We need RDF for the health of the community - long

Their point is “on release” not “in the game”

So where do you draw the line? Removing it was also a change, so which change is okay and which one isn’t?


No, maybe fore have the duration of the xpac, but absolutely “half the xpac”. It was added in the second to last content patch.

I absolutely agree with adding it in ICC patch, or even at Ulduar release. But I don’t want it in the game from the very beginning.

Literally why though tho

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All you get with RDF is more convenient access to dungeons. That’s all its designed to do. It doesn’t resolve community issues because the issue is the community.


You’re basically saying you don’t want it in the game where it’ll be the most useful. Anti-RDF’ers are so ignorant.


You dont need RDF tho.

You just want it.

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it was in game for roughly 48% of the life of LK. Just a fact to pull out.

I mean yeah, I don’t NEED to eat cake as much as I do but I want to.

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How come every argument makes it necessary then? Nobody says, I dont really need this completely optional convenience but I think it would be swell to have.

The game is gonna die and everyone’s gonna quit. The OP just romanticized the heck out of it like it cures cancer or something.

There’s a contradiction in there somewhere.


Players on mega servers don’t need RDF.

Players who only play during peak hours don’t need RDF.

Players who play as the dominant faction on a server don’t need RDF.

Players in well established guilds who are willing to run with them don’t need RDF.

Players who keep up with content and don’t have to catch up don’t need RDF.

Everyone else needs RDF. Having a system in place that benefits a certain group of people while leaving out the rest is not ideal.


do not expect logic from children who WANT

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I can’t speak for all but while I don’t need it to play the game I do have a fondness for it as a tool and while NEED is strong term for me in regard to wanting it, the benefits to me out weigh any potential downsides I may face.

Honestly I think people just don’t have a definitive separation of “want” and “need”. you NEED water to survive, you WANT sparkling water.

Im of the opinion an honest narrative would better serve to get it considered, assuming feedback is as good as some say it is.

That would start or somehow involve the acknowledgement that it doesn’t actually need to be there.

The ‘feedback’ was Brian in a room by himself. He said “all in favor of removing RDF, raise your hand”. He wiped the drool off his mouth, raised his hand, and wrote it down as official with a yellow crayon.


This is great feedback that’s sure to get the ball rolling. Awesome work really.

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A majority want it, a LARGE majority.


My story is just as believable as ‘we listened to the players’ and ‘the change is being celebrated by many’. C’mon now. Some wow players are idiots, but not all.

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So? The majority is no expert on anything.

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But the minority is? Or do you really think that the classic dev team know what they’re doing? Jokes.


I mean, Im sure its some good ol fashioned PR but its not like its because they hate you or want you to buy boosts.