We need range Survival Hunters back

Yeah just flag people you don’t agree with, brilliant.

SV is grand as melee, trying to bring back ranged SV, or worse suggesting a fourth spec is ludicrous.

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Aren’t you listening to Bepples? Those who like Melee SV are objectively wrong and have been blinded by their own flawed logic. This crusade must continue until all of the melee SV infidels have been converted so that Blizzard will repent for their sins and convert SV back to full range. It’s all in the scriptures.


It trolling when you add nothing to a conversation and are only posting to stir the pot.

Why is melee better or range SV, how has it improved hunters?

Why would BM be better as melee?

Why not adding a 4th option that brings back range SV be the best option?

All your answers have been the same “hate reading, melee better all need be melee”.

That is why you do not start an argument with Bepples over melee SV. They are passionate about range returning, and thinks melee is a cancer to the hunter class. You will never change his views and only thing you will get from them is a wall of text.


I don’t need to prove anything to a dwarf. Your opinion is no more valid than mine.

All your points are subjective at best.
Melee Hunter is the best SV has ever been.
A fourth spec is a horrible idea for a dozen reasons.

Surely your reason for hating it are just as subjective. The whole point is people who enjoyed it, wanting it back.

A fourth spec makes sense in as many ways as it doesn’t at this point, at least it doesn’t hurt YOU, play melee survival. So leave it alone and let’s keep trying to improve the specs

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A wall of text is a waste of someones time. He impresses himself with his lengthy retorts and probably rereads his responses with great pride. The reality is that there is nothing he can say that would actually cause anyone to change their position on the matter (developers included) so the entire exercise is a complete and utter waste of time. This is what I find comical about the matter. He presents his argument as thought he is intellectually superior to others while seemingly being completely oblivious to the fact that his efforts are futile and a complete waste of time.

Nevermind the irony of my wall of text.

You said it, your opinions mean nothing to the topic, so you are trolling.

Nobody’s opinion matters. Enjoy your little charade.

Yes I absolutely do this because my arguments are great and perfect.

No, really, I do read old arguments from time to time.


Then so are you, stop trolling dwarf.

I’m impressed, and I like this. Thank you for being honest.


Thanks for the bump;)

Facts about opinions

  • Much like your right to party, you have to fight for it. You’re entitled to your opinion no matter how many people tell you differently. It’s your right as a sentient being to reach your own conclusions about everything, including ice cream flavors, celebrity divorces, and international relations.

  • You aren’t obligated to keep your opinion to yourself. People might prefer you keep your opinion under lock and key, and putting your opinion out there is likely to hurt a few feelings, step on a few toes, or provoke some criticism, but sharing ideas is how conversations start, communities are formed, and change happens. The publicity of your opinion is something for you — and you alone — to decide.

  • There are no qualifiers for disseminating your opinion; you have the right to tell the world how you feel about anything you choose, from weighty political issues to trivial partiality like hanging your toilet paper roll with the tail underneath.

  • “Sharing your opinion” doesn’t translate to “putting someone in a headlock until he or she agrees with you.” Being passionate about your views is admirable, but you should never expect anyone to abandon his or her own thoughts in favor of yours.

  • Expect some people to respond to your opinions as if you just made a joke.

  • Defending your beliefs doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re “weak,” it means that they’re important to you and that you care enough about discussing them that you want to clarify any misconceptions and help others understand them (regardless of whether those others ultimately agree with you).

  • The weakest arguments you could make against someone’s opinion are to say it doesn’t matter or that no one asked for it. All opinions matter, and if we all waited to share our opinion until we were asked, most of us would be dateless to the Opinion Prom.

  • What makes sense and is obvious to one person isn’t so transparent to someone else. Never assume we’ve all accepted the same truths.

  • Dismissing someone else’s opinion doesn’t make your own opinion any more valid — instead, it dismisses your value as a discourse participant.

  • Don’t withhold your opinion because you fear being the only person who holds your views because there’s probably a whole community of those similar to you who are just waiting to be discovered.

  • Being aware of how your opinion makes others feel. They should be important to you, but that doesn’t mean you should change your stance because someone responded unfavorably to your ideas. Take everything and everyone into consideration. Opinions always benefit from becoming more nuanced.

  • Opinions have a tendency to be bold, to stir pots, and to upset people — that’s when you know you’re onto something.

  • Acknowledging that other people do not agree with you doesn’t mean you’re “sticking to your guns,” it means you’re a realist.

  • Don’t be afraid to adapt. Circumstances change, individuals grow, and opinions are mutable. Don’t be afraid to dip a toe in the spectrum of thought.

  • Unlike tonsils or appendixes, everyone has an opinion, and being opinionated means you’re thinking, putting things in perspective, and trying to make sense of ideas — there shouldn’t be any negative connotation to that.

Here is my reaponse to that. TLDR

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I deeply sorry I keep forgetting how busy players are let me summarize so that you can skip and get a quick overview of what the story talks about without having to read the whole thing.

"Opinions are like aholes, everyone has one but they think each others stink.”

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They stink because they are filled to brim with excrement. People express their opinion (deficate), and then the next guy expresses his opinion (deficates on top of the previous posters feces) and the cycle continues until we’ve created a Pompeian disaster (forum covered in $h!t). Nobodies opinions are changed. Pointless.

So, what your trying to say is everyone is full of sh*t?

Not everyone. I’m a totally righteous dude.

Bepples is cool too.

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Is that not an opinion?