We need RDF for the health of the community - long

You could do the same. This anti-RDF crusade is quite pointless, is it not?

The whole discussion is moot. RDF isnt going to be in Wrath Classic.

But you want to have that discussion anyway. To pass the time I guess.

There you go Corpse. All these forum posts later, you’ve got what you wanted and you even gave it to yourself. Pro-LFD camp appreciates your support.

Im Pro RDF man. Im just not an official party member. I dont need a majority to speak for me and theyre terrible at it anyway so I do my own thing regardless of what the majorities and authorities say.

And I do it way better than a bunch of wanna be victims crying foul.

Great. Glad to have you on our side. You can rest now, soldier.

Im not anybody’s side. That’s the point.

Buncha sob stories.

See you at the stones.

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You’ll be happy to know that in Wrath there are no legendary drops. Almost everything is about a 33% drop.

I don’t care either way, but at least I don’t have to randomly queue for a TBC raid and hope I get Sunwell then hope Thori’dal drop and then hope I win the roll.

You do know that with RDF you can queue for whatever dungeon you want?

I know, and then when all my lockouts are done, I can queue random dungeon and ignore the lockout and just pray to get the dungeon I need.

I mean… yeah? If you really want to grind out heroics for about 5 hours or so you “could” get the same one twice in a day. Gear is pretty redundant in Wrath heroics though, I can’t imagine why you would need a specific piece of 187 gear that will soon be replaced.

Unless you’re the OCD kind of min/max player that is.

I am. So don’t change the RDF release schedule for the sake of my mental health.

It had dual spec with ulduar. That’s in at release now. Just like an infinite amount of other examples.

Let that terrible argument go. It’s been disproven over and over.


Dual spec doesn’t interfere with gear progression.

Lol. The anti-lfd trolls stretch more than Gumby.

You pretty much described what I’m going to do when playing solo, bu when I’m with my friends, it wont matter what class they want to bring, I’ll roll with them

A suggestion, get some friends and play your way, or at least get in a friendly guild

Same as it is now.
But it could be worse. Even decent enough specs may, technically, get declined for simply not being the most effective AOE cleave spec.
…or it really could be the case where it won’t matter one bit…Only time will tell.

RDF is not content. RDF is an accessibility too.

RDF gives no special treatment. RDF doesn’t care if you’re parsing 99 on trash in Naxx or if you’re a somewhat fresh 80. Heroics are totally fine for a group of fresh 80. RDF just focuses on a queue - first come first served.

RDF does not generate more tanks, HOWEVER. what RDF does do is allows players to focus on ingame activities rather than sit and monitor chat, spam LookingForGroup channel. They can just play the game.

It is impossible to use 1/LFG channel without BulletinBoard addon. Anyone who states otherwise is a liar or doesn’t play Classic.

This is a good compromise thread.

TLDR - same realm queue lock for 20-30 minutes and then open it up for cross realm.
So if your own realm can form the group - cool. If it can’t, it opens up the possibility to play.

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How you figure?

I’m not asking for hard numbers because that won’t prove anything. But think about it this way. You have those that are super adamant about LFD. Then you have those that don’t want it. Then you have those that don’t care.

Being that LFD is additional cost on Blizzards side, they’re going to evaluate on how many potential subs they will lose if they don’t LFD. Know what this means? In Blizzards eyes, the people that don’t care and the people that don’t want LFD are on the same side.

So really, it’s the people that don’t care + the people that don’t want LFD … vs the people are adamant LFD. And from my experience on the 2 mega servers I’m on, anecdotally, the overwhelming sentiment is that people just don’t care. This also includes realm discords, gdkp discords, etc.

Agree entirely