We need separate subscription for wow classic!

Good show, friend… I didn’t recognize this was a troll/flamebait thread at first. You have played your game well and I commend you for that.

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its really sad that the only argument people can use against you is that “youre a troll!” again this is the retail player mindset

“I’m not happy paying 15$/month. Please increase it. I want to pay more.”

This is what you’re asking here. The alternative is to have 2 lesser subs equal the 15 when combined. But since everyone would only take 1 sub, Blizzard would see a huge dive in revenue. You can forget about them ever considering that.

If they start charging for both games, I would instantly stop playing classic! And I’m sure there are others that feel the same way. Then when people aren’t playing it, they will end it. Is that what you want?

Weeks are 2 or more.

why would that matter? we still get to put our opinions in a thread with tons of peoples opinions, just like every other thread in existence whether it be a troll or not.

Yes! we need BFA free servers! Build a wall so we noobs can play without their contamination!!

Nope… I will take 1 fee and enjoy my FREE version of classic… why because I have been playing since day 1

Wait a minute. Wow was already inexpensive entertainment before classic, and after its a two-for-one. I’m playing both, but I like not having to pay for both!

You have not actually directly responded to anyone’s comments or arguments. That is a classic methodology for flamebait posters. By ignoring all possible arguments you make an actual argument impossible and then cause more people to post in objection to each tangential comment that you make that attacks a falsely presented attack on your person or your ideals.

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because the only arguments ive gotten are literally “why do you wanna pay for 2 games , you so stupid”. if they would have actually read what i posted they would know that i only want to pay for 1 game and that is classic… i was hoping people would debate the logistics of it and come to some kind of compromise for the pricing like maybe only $7 (half price) for classic or something, but reason still stands that there needs to be a clear divide between retail and classic.

I been saying this since the day they said it was going to be 15 a month.

I’m not interested in retail at all

In 15 years of WoW, the price of a subscription has never once changed. Blizzard will not, and will never decide to split the subscribers into two separate camps.
As it is now, 1 subscription gives players access to both games.
I see no reason for them to change that.
Edit: This coming from someone who only started a subscription again because Classic became an option.

originally wow classic was supposed to be 5 usd or free with a reg 15$ sub they changed it because it would show the diff between who wanted to play bfa or classic… since bfa has fallen from grace and is a bad expansion

Can’t argue with stupid. Move on people.

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also why only make 5$ when u can make 15 and solve both problems… “you think you want it… but you dont.”

You paid the same $ back then to play as you are now, nothing has changed. You saying Retail players need to shill out an additional 15$ just to play Classic AND have access to Retail as well? All you’d accomplish is making Classic doubly unacceptable behind a paywall and dropping the player base for both games. That’s a terrible business idea.

see 5$ sounds like a reasonable price. i mean why should i have to pay $15 just for classic? its only $15 still becuase of all the crap theyve added in retail. meanwhile i have to pay a full $15 for base game (classic) because i have no desire to ever play retail…

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It was $15 back when it was only vanilla. You are literally paying the same amount for Classic that you would have been paying back when only WoW vanilla was released.

There is a promotion that is going to give people a 110 boost and BFA free to those that hit level 60 in classic, yes they are so upset with all the missed out money that they are planning on giving out more things they charge for free.