We need range Survival Hunters back

I was suggesting the melee survival adapted to DH and the ranged survival be brought back.

This move would be in conjunction with another concept of hero spec being added to existing classes.

Specifically for hunter at max level opting to convert to a ranger and drop the pet altogether. We are going to get ranger in the next xpac since they are setting us up for that with undead night elves reporting to calia.


Then you never had the chance to enjoy a survival hunter when it was fun to play.

  1. Says who?

  2. fun is subjective.

and 3) when do YOU think survival was fun to play? You don’t know me and i don’t know you so we very well could agree on that. lol

and what are you referring to with that quote? my comment or my response to Theon??


Survival was the go to spec through many of the expansions, I started in BC but really only understood the class through Wrath and finally in MoP was an expert. That is when it was the most fun, for me and many others that dedicated to playing a survival ranged hunter.

I do not care for Marks at all, it is very boring and clunky especially in Solo playing and I never liked Beast Master. I wanted to be ranged with a pet that is secondary to my class, I used my pet as a utility.


Survival back then had a quite unique theme compared to the other two specs. While it wasn’t exactly a multi-dot spec like we imagine/see them today. It had a core gameplay that was very much focused on several abilities that dealt DoT.

This type of gameplay, is not for everyone.

We also had some who claimed that Survival back then was a caster spec because of all the DoTs and magic damage. This I cannot agree with as most of it wasn’t actually of a magical nature. Sure, it wasn’t a pure physical spec but that does not mean that it was a caster either.

But well, back on point…

…which is that we are all very different. We all like different things.
And the gameplay and theme surrounding the old ranged SV spec, was to many players, the most fun we’ve had in WoW when it comes to class design/gameplay.

I get why some say that the old ranged SV wasn’t all that fun. I get why they say that they prefer . They simply did not/do not feel the same about the old SV as many of us here do.


you come up in this thread with your cringey posts and emojis and tell people that lost their spec to be nice. hilarious



Demanding things AND being rude about it is supposed to get people their way now??


That’s not it. What you’re seeing is the narrative of the hunter class being taken over by those who main primary melee classes.

Hunters class design are at the whim of those who use hunters as alts in their down time.

Just hope that blizzard continues to implement less catch up systems for alts to decrease this problem for example the lack of account wide essences and benthic gear is very good because it rewards those who picks a class and sticks with it.


You’re assuming that I’m only talking about comments/replies we can find on the forums today.

Which is not what I’m doing at all.

Yes sure, todays discussions/arguments tend to, most of the time, involve the subject of ranged vs. melee.

The thing is, I’m also talking about players/hunters that very much like the ranged aspect(especially in the form of the hunter) but they have no interest in dealing with DoTs or any form of non-physical damage(as little as possible).

The first time I saw someone who stated that they did not like what was done to Survival(turning into a type of DoT spec), that comment came in the pre-patch to Cataclysm. Which was also the patch where they took a major step in re-focusing class and spec design to be more about respective identities. At that time, it wasn’t an argument about ranged vs. melee. Not even close.

Technically, you could choose talents during WotLK that allowed for a lot of the old SV theme. Though it wasn’t as defined as it became later on.

Hunter class design is at the whim of the developers.
And some decisions made by them, such as the removal of ranged SV, were made entirely based on the mindset of the devs themselves. The amount of posts requesting a melee spec for the Hunter class at the time were nearly non-existent. Sure, there were a few. But only a few.

Not entirely sure what that reward is.

But I agree, account-wide essences or even AP levels(and similar) should NEVER become a thing. From a player standpoint, it might be favorable to some to have such functions implemented. But from a gameplay standpoint, it makes no sense whatsoever.

As far as the game is concerned, what your Night Elf Druid does in the world and what your Troll Hunter does, are completely different things altogether. In the world, your characters have no connection. And having things like AP scale account-wide or having perks like Essences unlock for multiple characters on your account at the same time, no matter what character you play, does…not…make…sense.

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What I was trying to point out is we already have BM, so Blizzard does not need to make another out of MSV.

They had that chance before Legion and even if it would have made more logic to have BM become, or give a talent that allowed it to switch to melee that boat has sailed.

Really like the class development team give MSV its own idenity without borrowing that way it has a distinction from the other two.

And we have Junk Gnomes, so does that mean we are getting a Tinker class too? Other have disscussed this before and Dark Rangers do not have enough to be its own class, nor should they be brought in to sub out another spec.

Both version have thier merit. It was fun running a.nd blowing enemies up, but it is also fun to be up close with a target smacking it with a big stick.

Fun is based on opinion, you can not assume that your views are shared with everyone.

That is were Blizzard failed to see. They saw RSV and just figured it uses a range weapon like MM then they must play simular. If they had played and experienced the specs bfore making changes they would have seen what each spec offered.

We do not need this kind of disscussion brought in here. It pulls everyone off topic and puts its it to a back and forth of name calling. Respect others and they will do the same.

The class designers make the choices, and unless we know what spec they play, or even if they play any, we can not understand what thinking they go with when making changes.


spoken like someone who doesn’t raid or play alts lmfao

if i want to multiclass for prog or have a different toon to push high keys with, i should be able to do so without making wow my full time job

yet we have account wide mounts

account wide transmog

account wide reputation rewards from certain factions

but account wide essences is where you draw the line? alright buddy

It is not impossible, and Blizzard is going to really need to do something to keep this game alive. Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, about BFA and the immediate future is interesting. I’ll go down and say this is the worst expansion ever for me personally.


I would agree. It certainly felt at the time like they made decisions based on something they hadn’t actually experienced themselves.

But, like you said:

When did I ever say that account wide mounts, transmog, or rep rewards(a few) makes sense?

The only reason I haven’t mentioned those you brought up, is because they don’t matter. They are only cosmetic things.

Essences and AP-levels, are…not…cosmetic. They are directly tied to your specific character progression and power levels.

How does it make sense for your newly dinged 110 character to do a short quest and gain the Heart of Azeroth already stuffed with 70 Artifact levels? Complete with all Essences and Essence Ranks that goes with them?

Having said that. I don’t actually think that we should have any type of e.g. character progression-system such as AP/Essences at all.

I very much preferred the philosophy of the old days where character progression was about doing content and obtaining gear. Period.

No titanforging, no AP farming, no random gem slots or benthic effects.

I will however leave this subject here as it has nothing to do with the topic we’re in right now.


Melee SV here who loves his spec and personally thinks a melee Hunter with a spear and a pet companion makes a lot more sense than a ranged hunter who has a pet that tanks for him thematically.

Get used to your 2 ranged specs. Maybe us melee players will take a 2nd one next xpac.


How does using a spear make more since than being range from your enemy?


Don’t indulge him.

His post violates the CoC so, flag it and move on really.


I created my hunter during Cata and loved the dot themed play. Lonewolf was added and I switched to raiding on my Hunter. I’m fairly causal though.

Then I left during WOD, returned to find the MSV abomination during legion. Left again and just came back in July. I would love for RSV to return.

I have been playing Warrior more recently. Marksman is sort of okay. And at least it still has Lonewolf. But I very much miss the WOD version of Survival Hunter.


I disagree.

i do not think survival plays like BM and I think the kit is different enough. Esp the kit it had in Legion.

i think they just need to continue to expand on what they already have.

Lacerate should have been left in, which applied a bleeding stack dot that also increased pet haste.

Would have to keep up Mongoose Bite stacks while weaving in Lacerate and other abilities.

It would give MSV higher complexity to its rotation.

I think complexity is good.

I don’t think they need to add even more, just cause, to current survival though. there are plenty of other dps spec that are in dire need of it. Arcane being one.

I would prefer they go about things in a productive manner.