I think “give us both options” could be pretty unified.
Apparently it’s not. There are a ton of “why do you need 3 rdps specs” and “Blizzardbis never going to make a 4 spec pure DPS” crusaders in here who seem to delight in shooting down good ideas.
im trying to channel all complain in a single page for all specs please contribute
I’m hoping now instead for a change to our mastery. I feel our mastery is very underwhelming. If it buffed more of our kit and encouraged gameplay I think it would be better then buffing our single target through one skill.
Wildfire bomb hits hard and our mastery should affect it. I’m fine if raptor strike isnt the focus of our kit but it hurts when mastery is not taken and a 13% damage bonus to none of our hardest hitting skills.
4 specs would solve people arguing melee vs ranged but i dont see it helping melee get accepted into groups. it might make it even worse.
I don’t think a unified voice is going to do anything.
Melee Survival has been rotting away with a tiny pocket of players for 3 expansions in a row.
It would, but melee isn’t being denied spots so much because it’s melee as simply that meta classes (which mostly happen to be ranged) just have far more to offer from their kits or how their damage works (especially, Boomie and Fire Mage).