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So, how many threads do you need to make about Horde hate?

Anyways, I see another world tree needs a burning.

:fire: :deciduous_tree:

lol @ ate everybody. I think you misheard sargeras mission goals. Well goal. He said BURN not EAT! See this is why the legion lost. Didn’t even hear the rules much less follow them!

Even a demon wants to cook his food first.

Alas, my enemies are all around me.

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Nah. I’m not flagged for PvP.

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Y’all report this guy’s threads every time, but I’d take these over “bad players bashing m+ threads” every single day.

Keep it up, Blom. You’re unironically improving the quality of GD, even if you go unappreciated.


Maybe if you came up with some new material you’d get some actual engagement. As it stands if you keep regurgitating the same dreck over and over no one is going to give it any time.

It’s really just the wrong section of the forum to get positive responses.

I love writing. I definitely don’t seek it in GD of all places.

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That’s less a compliment for the post and more an accusation of how bad GD has become.



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