We need range Survival Hunters back

Certainly. I’ll light a match.

So the consensus seems to be.

Some people liked ranged SV, to bad for them.

Many people like Melee SV, good for them, the spec is great!

People are asholes!

I feel like this Topic isn’t needed, it could all be filed under common knowledge.

Since the topic is still on going it would appear that your opinions are simply based on personal view.

The consensus are range SV should be broughts back, but not at the expense of another spec that many have learned to enjoy. The best way for both versions to coexist is to have range SV brought back as a 4th spec that plays like mop version.


Or you needlessly post to propagate your deluded ideology, and people respond because it’s laughable.

Just remember every post bumps the topic back to the top.

Gonna say this for the folks in the back that don’t seem to understand.

If you are good at your spec, you will find yourself a raid spot at any difficulty.

BM is fine, MM is fine, SV is fine. Could there be improvements made to each spec. Of course. Would it be nice to have some old ranged SV talent options. Hell yeah, but to ask for another spec or to remove melee SV… well that’s where your wrong pal.

Instead of blaming the class for not being “viable” maybe you should focus on improving your gameplay. Don’t like the rotation? That is what other specs are for! Hunter has THE most diversity between their specs. BM fully mobile, MM that rewards quite movement, SV being hybrid melee ranged. At the end of the day if none of that tickles your fancy, there are plenty of other classes and specs to try.

My number one WoW complain had been and always will be the unwarranted entitlement of players.

Make due with what you currently have and approach suggestions towards improvements from both a player and developer stance.


From a player stance this is just a request of returning a spec that many players loved. There is no demand that Blizzard returns the spec only how it form of game play would be valuable to hunter equality.

From a developer stance they want to keep them as happy as possible. You can not bend to every demand a player wants; however, you will try to find find a happy medium.

If all the specs are viable then why has Blizzard needed to add buffs to each with every patch? It would show Blizzard knew hunters were falling behind and came in with a band aide to keep the class from falling too far behind.

Battle for Azeroth, has shown how a punishing a raid can be to melee specs. The higher frequency of multiple targets, and increasingly larger boss arenas. These larger areas increase the distance between not only the player and important targets, but also the space that needs to be covered when switching efficiently off a boss and to something that needs to be killed and back again. This fine for the two range hunter specs; however, puts limits on Survival even with it high mobility.

Then we have Boss mechanics that do not provide a good opening for Cleave/AoE damage cause targets aren’t able to be stacked. This limits the point of BM’s and MM’s heavy cleave damage, but significantly favors classes that don’t strictly require targets to all be in one localized spot, encouraging the use of specs that have strong multi-dotting or long range spread cleave.

If we had range Survival brought back this could give Hunters the chance of having a spec that is focused on these limits, and thus making the class far more variable for high end raids and M+.


Warning wall of text.

Seriously buddy, move on for your own mental health.

That isn’t what my post said at all. Nice strawmanning.

When people come here and say they like SV because of the rotation, that indicates that being melee is not a necessity.

When people say they are fine with being melee because they can get used to it, that indicates that they like the spec in spite of it being melee.

When Survival Hunter representation continues to be very low that indicates that being melee is a barrier for potential newcomers to the spec. We already know, as does Blizzard, that most Hunters do not want to play a melee spec.

So how on earth would making Survival ranged again cause even more division than making it melee? That makes no sense from any perspective.

We don’t know how the “at 120” statistic is calculated on worldofwargraphs and given that it a) never changes and b) is always in line with the other specs they don’t look trustworthy at all. To believe that Survival has a representation almost equal to that of Arms Warriors or the other Hunter specs you would also have to accept that there is some huge, hidden population of Survival Hunters out there at max level that simply doesn’t enter any form of end game content that can be tracked like rated PvP/mythic raids. That’s nonsense. Why would that uniquely affect SV?

Another example: Subtlety rogue, a spec that is truly in the dumps at the moment, is showing as only slightly behind the FOTM Outlaw rogue. Do you believe that?

There’s a reason that website uses the raid representation primarily.

I don’t believe they wouldn’t notice; that’s another strawman. I do believe players of the current SV will have an easier time adjusting due to all the reasons I posted in the previous post.

I don’t remember what he said but I can safely assume it is either “make ranged SV within MM” or “4 specs”, both of which are bad ideas.

I’ve already been over the first one. That’s just a thoroughly terrible idea that deserves no consideration. 4 specs is also a bad idea, contrary to popular belief. I used to be fine with it but it’s very clear that they will struggle to come up with 4 different spec-worthy ideas given that they already struggle coming up with 3, and their class design resources would be further split on this class meaning the original 3 specs won’t get as much attention.


You like to turn comments around in your own favor, nit picking from other post to strengthen your own arguments. When in reality your options are only based on hearsay with nothing to back up the argument.

What funny about your argument is that you have used graphs and numbers to prove that no one is playing melee. Where I get my information from should not be any less important than where you find yours, and by saying it does just discredits all the information you have provided.

Why should melee Hunters have to adjust in order to have range SV back. If having a 4th spec is a bad decision then do not plan on seeing it being returned.


This just in, surv is staying melee. Enjoy Bepples’ continued whining.

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Respect each other’s opinion. We don’t always get what we want. There are people who like to play current melee surv despite the popularity numbers.

Man…this topic almost feel like unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Give it a rest. Only Blizzard knows how popular a spec is…and that means outside of raids or arenas or bgs or…

Somebody with some sense. This thread needs to be closed.


Love the current survival spec and think it’s one of the most fun PVP specs in the game (thank you Blizzard), but would be open to the return of a ranged survival in form of a 4th spec.


They could at least do what they promised in legion beta, and make a talent setup that mimics it.

Explosive shot replaces aimed.
LnL procs a lot more often.
Give us back black arrow. Throw it in steady focus slot or something.

It wouldn’t be a great way to do it, but they said they were gonna do it and didn’t.


Blizzard has already stated that melee SV was an unpopular spec in Legion:

"In general, how do you feel about the balance of the classes right now? Warcraftlogs says Survival Hunters are the least represented spec right now, and are there any concerns about some classes or specs?

Ion : Overall I think we are satisfied with balance. There is always people who perceive themselves on the lower end, and no matter how good the balance is, no matter how tight the difference gap between the specs, probably lower is always going to feel frustrating about that, and people are going to be vocal about it. We understand that, but I think it is an ongoing process. We are never just sitting back and saying: “ Alright, we are done. It’s ok if some specs fall behind.

Representation doesn’t necessarily matter as much, I think. We knew with Survival Hunter that we were making a niche spec. It is a melee spec for a class that has traditionally being range. I think that a lot of existing hunters, they are all hunters because they want to be a range class, and so we don’t necessarily expect them or want them to feel like they should be changing; but for new players picking up that class, it is an intriguing option; and we have seen a lot of Survival Hunters doing extremely well at very high levels of play. So the fact that they are not playing as often, I don’t think reflects upon their potential so much as it just does where the audience is at right now. That’s not much of a problem." http://warcraft.blizzplanet.com/blog/comments/gamescom-2017-world-warcraft-legion-patch-7-3-interview/2

But this should not surprised anyone. Blizzard had taken a spec that was around for 14 years and replaced it cause they saw nothing distinguishing between the specs. Its still one of the least played specs, how often do you see a SV hunter outside of a battleground? It is not saying it not a fun or interesting addition to Hunters, it was a change no one was thinking of when Blizzard was talking about “completely redesigning some specs to carve out a strong identity where previously there was none.

When I read this just tells me I found a nerve that some do not want touched.


On the contrary my friend. Especially if you’ve seen some of my other posts.

I’m just not a fan of the segregated community which really isn’t supportive of each other. Much more of an I’m right and you are wrong argument which is what happens in these threads.

The nerve has long been struck with you my friend.

I been clear that both spec can coexist, many see only this black and white picture that one version of the spec can only exist.
The purpose of this thread is to find a way that brings range SV back without loosing melee.
You any like many other jump on the tag and assume it is another bash melee hunters when if you take time and read you would see the large picture.

Not exactly you just spin everything to your desire which is fine.

I’d like to see both exist actually as I’d play both specs.

That is what I have been say this whole time.