We need to progress to mop

mmm love that “classic community hospitality”. Classic communities and their games are a joke, i’m only here for wotlk before moving on with my life. Have fun living in the past with your guys low self esteem.

I played Destro in MoP. You could could have someone CCed, and be one shotting two people at the same time all while moving. It was bonkers.

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I’m a career destro (since wrath) and I agree it was rediculous. Ember tap healing was busted. Mop destro and retail destro right now are busted in their own way. Deleting someone in 1.7 seconds with a double bolt 4 piece on top of an inferno stun is so cheesed in retail.

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Yeah man I just “love the classic community and represent the ‘hospitality’ of it”.

Yes I’ve said that since day one.

That’s exactly what you want though.

Right there. You say it right there. You want to live in the past. You outright say it.

I want it to progress until I feel like quitting the game, which would be wod.

hahahahahahaha the random guy online tried to insult me hahahahahaha, cope more.

Like I said:

I have no idea what SL is even like. I didn’t play it after how fast I saw the leveling speed was. Leveling is a big part of any game to me and it was a turn off when I saw how much they reduced it in retail. I “might” try the next expantion.


For someone trying so hard to feel like i didn’t hurt your feelings you sure are coping very hard. Sadly you will continue to attach your identity a video game because thats all there is in life for you, you don’t seem to have anything but defending this game to the bitter end and thats sad. I hope you get help down the line, many addiction centers around the united states and europe.

hahahahahahaha, who are you?

Said the man with double my posts. Have you tried getting up from your chair mr chris chan?

Are you pretending to be dumb or are you actually dumb?

Leveling is the worst part of wow. imho. I’m glad they continuously make it shorter as time goes on.

Low level stuff isn’t fun or enjoyable, it’s generally just a large mess, and you don’t actually learn things until you get to max level, until then you just spam whatever’s the most convenient or fastest thing.

None of the low level stuff matters or has a lasting impact on your character, everyone ends up in the same place at the end, no reason to drag it out and take longer to get to the stuff most people actually want to do. :woman_shrugging:

Some people like leveling, I don’t understand them, having only a tiny portion of your abilities and just mindlessly grinding random mobs and doing random fetch quests just isn’t fun.

Doing it once on your main to get through storylines is fine, something you can manage, but repeatedly doing it over and over again? Nah.

I think people like reliving the adventure they had and the fond memories of going through the leveling process the first time. I know there are specific zones I always go through due to fond memories. So I understand them wanting to just be in there for as long as possible especially when end game is just filled with systems and boring content. While leveling all you focus on is just leveling and nothing else you get immersed in a different game, and when you reach the end game its like a whole different game thats not even fun.

Of course people do find end game fun and the only thing worth doing and thats also great for them, i love end game pvp at least before the game was filled with mandatory pve grindy systems.

Let me ask you this. If you really, really enjoy an aspect of a game are you going to want to do it over again. Like dungeons or raids. Or in a shooter are you going to want to do the match over again at a later date?
What part of a game that people want to replay for enjoyment is up to them. If they don’t want to replay anything that is up to them as well. I personaly like leveling as part of my experince. It adds to the journy sense of things. And in the case of WoW it gives me something to do while I work lol.


I love going through the 1-30 zones for horde, i love going through outlands and dreanor in terms of leveling, its great to relive those adventures. It made me glad for allied races heritage armor so it gives me a reason to pick up a new alt to get to cap before abandoning them.

I liked leveling Allied Races for heratage armor until SL and you couldn’t even get through a full expantion before going to the new expantion. My main reason for not wanting to play. Didn’t want to make the choice between the journy and stopping leveling.

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Yeah, a lot of people in this thread actually hold this position. I know the thread is about MoP but I would even go as far to say that the existience of Classic Cata is redudant.

A lot of us play Classic to get away from retail crap, whether it’s the collections, the new talent systems, the Cata revamp world etc. As we progress further and further into Classic expansions, they become closer and closer to retail, in proximity obviously but in gameplay similarity as well. At what point do we reach a Classic expansion and we just say “Why not just play retail? It’s the same game, essentially.”

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Except its not.

And if you don’t like it… just don’t play?


youre arguing with an unstable person who does this for pure joy. whatever everyone wants, he wants the opposite. and hes here 24/7

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tbh I enjoy a lot of retail has to offer except the grindy systems. I just want to get gear and enjoy the content, i dont want to grind legendaries, conduits, anima, or anything else I just want to play. And I remember that in Wotlk I enjoyed a lot of the specs in the game, especially survival hunter and blood death knight dps. I’m excited to relive these with more clairty and see if my memories are true or just nostalgia

also, he will never reply to your points, he will just shrivel up and keep repeating the same things over and over. its useless, just report and move on seriously, he needs a welfare check or smth


Ya he’s back for more lol. You know I wish he was actually right for once and mop was “basically retail”. Retail would have a lot less problems if it was (btw the PvP gearing for 10.0 is copying mop so blizz is doing something smart for a change).

It’s your job to convince Blizzard and enough of their customers of that.

It doesn’t exist, so I can neither play nor not play it. Bit early for this argument, especially considering Ion mentioned they were open to discussions about what to do with Classic after Wrath. This is because Classic Cata, MoP, WoD, BfA, etc. are all not obvious picks.

I’m guessing it will be a bit of both, I hope you enjoy it though.

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Classic is easy money, it would be silly to not go further lol

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