We need to progress to mop

Legit best expansion ever from the perspective of a player who loves Arena, BG, RBG, World PvP, Dungeons, Questing, Raids and even a little RP.

MoP had it all; it was not without some faults but it really was mechanically and systematically the best expansion ever produced.


The only thing MoP and retail have in common are that they share the talent grid system; literally everything else is different.


Well Harland I know you have been around long enough to know the guy you replied to just says the dumbest bull he can say to troll. He said xmog ruined the game a couple hours earlier lol.

LOL!? Tmog was easily the best thing ever added next to re-forge armor… like seriously who can hate on TMog?

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Ya don’t take bloom seriously. Just read this whole thread from top to bottom and you will know what I mean. According to him throwing in something like dungeon finder or transmog means we are just playing retail minus the best class design in wows history and everything else that’s not retail at all

We just need an anti-panda patch that converts all panda models to generic humans/orcs based on faction. Like those old school nude patches that absolutely nobody ever used but everybody somehow seemed to know about.

I hated the cheesy new panda race, Monk class & zones in MoP, so quit halfway through xpac, deleted my original 2004 account/characters & left WoW until Vanilla Classic was released basically. What a dumpster-fire IMO, and one that actually managed to get worse & worse after MoP.

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yeah come to the conclusion he just wants to be difficult or something.

Certainly everyone has their own perspective on Classic and what makes sense but I think the overall consensus is the want to play the game as it was when it was current. You cannot raid throne of thunder now like you did when it was current. You cannot raid siege of orgimmar like you did then. Classes do not perform now like they did back then, arguably the best time for all classes. I havent been in the troves of the thunder king since MoP ended, Im not even sure if you can get back in there. MoP was absolutely one of the best times and it would very much be worth going back and reliving that expac

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Here’s my hot take: MoP class design was garbage.

Everyone had everything and it was absolutely ridiculous. Every class had stuns, AoE, etc… Reason why classic til wotlk is so good is cause every class felt unique. After wrath they gave everyone combo points and it was lame.

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Sure you have a point with interrupts, aoe and stuns… Did any class except druid get synthesis though? Did any class feel as good as a warlock with kiljaedens cunning? Just to name a couple of unique spells.

People complain about homogenous classes but it truly was the best expac for classes in both pve and pvp

Its a huge step up from casting shadowbolt all raid, thats for sure.

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I think you have a point from a meta perspective, but from a gameplay perspective your class was fun to play. If you spent most of your time in arena each class may feel generic and uninteresting.

Because of the ability bloat in MoP, the devs stripped the classes of many of their abilities in WoD and it felt horrible. Probably overcompensating for the reasons you outline.

My take on it, I think every DPS spec should baseline be able to ST, AoE, CC, and pop a defensive. Then build unique traits after this baseline.

I don’t know if we’ll make it to MOP.

A good portion of the classics community believes the game ends with CATA’s release.

Blizzard might release CATA and find out it’s not doing well and then scrap MOP. We’ll see.



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I disagree, I played a hunter since 07, never mained anything else, i hated MoP hunter, just hated it.

Giving everyone combo points was bad, but that was the fault of the new game designer they got for a few expansions (he quit) He really didnt change a whole lot mechanically until Legion that big fat turd of an expansion…

WoD was also bad, it had tons of pruning also; as did Cata.

MoP was unique and while it was not using the old talent system and it had quite a few mistakes in design, it was actually really good overall if you look at it as its own game

Why do your enjoyment of questing / doing world content suddenly stop because your suddenly max level? You can still continue to do quests still continue to do old world content to your hearts content.

I simply do not understand what about not being max level is the draw for you in this instance. :woman_shrugging:

If it bothers you that much turn off your EXP.

Demanding everyone else have to slog through leveling at a slow pace because for some reason your allergic t o being max level is unreasonable.

How do you get me trying to say some people enjoy leveling is I am trying to force leveling down people’s throats?

If they don’t do Timeless Isle again I’m with you. Hated that place and the grind for the cloak.

Because you complained that wow made it progressively shorter, which implies you wanted it to stay longer and take more time to do.

An aspect of the game that doesn’t just effect you. :woman_shrugging: