We need to talk about Maldraxxus

Whenever I do talk about this it’s usually in a negative light. It was underwhelming and I personally don’t really care for Draka. Like most’ve already said, she’s kind of a background character. She came to Azeroth, gave birth to Thrall, then died - that’s her story. I don’t really get why they chose her to be the representative of Maldraxxus, but whatever.


pff come on.

They were doing this for garona but remebered she was alive and came up with the only other orc woman in the lore with mor than 2 paragraphs written. So there you have it, they can’t even show her past like uther because all her lore before SL was literally “i be married, i had son me die”

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Draka wasn’t a great warrior, she was just a tough Orc lady which made her cool in alternate Outland. Lol

She didn’t die so thrall could live either, she just died and her assassins let him live to die in the cold. :woman_shrugging:t2:

When you look at her story she starts off as Gul’dan did, she was born weak looking and sick so she was exiled. She was sent on a hunt and came back looking healthy and the boys noticed her now so it was all good. She went on a hunt with Durotan and “became a woman” that night. The rest of her story is her following Durotan until they were ambushed and killed.

The truth is the Baroness of the house of the Chosen had less experience as a warrior than Anduin Wrynn at the time of her death. She went on two hunts and fought a couple of Orcs and lost.

So unless what really should have been shown was that she had a strong soul, which has nothing to do with her ability to fight like a skilled warrior, I don’t get why she is baroness of anything. The video was :poop: .


Might want to do some reading on the Frostwolves.

Shortly after his appointment as Warchief, Blackhand assigned specific roles to the various clans. The Frostwolves were among the clans that would make up the Horde’s main fighting force, leading direct assaults on draenei settlements and forming the backbone of the orcish army. Shortly afterward, Blackhand sent his most powerful warlocks to the other orc clans in order to imbue adolescents with the strength and fury of adults. The thought of subjecting young Frostwolves to the warlocks’ strange magics unsettled Durotan, but Blackhand had made it clear that anyone who opposed him would suffer, and the Frostwolf chieftain placed the safety of his clan above all else. Thus, he reluctantly allowed the warlocks to imbue his clan’s youths with fel magic to transform them into hulking warriors. Durotan was also troubled by the fact that the orcs’ brown skin had begun to slowly turn splotchy green, which he correctly suspected was due to the warlocks’ magic. However, none of the other orcs were troubled by this physical change.

The Frostwolves also fought at, and sacked Shattrath City, helped wipe out the Gron, Ogron and Magnaron of Draenor and then they fought in the First War against the humans, only to be exiled by Gul’dan shortly after the war started due to Dutoran’s resistance against Gul’dan and his plots.

And Draka was involved in all of that bloodshed, all of that conflict, and only withdrew from fighting after the exile.

“one of the least aggressive” doesn’t mean “non-aggressive”.

the frostwolves still never produced the caliber of warriors that the warsong or blackrock clans did. grom, grom’s ancestor that slew the gronn-lords in nagrand, the burningblade clan, all of these could have produced warriors more than capable of this position.

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They weren’t one of the least aggressive though. There’s zero lore to support that. If anything they were on equal footing with the rest of the clans. Smaller in number perhaps, but no less deadly or aggressive than the others.

They were right there with the Horde during all the conflicts leading up to the first war, and would have continued to fight in said war along with the rest of the Horde had Gul’dan not exiled them.

i’m speaking of their pre-legion influence days. we see they’re not warmongers like the others, and they refused to drink the demon blood even after the legion came.

durotan only agreed to go along with the rest of the horde to keep his people from being wiped out.

I found it underwhelming after Bastion. I think it is partly due to the fact that in Bastion you had two awesome very familiar characters and in Maldraxxus you have Thrall’s mum. She may be a neat orc but I have no memory of meeting her in the game at all so I have no connection with her. And I know zero about Maldraxxus.

So yes, it did nothing for me.


I am considering it now, especially after seeing the flaws in Bastion.

ooooooooooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaay? I’m all ears. Shoot.

Uhhh… again, no, the Frostwolves lived in Frostfire Ridge, which was a very hostile region and the Frostwolves had to contend with the Bladespire Ogres, who they were at war with. Hundreds of Frostwolves perished in that war.

it was literally the main lesson of the entire frostfire questline.

they fight because they’re forced to by others, not because they sought warmongering their selves.

That’s the AU tribe, not the MU tribe.

The AU tribe is completely different.

Okay… put simply Bastion appears to be of the classic alignment: Lawful Stupid.

no… it wasn’t.

they weren’t some pushovers like the flowerpickers, but they didn’t seek out constant conflict with other clans.

At least Devos questioned Bastion’s ways which means they’re not all mindless automatons following orders blindly so it could get interesting wouldn’t you say?

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Yeah, it was.

For starters, the AU tribe was being led by Durotan by the time we get there, and he was not ready for the role. This is because his father, Garad, was assassinated by the Iron Wolf (who was actually Durotan’s brother, Fenris). Additionally Gan’ar, one of the strongest generals of the Frostwolves, was captured by the Iron Horde, so the Frostwolves were hard pressed with the Bladespiders on one side, and the Thunderlords on the other.

In the MU, Garad led the Frostwolves until he came down with the Red Pox, but by then Garad, Durotan and Draka had already beaten the Bladespire Ogres, although Gan’ar died during the fighting. When Durotan took over the Frostwolves in the MU, he was ready for the role, and he did not have to contend with the Thunderlords, because they were still, for the most part, allies meaning that the Frostwolves could focus their military power where it was needed.

Why do I feel like out of the two of us, I’m the only one who actually knows the Orc lore?

It made me sleepy plus, it had no Arthas so it did not hold my interest.

It was cool but I think the problem was why Draka? I mean I like her just fine but. I’m sure there were more popular characters to use for this than her. If they had used a more popular character it probably would have been better and hyped more people up.

Like in the Bastion one we freaking saw Uther drop Arthas into the maw! Big name characters Arthas is one of (If not the most) popular characters in Warcraft history.

As a Horde and as a Demon hunter, I will join her in this expansion.