We need to speak in a unified voice for there to be SV improvements

please clarify if you mean the kit with or without talents

All the balance goes to complete crap at the top end in both PvE and PvP. Until about ilevel 197 or so, everything seems fine.

Revert it back to what it used to be.

Easy peasy.


A spec that focuses on dots, fire and poison and bleeds. Just give it a ranged weapon slot, and let it benefit from the stats on both weapons until they figure out the tuning. Make a glyph that changes the appearance of the bombs to be projectiles (and while they are at it, make a hatchet glyph for the bombs).

(Just kidding avout the stats for both weapons, I have no idea how feasible that is.)

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  • Buff ST damage (Raptor/Mongoose).
  • Buff lackluster talents.
  • Buff lackluster legendaries.
  • Give Flayed Shot and Death Chakram some potential AoE scaling so those covs are actual M+ options.

That’s about all that’s needed.

We could go into further pipedreams for 10.x, but SV’s in a decent enough place playflow-wise.

The only playstyle change I’d really be interested in seeing is to largely take out Aspect of the Eagle, turn Serpent Sting back into Lacerate (or, Venom’s Edge, to maintain the poison concept), and instead give like 3 charges (regenerated every 10 seconds or so, and on kill) by which to automatically turn any melee skill (Wing Clip, Muzzle, Raptor Strike, Carve, Lacerate, you name it) into a ranged one when used on a target who’s out of range. More utility, less bloat.

Well, that and maybe giving us a melee weapon range… given that we’re thematically bound for now to spears. I would think a long-*** spear could reach maybe some 2 yards further than dual daggers, no?

Dang, grats on enjoying it. It took Legion MM’s RNG fest to make me try it originally. Kinda wish you could have seen it then, actually; Fury of the Eagle (Artifact weapon power) was pretty great.

For me… the potential niche that survival should have… the whole point of the spec, what makes it unique over any other dps…

Is a utility to weave in and out of melee +range for it’s rotation. I think survival should have the niche to have like 100% uptime on the their target, by being able to go through cycles of range and melee rotation.

To me, this is what would separate them from every other class instead of being another warrior spec…

As far as what type of damage it should specialize in…I guess sustained AOE and Single target… with a weakness of lacking in burst.

I don’t think this would really work. That is already a niche covered by pretty much every ranged in the game. High movement fights can be a bigger detriment to certain specs, but I don’t know if high up time through melee and ranged is enough to help it carve out a meaningful niche.

For instance, let’s assume things are balanced (I know they aren’t but hypothetically anyway) why bring someone who sometimes has to be melee to optimize damage / keep their uptime vs say another ranged who doesn’t have to give up anything to function?

I agree the spec needs a niche, but I don’t see how this would be a compelling one to bring it I suppose.

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Survival could get every buff ever suggested and it would still be the least played spec in the game

Survival was literally the #1 Simmed DPS in the game for Uldir in BFA, and unlike most other classes that can only sim that much in patchwerk, survival actually had super high uptime and performed really well in a realistic raid environment

And despite all that, it was still the least played spec in the game

seriously Blizz, you dropped the ball and did not get the memo

if a MELEE class with 0 Utility exists. It should justify itself with extremely high damage output. This was the case in BFA, but not right now in Castle Narthia

Because it is a completely unique playstyle… And no, no other class cycles between melee and range. Some other mmo’s have classes that do that. WoW, none.

Otherwise the survival hunter is just a class without an identity that has no need to exist.

The damage niche survival would have is really good sustain ST and AOE, with low burst. This would require them to be very high on the meters though to be useful… especially for raids like castle nathria, as there are a lot of fights where a short burst window matters.

I’m not saying it’s not a unique playstyle. I’m talking about why other players would invite you.

For instance, ranged DPS by default have incredibly high up time, often zero down time. Melee by default are punished more by mechanics or needing to move off target for one reason or another.

If we go hybrid, the best case scenario is about as much uptime as ranged. Which is a cool potential aspect, but I wouldn’t define it as a useful niche that other players will want filled in their groups. Does that make sense? The playstyle is fine (without trying to waste into the melee / ranged fiasco), but ideally there needs to be more of a reason to actually want one in your party.

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Yeah it does make sense.

I think survival should be the sustained dps class, with the highest uptime…They would have to take a hit on burst dps, but excel in sustain.

In order for them to be invited they would need to be literal top dps on noneburst window high mobility raid fights, Like Hungering Destroyer for example, or stone legion… While they would not excel at something like Sludgefist or Sunking(where high burst windows are essential).

They would need to be tuned that way though, and they currently are not

They could buff the damage, make it busted OP and the best melee in the game, but then what? People will either flock to it and the only phys ranged class in the game is now a melee class, or people will still not play it because ranged is more useful in every way.

It’s gonna be hard to accept for some people but if you want to be a melee hunter this is probably how it will always be for you.


Survival Main since legion here:

I agree that we should have more melee options other than 2h. We, as hunters, can use many 1h weapons, but cannot use them with our abilities, which is annoying. I also think there should be more viable options for certain talent levels. For example, mongoose bite is about the only talent you can take in that row to do significant DPS.

That being said, I love my spec, and I don’t think it should be completely revamped. We survival hunters are used to getting flak for being “melee as a ranged class” but I’ve always loved it.

To me, this spec is about being adaptable and reacting to your situations, with a decent amount of randomization. With wildfire infusion, you have to adapt to whatever bomb you get (random). You also have that adaptability where you have a good mix of melee and ranged abilities, in addition to things like Aspect of the Eagle for a short burst of ranged in a pinch, allowing you to adapt to your situation.

I think “give us both options” could be pretty unified.

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Apparently it’s not. There are a ton of “why do you need 3 rdps specs” and “Blizzardbis never going to make a 4 spec pure DPS” crusaders in here who seem to delight in shooting down good ideas.


im trying to channel all complain in a single page for all specs please contribute


I’m hoping now instead for a change to our mastery. I feel our mastery is very underwhelming. If it buffed more of our kit and encouraged gameplay I think it would be better then buffing our single target through one skill.

Wildfire bomb hits hard and our mastery should affect it. I’m fine if raptor strike isnt the focus of our kit but it hurts when mastery is not taken and a 13% damage bonus to none of our hardest hitting skills.

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4 specs would solve people arguing melee vs ranged but i dont see it helping melee get accepted into groups. it might make it even worse.

I don’t think a unified voice is going to do anything.

Melee Survival has been rotting away with a tiny pocket of players for 3 expansions in a row.


It would, but melee isn’t being denied spots so much because it’s melee as simply that meta classes (which mostly happen to be ranged) just have far more to offer from their kits or how their damage works (especially, Boomie and Fire Mage).