We need separate subscription for wow classic!

I play both, that idea sucks.

You’re blind.

I have a question for you.

What if, instead of separate subscriptions for each game, they decided that Classic was an additional $5 per month, but you were required to have an active WoW subscription (the normal $15 “retail” subscription)? In other words, you couldn’t subscribe to Classic-only for $5 per month. It was all or nothing.

In other words, BfA is $15 per month. BfA plus Classic is $20 per month.

I am genuinely curious…

No thank you. Please keep the subscriptions linked.

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I agree, by the way. The subscriptions should be linked. My question is only addressing the “it will keep retail babies out of classic” part of the original post.

I just find it amusing when people complain about this.

I wasn’t responding to your question. I was responding to the OP.

Yea, I don’t get the necessity for the side-taking. Or the feeling that the game must be segregated. It’s really sad that folks need to go there.


because the Pserver crowd is now realizing retail player… can actually swipe the floor with them!

who would’ve expected that: 10 years of playing the easy-mode, dumbed-down version of WoW doesn’t teach you much other than how to speedrun trivial content… meanwhile, player who raided / M+ pushed on live can do naxx-level mechanic in their sleep.

so the only obvious solution is to make classic less fun for retail player

You sure you aren’t a Blizz employee throwing that out there to test the waters? Of course you would be a gnome.

Well, I am so sorry.

It won’t happen again.

I agree with OP but not for their reasons. Haven’t seen much of note from retail players in my gameplay.

I want them separate so tokens/etc have no crossover influence.

Not sure if there is any, just if there is.

You know what? Bite me. Seriously. Bite me.

I am DONE with this attitude. You. Would. Not. Have. Classic if every WoW player hated retail and quit back in Wrath. WoW would be dead if none of us liked and continued playing retail. you don’t like retail? Fine. Someone was mean to you in a post-Cata expac and you quit? Fine. More power to you.

That doesn’t make you a better person than people who did/do play retail.

You thought you’d post this little nugget and get a bunch of atta boys from the cool kids’ edge lord table, didn’t you?

You thought you’d say I should not only tolerate your baseline bigotry and aggression against players who like a game you don’t like…but also, I should have to pay double what you pay to gain access to it.

Bite me.

People with this attitude are the jerks. Not the retail players.

I’m good player. You’d be LUCKY to group with people like my guild (and most of us play retail). We’re kind and generous and funny…and we love Classic. We’re not the jerks. You are.

Play the game, and try to dig deep down and find some semblance of human decency in there because this is a social game, and you have to tolerate the presence of other players in it. Play the game. Be nice.

And stop it with this.


no one cares about retail!
wow ended with wrath of the lich king.
wow killed itself the moment we lost freedom of choice in spec, gears gems chants glyphs.

im on a freakking retail loving server on heartseeker and if you say that retail is lame as crap the first line of defense from retailers is: did you try mythic+ raids? if not you havent done retail. the only thing good it would seem about retail is doing the greater rifts from diablo 3 but 25 man style! because thats the only thing retailers have. having been forced to play retail i can tell you it freakking sucks!!!

1-120 is a running gag
gearing up is so easy it makes grinding worthelss
there is NO challenge under mythic+12
grouping is meaningless unless you want to save 15 seconds on a quest boss
there is no sense of progression exept to unlock the side races and only 2 are good.
you are FORCED to spec and have no build modification
you have 2 stats that are usefull mastery and haste.
it feels like you are playing diablo 3 but in a mmo.
pvp is irrelevant on retail because no one fights each other. too busy gathering azerite i cant waste time making honor kills.
tell me again why retail is fun?

I say keep things as they are and make a separate subscription for Classic+ or WoW2. The separation would give Blizzard a better idea of where they should invest $$ and resources.

I don’t have to. None of us do. If you don’t like retail, I get it. You don’t have to play. It’s FINE. I understand all of the arguments for why people don’t play retail anymore. I get it. Those arguments make sense to me. I bear no ill will whatsoever against anyone who preferred Vanilla and left the game at some point afterward.

You don’t have to agree with me about this game or any other game being fun. You don’t have to play any other game I play in order for us to play Classic together.

I don’t have to convince you retail is fun. I’m not invested in having you think retail is fun. I don’t want you to play retail if you don’t think it’s fun. I don’t think I’m better than you are in any respect based on your retail/not retail status.

Just stop acting like I did something horrible or am an inherently horrible person/worse player/burden on you personally…because I like playing retail AND Classic.

I loved Vanilla. I missed it for 10 years. I was GIDDY when they announced it was finally happening. I waited in anticipation. We changed everything in our retail guild to play Classic. We’re JUST as invested as you are in its success.

All I’m asking for is that we not start suggesting that retail players pay double for access to Classic.

Thank you.


I have been playing OW since shorting after the game came out and I have to say I love Classic and really can’t stand playing retail any more. Classic is fun to play and retail seems more like work then fun.

NO! I’m not paying $30 to play the game! I love Classic more than Retail but I like having a choice when I’m bored and want a new experience for awhile or a different community to play with.

Retail should change but they don’t need to separate subs, just watch the difference in population for influence.

I can’t STAND retail, but hell no to this stupid idea.

You are part of the community problem you’re up in arms about… YOU.

there is no token influence.

Classic is --Separate-- from Retail WoW
The Sub is all that keeps them together.

You’re on the US forums. Look at the URL. Most people here are probably from the USA.

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