We need range Survival Hunters back

Its nice of you to correct your statement but the damage is already done. As the saying goes “First impressions are everything”.

Bepples doesn’t bother me. I have no issue with reading and correcting any of his post.

Once again, i’m not the one seeking and/or asking for something here. You guys are.

If me, a stranger, doing so encourages him to act so rudelt, nasty and PA then he shouldn’t be on the forums. Periodt.

Is there even a ignore feature? O.o

If all you have read was my second statement then maybe you could make your biases, look at another way, if all you did was decide whether or not a person was nice was by their first words then you would assume most are just angry and mean. Maybe they had a bad start to their day, or just got bad news? Some people deserve another chance.

By correcting them you telling Bepples that their views are incorrect and need to be changed. They have the right to express their ideology on RSV, but how they state them does not help the issue.

You tell them how to act, no one likes to be told how they should be.

There was away.

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Second chances are fine and all but that went out the window when my first comment was met with nothing but sass, rudeness, bitterness and PA.

O I don’t need or have to correct anything. Whether ya’ll listen to me or not isn’t changing the fact that range survival is currently in the garbo and is more likely to stay there until you guys start acting better.

I sure do. As you stated before that’s my right is it not?

How people feel about me voicing my opinion is irrelevant to me. I’m not the one asking for something. You guys are.

Sorry, if what I said hurt you, but I believe you read more into my statement than I meant.

Blizzard can only decide on if they want RSV back or not. How anyone acts on the issue has no sway on that fact. More than likely, they will never see any of this anyway, this is just here to vent and express our views. No one has to agree to them, but do give people the right to express themselves.

There is a difference between voicing you ideas and telling how it needs to be. First version you are saying this is how you wish it would be and the other is flat out telling this is how it has to be. People liked to be asked not told.


I just think that when your asking for something, or in this case, begging for something. You should go about it much more nicely.

Exactly. Which is why ranger survival hunters being needlessly negative to other players is foolish.

Until behavior is improved, ya’ll deserved to go without.

As i said i’m not the one asking for something. How I say something should be taken in the same vein as anyone else. Now if someone or people are offended because what i say or how i say it offended them, that’s a personal problem.

None of this discussion is help to revive your lost and forgotten spec from the garbo. That will start when you guys stop being bullies.

You are starting to sound a lot like Bepples.:wink:

O, ok?

the difference is he’s begging for something

im not :wink:

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what’s really funny to me is that ranged survival filled a niche that no other spec filled - a mobile, run-and-gun DoT spec. Shadow and Affliction have both traditionally had little to no mobility.

now, survival is a spec that exists in a niche that’s already filled by assassination, unholy, and enhancement. it feels so bland and generic compared to what it used to be


I started playing a Warlock cause I thought it would be next closes class to Hunters. However, it feels way slower in game-play, and very unmobile.

Out of curiosity, which spec did you pick for your Lock?

Originally, I tried to play Demonology on my Lock, waaaay back in BC when I first rolled her. I found it so dreadfully slow and boring that I took five expansions just to level her to level 40. (That’s BC, WotLK, Cata, MoP, and WoD.)

And then with the Legion pre-expansion event (which was pretty fun for leveling alts, honestly!) I decided to finally re-spec the Lock from Demonology to Destruction, and all of a sudden I’m enjoying her a lot more! I found Destro to be relatively “quick,” gameplay-style (admittedly, that was in Legion; I even leveled my Lock to 110! But I have yet to touch her in BFA).

Playing Destruction has the highest burst, but thinking of Demo also cause of all the demons.

Des Locks just have a simple rotation, it is all about building soul shards then using Chaos Bolt for that big boom.

Seen some of the gameplay from streams melee is here to stay and it’s not a bad thing if they put more focus onto the other specs and allow marks to be interchangeable through covenants. Cheers :clinking_glasses:.

I think it’s unlikely that SV becomes ranged again just yet. I wish it did, and I think Blizzard should do it if they are at all serious about their “class fantasy before spec fantasy” philosophy, but I’m used to Survival being a disappointment.

However, the specs you are seeing in the demos are not at all indicative of the final product. They are line-for-line copies of the BFA specs with no changes. This exact same thing happened with the BFA demos in 2017; they used the Legion specs with almost no changes. The Survival rework of 8.0 wasn’t even known about until a few weeks after Blizzcon.


stop this madness. i rarely saw a ranged SV in all my marks playing days. but ya know what. if you want it. have it. get ranged SV back and push the melee spec to one that works and makes sense. please dont push this half baked garbage on people. it shouldnt be BM or SV. melee hunters should be a class built from the ground up and tuned.

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Is this discussion still taking place…?

First off. How people voice their opinions will not really have any impact on whether we get ranged SV back or not. Rude and snarky comments shoved back and forth will do nothing towards any potential decision to reintroduce RSV.

If they(devs) decide that we should get that playstyle back somehow, they will base it on whether it would make sense for the class or not. They will base it on the thematical/mechanical impact on the class as a whole. And they will base it on whether it’s worth the time spent or not. And also, on that note, they will base it on how popular of request it is to get that spec back.

As for how big of an impact each of the above factors make towards any decisions? No idea really…

Having said that, I do agree that there’s no real point in either side(RSV vs MSV) to continue this argument. All we get out of it, is forum toxicity. Players shouting at eachother. It’s not productive in any way whatsoever…

Secondly. I would advice you Velyro to refrain from such comments like the above. You’re basically saying that:

“I don’t like you or what you’re saying. So you should not get back what was taken from you”.

Again, I agree that rude comments serves no productive purpose. But saying things like what you did there, will only add more fuel to the fire.

I agree, it is here to stay. As for why I wrote my previous reply in this thread.

However, I would also want to point out that nothing of what we’re seeing from any streams or other(at this stage), will reflect on what is going to happen to classes in the coming Shadowlands expansion.

It’s just a demo showcasing a bit of the environment and some of the story that we will see going into the new expansion.

Apart from changes to classes that are required to fit the level squish and similar, + what new stuff the Covenants will bring, very little will be shown that is new, as far as classes go.

Will we get more insight with the upcoming Deep Dive later on(in just over 4 hours as of this post), perhaps. Though most likely we will have to wait for the Alpha/Beta stage as usual for more in depth/specifics.

Well said.

What are you referring to here?

I agree that MSV should have a well-developed foundation that caters to the fantasy of you getting into the thick of it alongside your pet. The theme of the two of you, attacking as one. Being well-coordinated.

However, MSV does not need to be separated from the Hunter class in order for this to happen.

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Did you play in MoP? In that expansion most Hunters were SV and MM was mostly abandoned.


It’s still DoT themed. It’s also the most versatile spec out of all the Hunter specs. You’ve got insane burst, as much as a Ret Paladin at times, you’ve got more CC than any class but a Rogue, you’ve got more mobility than anyone but a DH and Monk.

Not playing a spec simply because it’s “not what it used to be” means none of us are allowed to play WoW, at all, including in Classic.

Get over it. It’s staying melee.


SV had a 2.3% representation in MoP according to WoWgraphs. The lowest played spec by far at the time, out of any class.


There is no multidot incentive to SV. Serpent Sting is a DoT by technicality with that ridiculously-low duration.

By not having a ranged weapon it is automatically less versatile than the other Hunter specs. The melee restriction effectively shutting SV out of any competitive PvE content is a well-known phenomenon and even SV mains admit to it.

It is true that it has the best CC, good burst, and the best mobility, but there are caveats. For one, having the “best mobility”; the only reason it has this is due to technicality. It has the same mobility cooldowns as the other specs, namely Aspect of the Cheetah and Disengage, while also having Harpoon on top of that. That’s more mobility, but the spec also needs Harpoon to quickly access melee range while the other specs do not. Add on to that the fact that BM can do 100% of its damage while constantly moving at ranged and Survival’s mobility advantage looks a whole lot less impressive. Secondly, having high burst is a matter of tuning. BM also has strong periods of burst, but the spec was also heavily nerfed right out of the gate in BFA while they will NEVER nerf melee SV due to its unpopularity.

The biggest caveat of all: the spec does not have these traits because it is melee but in spite of it. This is a common pitfall in posts intended to paint SV in a good light. They list off things the spec is good at but they fail to connect those things to being melee. It’s not entirely their fault because there is no connection. The only thing you can link to it is the Harpoon, but of course a ranged Survival would not need that. And this isn’t just a hypothetical. The last time SV was ranged its arena representation was roughly double its current representation. There really is no argument that melee holds the spec back. That’s a given. The argument is whether it’s worth it.

False equivalency. Specs change every expansion, but they usually retain their core identity and at least some elements of their playstyle. For example, if you played Survival in WotLK, which was from a technical standpoint the same spec it was all the way back to 1.7 with a lot added on top, you could still see elements of that spec all the way up until WoD. And this is true for most specs. However, once you get into Legion it totally changes; you lose the entire identity and playstyle that existed before and it gets replaced with something that is not only entirely different but also a different role (melee instead of ranged). This has never happened before or since. The only thing that is remotely comparable is what happened to Demonology, although in that case they at least remained a ranged DPS… but that spec also ended up on the ropes, so it doesn’t absolve Survival.

People aren’t going to stick to a spec just because it keeps the same name. For most former Survival Hunters it keeps nothing that made the ranged version great. It barely kept anything that made the class great.

So this isn’t just a matter of hating changes. I mean, for heaven’s sake, most of the people who played it prefer the MoP version which had changed quite a bit since WotLK, so obviously we are not automatically opposed to changes. Changes just aren’t automatically good things and, in cases like these, they did in fact rule out Survival as a spec we wanted to play.

Maybe, maybe not.

Before I say anything about this, know full well that an argument that SV was not a popular spec in MoP is an argument that you are going to lose.

I don’t know exactly how you came to this figure. 2.0% is the absolute lowest number the spec was during MoP in PvE, up until the limit of the data which is around late 2013. Most times it was averaging 5-6%. So if you really did cherrypick the absolute lowest point, which was only held for one week (the week of 5.4 launch), shame on you.

It’s even more egregious to argue that it was the lowest by far of any class. 2% is a very respectable representation, if on the lower side. Right there under SV in that period you can see MM languishing at 0.5% (mostly because Blizzard couldn’t figure out how to buff the underperforming MM without buffing BM and SV at the same time because Celestalon has NEVER had a strong grasp on how our class works) so it’s literally immediately proven to be a lie. Shame on you x2.

Plus, if you attack ranged SV with its 2.3%, a number already demonstrated to be the lowest possible cherrypick, what do you have to say about the spec’s current representation of 0.5% which is actually HIGHER than average for melee SV?


It sounds like the 9.0 class changes will probably bring back ranged survival hunters