We need range Survival Hunters back

Yea… I know melee is not a really popular spec. And yea…I know there people who like playing melee surv.

Its still growing, just needs more time.

It’s been more than enough time to safely say it’s not happening.


I know and I’ve agreed with it previously multiple times.

You are confusing me with an old SV hater which I am not. I played it. And would like to play both the melee and mop version of it.

Give ranged survival back and make braindead training wheels BM melee with actual iq gameplay.

lets just replace MM that spec is the worst of all.

This whole make BM melee discussion is just a poor excuse for old SV back. Let it go already. One salty person said it and everyone hopped on the bandwagon.

I want old SV back. But the melee spec doesn’t fit beast mastery either as it won’t be all pet dmg either.

Beast mastery just needs to be deleted period. No spec should have a majority pet damage. Kind of takes away your identity as a player…like what is my toon actually doing.

Current SV either needs to be renamed to allow old SV back. Or add the old SV as 4th spec.

Which to be honest the shipped has sailed on this topic. It’s a replay every day of the whining on the forums.

You’re wrong. Bm would work perfectly as a melee class. 2 applied dots with a filler ability and a cd hard hitting ability. While the pet applies buff, does some damage and can help mitigate damage. All fits

“You’re wrong”

The typical response of an entitled, whiney playerbase. Except that’s all great I can fit any ability I want into a class too. Doesn’t fit current SV. Which is where it should be. Just not at the cost of old SV. Nice 110 though.

Well the “I like melee SV” posts that have continue to spawn on the forums say something different. Also many seem to forget EU side of WoW and how their numbers add to the spec.
We all play on separated servers, so there many be more melee hunters than anyone is seeing.

Each spec has it down sides, but does not mean any need to be replaced:


  • Inconsistent and buggy pet AI
  • Very simple rotation
  • There has been a damage trade off for unlimited mobility, meaning they are rarely topping the meters over other ranged classes in damage.


  • Having to stand and shoot meaning times of split-second movements or making adjustments in your position mid-fight can leave little “holes” in your dps.
  • Has weaknesses in 2 target cleave scenarios and mass AoE.


  • Melee leading to massive downtime in rotation caused by mechanics. This includes those that restrict your range and require you to reposition.

  • Lacking in the “Survival” being very squishy.

  • Less abilities from Legion simplifying it ration.

Mlee BM made more since than SV, if your so intuned with your pet you would not use a range weapon to fight you be side by side with them. BM should have been the crazy zookeeper that charges in with their pets.

To that end, Survival, in my opinion, would have much better served by remaining ranged and acting as a half-way point between Marksmanship and Beast Mastery that incorporates pets but very little is added to the rotation.

I would suggest then just saying away from the forums then. It is the only way not see them cause complaining about them is the same as whining about them.

Your opinions are not factual.

Just because you “think” BM was more fitting doesn’t mean it is. Melee SV is fitting where it is. Doesn’t mean it does not need work though.

I’d suggest you stay away from the forums too since it appears you are doomed to forever live in this whiney state.

You call people whiney and entitled but from the limited sample size you seem to be the one with the issues.

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Not at all.

Always a comeback with the select few here. But like I said unless I agree with your opinions or whining I’m not worthy!

I’m just feeding my pet with your salty tears. :slight_smile:

No they are not, from a fantasy view it fits, Rexxar was BM remember? However, SV was always the melee tree in classic, so it would be the reasoning why it became the melee spec.

I sorry, are we seeing the same thing? All I have seen from your posts is you pointing out how everyone is the whining but you are some how above all this. Like I said just pointing it out is whining in it self, so do not stand on your high horse as your standing in the sh*t like everyone else.

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I’m sorry the fictional wow character fits your idea of what a class should be? Lol

I forgot they drafted the specs from the wow heroes! Oh wait

I’m not standing in anything. I can still enjoy the game while hopeful for changes. I just don’t fit the post after post of complaining for no real end goal.

And honestly I completely agreed with many of your points. But you got a little hurt (safe zone plz?) when I wasn’t fitting into the cancer that comes with these posts.

You speak of the high horse as if you aren’t the one levitating above us all!

I know a comeback is coming! But I’ll glaldy walk away from this convo. At the end of the day I’m quite happy while forum posts and complaints fill up your time! Your responses will only solidity that for the community!

Okay, whatever floats your boat.

Honestly a return to range damage being priority for hunters would be best, because I feel as if the design for melee survival is confused.
survival was never meant to be full melee but to only have aspect’s of it but even the spells were more about control with only two spells being the main damage lacerate and raptor strike. it’s a complete turn around from the peak of the design in mop and needs to be re-evaluated in order to fix it. in my honest opinion a return back to the ranged dot playstyle of survival in mop would be best to redesign the spec back to and then axe the melee hunter.


Survival is fun!

And nearly all of your rotational abilities are already ranged. The only one that’s not is for 15 seconds out of every 1.2 minutes.

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Lol this thread…

SV is in the best place it’s ever been! Ranged SV was never great and thank the purple spaghetti monster in the sky, it isn’t coming back.

Shout out to my buddies Bepples and OGdwarf.

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This! I seriously see this topic at least once a week. People need to give it a rest! Go enjoy your boring cheerleading BM spec or play MM with explosive shot if you miss ranged survival. When are these crybabies going to realize Blizz won’t change their stance on Surv because they cry about it on the forums every other day. It’s about as old as the “Do you not have cellphones??” meme!