You sir, have never been hunted by angry villagers with pitchforks and torches.
and what? You’re the expert here? LOL!!
It’s time to post it once again, at least now I can just copy paste it.
The biggest issue for me is that Random Dungeon Finder bypasses the daily heroic limit.
This devalues emblem gear (a couple of pieces are actually BoE, making them decent money-makers throughout the expansion), and at the same time means you would be expected to have every piece of emblem gear for your class if you’re part of a serious raid group on all of your characters.
It also means that you can infinitely run dungeons to acquire the heroic gear for your class. You may think “So what? That just makes gearing faster.” But it doesn’t quite work like that due to the way that it surpasses the heroic lockout. You’re not allowed to queue for the dungeons you need after you’ve already done them, so you now need to queue for random dungeons and hope it’s the dungeon you need (a 1/10 chance), and hope for the item you need to drop. This will also lead to other issues, like tank/healer shortages being even more exacerbated because tanks and healers will be the first to finish gearing through this method as they have no competition on items, and also people just leaving the instant they join a dungeon because it’s not the one they need and it’s faster/easier to eat the 30 minute deserter debuff and go play a different character than it is to complete the dungeon.
It’s another nail in the world PvP coffin. No one needs to run to dungeons, they just sit in Stormwind/Dalaran and queue their random dungeons. Yes yes “no one cares about PvP”. I do, so it’s not no one. It’s sad that my favorite feature from WoW has been murdered so many times over.
I do have a few compromises though might make both parties happy.
- Maintain the heroic lockout with RDF, so if you complete your daily round of heroics you just can’t use heroic RDF anymore, this way it doesn’t interfere with natural gear progression.
- Add RDF at a later date, even as early as Ulduar wouldn’t be a problem.
- Just remove the heroic lockout entirely so people that want to fully gear before Naxx aren’t forced to run an unholy amount of dungeons to get their full pre-raid BiS.
No and I didnt imply that.
The facts are.
The fact is you dont need it so it stands to reason that its okay if its not there. Be nice if it were a few patches down the road but its not like its mandatory.
I wouldn’t go down that road, to be honest. There’s a ton of things we don’t need. We don’t need flight paths, mage teleports, warlock summons, i’d even go as far to say that we don’t even need the Death knight class.
Are these things nice to have? You bet they are.
Didnt say that. Talking about majorities is an appeal to consensus fallacy. Its a fallacy for a reason. The consensus never proved anything. You’re just pointing out the obvious and expecting us to be bowled over by it.
There’s literally no reason to. Means less than nothing.
The “facts” are literally a majority want this feature as it was part of the wrath experience not this off brand retail LFG garbage they added, the LFG chat lock is what was not NEEDED
But it’s not a big deal at all. After your first dungeon you’re only getting the lower level badges. And any good player is going to have heroic dungeon gear in about a week.
The fact is it’s not the players call, its the developers. Life aint fair.
Never said it was our call, however we can say it’s the wrong call which is literally what we are doing lol
Then why are you talking about majorities as if they matter?
Do you think a majority does not matter?
It doesn’t matter what I think. I just explained to you the very real reason why they don’t. The majority could be wrong.
That’s why we think critical and look at facts and apply reason to them and see who has it together rather than just putting blind faith in a majority.
Edit: Here’s how you know majorities dont matter - they dont possess the ability to get RDF in the game. Zero power. Your majority = kaput.
GroupThink is inherently bad
Its definitely a cult mentality on display if Im being real.
Not the first time Ive made that accusation.
I didn’t realize that I’m a bad player for not having Thori’dal despite doing every Sunwell lockout. Thank you for enlightening me…
I wouldn’t say cult but…
It is 100% group think though and has devolved on both sides to a very toxic “us versus them”. There are people who state clearly “I just want it because I like it” and people with the opposite who just get railroaded hard regardless. I used to be very VERY argumentative until I stepped back and looked at myself and how I was acting, my post history shows my vitriol lmao.
Players should be able to voice their satisfaction or dissatisfaction without being slammed for it within reason.
People could always grow up - that’s an option too.
I find that to be a very unlikely scenario.
being given the anonymity of a web forum will always bring out the worst sides of people.
There’s nothing we as players can do really to influence the decision at this point, the game would have to reflect the need for a change before the devs would revisit this idea or not.
You also dont need to play Wrath and/or pay Blizz. You can just walk away.