The numbers aren’t correct unless I’m missing something.
DF S1 elite on shows 1.0351% accounts having the achievement. This would include both 3s and RSS.
By comparison 0.6003% of accounts earned glad in SL S2. So that is 2400 + 50 games played and doesn’t have RSS. 0.9061% accounts in SL S2 earned elite.
So we only see about a .1% increase in 2400 elite achievements with the introduction of RSS comparing those seasons.
as for blitz and solo:<season_number>/pvp-leaderboard/blitz-<class-spec>?namespace=dynamic-us&locale=en_US
Hrm. Something still seems off with the elite achieve relative to SL and DF. Given the introduction of RSS, I would have assumed we would see a big spike and yet it’s almost the same.
Made a visual graph of OP’s data based on last 5 seasons
Time to put gladiator title and mount into shuffle, and recolor it for the lesser played 3v3 mode. Swap titles too so gladiator is from shuffle and legend is from 3s.
Shuffle crushes 3v3 in participation 5 seasons in a row.
As predicted. Soloq is step one for maintenance mode. It’s never a good idea to remove the mmorpg elements from an mmorpg. Shuffle is a toxic cesspool like any other ranked solo ladder except WoW has classes that are synergistic and some that don’t work together at all so over time specs will start to feel more and more the same.
All shuffle added to the game was a path to get PvP rewards that’s vastly easier than reg arena and a bunch of people getting suspensions for typing in chat. Compounding the issue of nobody wanting to q reg arena until the final 2 week push.
It’s cool to add new content don’t get me wrong but I feel like we were done a disservice when an easier game format gives the same rewards. Like LFR dropping heroic gear
Idk, I wouldn’t totally agree with this take. Did queueing for dungeons instead of forming a group destroy that content? In fact, I could see them eventually adding a queue for Mythic + putting you with partners based on rating etc.
Sometime’s a game needs to evolve with the times. This was never an issue when games were stand alone products with no expansions etc. However, when a game has been around for 20 years you’re going to have to adapt, and possibly implement some pretty big changes along the way to continue drawing people in.
It’s unfortunate that RSS takes away from organized 3s, but also there is a ton blizzard could do to update 3s (im looking at lfg, rewards being % based, fixing mmr issues, adding other rewards…) to continue to give people a reason to try it…they just don’t do anything
Honestly this isn’t the issue for me. I have basically never played this game for the rewards.
I’ve played it because I enjoy the combat a bit. However mostly because I have real life friends that I play with and the occasional online person.
What made MMOs great wasnt the reward structure. It was playing with people. And solo que is the straight up murder of that. Solo que should have been slapped into the 3v3 bracket. Then the anti social people could play but have incentive to get flipping social and maybe look in lfg.
It sure didn’t help it? Wow had more people playing before content was queable.
I could see them adding it too… Still doesn’t mean it will be good for m+.
While I agree with this… I think it’s evolving in the wrong way. Again look at any other successful game. There isn’t a Solo only que. Everything is more fun with friends.
I’ll bring it up again as an example. Rocket League literally had a 3v3 solo only que and then it had a 3v3 flex que (solo, duos, trios all qued). They got rid of the solo only que because it was a toxic wasteland that very few people played. That’s what shuffle is gonna do to PvP in wow.
Complaints were of stuff like WQ items TF’ing up to mythic level gear for no reason.
And idk, during Legion it felt like a lot of players played for fun instead of just running for bis and quitting. M+ was shiny and new too, and was a ton of fun to try for 15’s on toons to get the mage tower appearance colour.
Which is a lesson they’ve had to learn and go through in the past, but comically and in true Blizzard fashion, they don’t apply the learned lessons from PvE to PvP and vice versa. It truly is hilarious.
Now we have TF’ing in PvP, its called the MMR system and randomly has a chance to be egregiously juiced!
Mythic players also complained though because they like to get bis and it was basically RNG. People for the most part aren’t a fan of RNG unless you’re a degenerate gambler lol…
Le sigh man… As we’ve argued about this many a time. Simply not true for every personal anecdote I have seen.
WOD was the simplest gearing expansion ever. The PvP guild I was in stayed healthy cata, mop and all through WOD. It wasn’t until legion introduced rating locked gear that people quit. PvP participation sure didn’t drop as hard as PvE in that expansion and gearing was easy. In WOD, people just had every class geared and played for fun, crazy to believe I know.
People get geared and quit because theyve been trained to play for rewards. So if you want stuff with the way MMR works you wait until the end of the season for inflation when it’s easiest.
Anyways… You know the best way to combat people doing that and quitting? Doing like I said. Throw every single cosmetic on a battle pass that you have to play all season to get everything. Nobody quits.