We shall have peace when the Horde answer for their crimes

I think it’s more lack of imagination if anything.

I suspect that he can only achieve an erection by posting borderline hate speech fan fiction in the wrong forum.

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There’s a mental picture I didn’t need nor want.

Well, you got it anyways :dracthyr_heart:

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Soridormi! I think that time rift popped open again.

There cannot be peace with a faction whose very foundation rests atop the bones of countless innocent.

The only feasible solution is containing them within their arid desert, from which they cannot harm anyone.

We salute the brave garrisons of Tiragarde and Northwatch: it is thanks to them that the evil of the Horde is kept at bay from spilling over and starting a Fifth War.

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Oh the irony…

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Reignite the war, to what end? It will lead to more death and destruction and with the world soul under assault we need all hands on deck.

In the end, Blom lost his soul and sanity. In his grief he gave them both gleefully, if unwittingly, to the legion.

The light that shone in the paladin, that once illuminated his path, that had brought comfort to the sick and justice to the weak was no more.

A noble knight of light that could no longer tell the difference between retribution and vengeance, between justice and hatred, for he was now blind and lost, twisted into a weapon of self destruction.

Better he had died on the field of battle years ago defending his homeland and loved ones.


You have to understand: hating the horde is literally the only thing that Blom or varodoc have going on in their lives.

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Oh this guy again counter offer you can have peace once the Alliance pays for all the damages material, physical and mental they caused the Vulpera :dracthyr_tea:

I figured as much as that, if he was that much into role play he should lean more into the aspect of the Light that teaches mercy and compassion.

Sargaras upon recieving Blom:

What the hell makes you think I want… this. I’d rather have one of those hideous ape pictures, at least those have some speculative value as opposed to this blom guy’s soul.

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In the wake of Blom and the Alliance Vanguards’ daring strike on the Orgrimmar independence day festival, tensions simmered like a storm over the Horde’s capital. The Alliance had struck with precision, disrupting the festivities meant to celebrate Horde unity and defiance. As news of the attack spread, whispers of retaliation echoed through the corridors of Orgrimmar’s war council. Warlords and chieftains, fueled by pride and a thirst for vengeance, clamored for action against the Alliance invaders.

Under the banner of the Horde Council, the Horde mobilized its forces, rallying warriors from across Kalimdor and beyond. They prepared a counteroffensive with meticulous planning, their anger kindled by the embarrassment suffered at the hands of their enemies. Yet, in their haste to reclaim honor, they underestimated the Alliance’s resolve and the cunning of Blom, whose strategies had proven devastatingly effective.

As the Horde forces surged toward Alliance territory, confident in their numerical superiority, they fell victim to Blom’s tactical brilliance once more. Ambushes awaited them in the dense forests of Stranglethorn, where Alliance archers picked off their scouts with deadly accuracy. On the plains of Westfall, Horde cavalry charged headlong into prepared traps, where Alliance mages unleashed torrents of arcane fury. By the time the Horde reached the outskirts of Stormwind, their ranks were decimated and their morale shattered.

Defeated and demoralized, the remnants of the Horde army retreated back to Orgrimmar, nursing their wounds and licking their pride. The failed retaliation was a bitter reminder of the consequences of underestimating their foes and the cost of blind aggression. In the aftermath, as tensions continued to simmer and both sides prepared for the next inevitable clash, whispers of peace talks began to circulate—a fleeting hope amidst the shadows of war.

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Suddenly there was a knock on the door that awakened him from his wonderful dreams and brought him back to the sad reality of his mother’s basement “July 4th or not you’re rent is due son!”

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And what point do they just ban spam?

Wrong of you to assume they pay rent. And wrong of Blom to assume that people do anything in Org than visit the AH or Trading Post.

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People reacting as if they had no choice to scroll past, but were instead forced to click on the topic and participate. :wink:


I personally love seeing the rp threads he makes. I long to see one of the Garrosh did nothing wrong people come in and rp with him. But then I wonder if they are the same person and get a little sadden by that.

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Blom’s threads are like an accident on the highway; it’s none of your business but you have to slow down and look anyway.