We need range Survival Hunters back

I love Survival just the way it is. Even better still that it’s a rare spec to see, because most hunters shy away, or outright reject it. Just makes the spec more unique and exciting in my opinion. I’ve played all iterations of Survival spec since WoW began, and this is by far the most fun it’s ever been ever. Ever. I hope they never change it back to dullsville MM2.


I did think about this, and I will play classic, but ultimately I’ll be playing BM for leveling and Marksman for PvE. I might go Survival for PvP but ultimately the Hunter specs didn’t have any real appreciable playstyle distinction between them back then.

This is, though, emphatically wrong. Ranged Survival was more often than not a very popular spec. It seems like Survival being unpopular has become normalised nowadays so you’re just assuming it was always like that, coupled with ranged SV’s last patch (6.2) ensuring it was so utterly unviable that no one played it in raiding. But once upon a time this was a very widely enjoyed spec.

This is a stretch if I’ve ever seen one. Any sort of sentiment that a spec is better because its shunned by most of its own class is utterly contemptible.

Stock-standard, desparate, empty SV hype. You’re not selling the spec. Give it a rest. If it really were so fun, it wouldn’t be so crushingly unpopular.

Selfishness. I don’t believe for a second that you played ranged SV when you dump such ignorant statements as these in the thread.


Ranged SV was always a bottom tier spec. It’s dead, done stop trying to bring it back.

SV has a ton of potential, making it full melee would be even better.

You can call it trolling all you like, it’s the simple truth.

I wholeheartedly agree with Zua!


i’m playing classic to play a real hunter period. not this watered down class we have now.

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Will you be refraining from the use of melee attacks in the dead zone in protest of current Survival?

It was full melee in Legion and it was an even bigger disaster than the current one, which is saying a lot. I get that you are trying to make yourself feel better about Survival being the circus freak of class design but give it a rest.

BFA Hunter is pruned v.s. previous expansions but it’s still better than classic Hunter.

False, it’s not emphatically wrong. Ranged Survival was not “more often than not” a popular spec. It was overall the least used of the three specs, because BM and MM have almost always outshined Surv. You’ve still failed entirely to detract from his original point.

False. I stated my opinion on why I liked Survival the way it was, why it’s better in my opinion. You framed what I said as though I were stating it as fact, when I clearly was not. THAT is what’s contemptible, the height of irony, actually.

So you don’t like my opinion, point taken, however, you WILL get over it, I assure you. Complain about it all you like, the spec isn’t going to be changed for you anytime soon, so maybe you should take your own advice about giving it a rest.

There’s literally nothing YOU can tell me about Hunters that I don’t already know, in any of the specs. What you think is irrelevant, and I don’t really care if you “believe” I played Survival, or that my comments are ignorant… I’ve already shown you to dishonestly treat my opinions as though I meant them as facts, in what is really just a friendly discussion that you chose to get butthurt about, and that’s all anyone really needs to know about you to know what your opinion is worth. Ignorant comments…LOL… That’s the pot calling the kettle black. Good luck with that big boy.


I did. But in PvP I rolled traps pretty hard. Plus with scatter shot trap, disengage and monkey/spider stun, a good…decent kiter didn’t die to melee

Actually the raid spec and dungeon spec, it was just as popular in representation. It only fell in rep after repeated nerfs rendered it’s do not competitive

The lowest spec for a long time was marks. Simply because it’s sustained and AOE is junk.


I’m playing Classic because it’s something to do with my wife while she gets her health back. That said, Vanilla Hunters were more immersive for me, which is/was a huge bonus.

Pretty much, but Classic Hunters weren’t that far off for me in the fun department.

But guys. Try to keep it civil. We had already pretty much decided a 4 the spec would be the best way to go lol. No one would lose

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That is emphatically wrong

Ranged SV was a very popular spec and routinely topped the class in representation. For example, it was literally ahead of MM without exception for almost 3 years at one point (Dragon Soul to early Highmaul). You clearly are ignorant of the actual representation of Survival over the years and are basing your perspective on HFC alone. HFC was the exception, not the norm. Hell, just a few months before HFC you had Highmaul where SV was literally the most popular spec in the game for a month. Go check worldofwargraphs for once.

Liking Survival specifically because Hunters don’t like it is pretty contemptible.

It’s funny how you all get so confident about this given that SV already went through a major revision that compromised towards ranged gameplay in 8.0 after just one expansion of being melee.

You already demonstrated that you don’t know what Survival’s representation was in earlier expansions so that’s clearly not true.

Cry me a river. You didn’t come here seeking or offering a “friendly discussion”. You enter the thread with a lie on which you double down then you follow it up with a post clearly intended to mock ranged SV players (“dullsville MM2”) so I responded in kind.


that’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard

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i played the stress test and it’s amazing!

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Survival Hunter Raid Representation


The x-axis (time) on the graph is broken and shows the UNIX epoch instead of a human-readable date but if you go to the specific page for each spec you can see the dates there. Note how Survival falls off a cliff in HFC due to the crushing unviability Blizzard inflicted on it in that patch and it never really recovered. The highest it has been since then was Uldir when its single-target damage was through the roof and even then its representation was really low (it did manage to beat Marksman for a little while, however, as Marksman had its turn at crushing unviability in that raid). Since then it’s only fallen off again.

BEFORE 6.2, you can see that it was routinely extremely popular, far beyond even the very best showing of melee SV. Its greatest peak was Highmaul. Before then there was a brief drop-off which was the WoD launch imbalance that got fixed in an early Highmaul-era hotfix. It maintained very high representation all the way through SoO, and while it was lower than usual towards the end of ToT it was decently represented in that tier too (still far, far above melee SV’s best).

The data doesn’t go back further than that, but luckily I found this blog which references earlier numbers.
Here you can see it maintained strong representation back to the beginning of MoP, and once again in Cata’s final tier it has another peak, being the most represented spec in the game. To this day I can’t find older data, but I do know that Survival was well-represented enough to appear in world 1st videos in Cata’s 1st tier and Ulduar. That’s when Black Arrow was first added and only a few months after Explosive Shot was added, so at this point we are all the way back to the first truly-distinct ranged Survival.

I challenge anyone to argue that what I described above constitutes a poorly-represented spec. HFC was literally the only tier where it bottomed out.

P.S. I just like to remind people when talking about this that melee Survival has still not seen a world first kill. The last time a Survival Hunter was included in a world first kill was on Blackhand (!) way back in early 2015.


Surely you’re exaggerating.

Oh snap he’s calling people out. I’m on the edge of my seat and the tension is thick.

Fourth spec is a horrible idea and will never be implemented.

Melee Hunter best Hunter.


Best to just flag Kindwolf for trolling than replying. They’er just fishing for a reaction.


You guys still chasing each other in this melee sv vs range sv after all these months/years?

There are people who love melee sv. There are people who love range sv.