Thinking it’s hilarious that over half of the posts are from 5 players alone:
Ogdenir: 183
Kindwolf: 106
Ghorak: 103
Naham: 72 (has another character with 26 posts)
Bepples: 47 (has another character with 17 posts)
I believe what you fail to comprehend is after removing yet another ability what do you have left?
I feel like Blizzard’s biggest mistake ever was watering down classes to make SPECS unique, instead of classes.
after 12 years Blizzard made the decision that Hunters need a revise and went though with their big cutters then removed one of Hunters key aspects “BEING RANGED”, and pasted on some melee abilities cause it was originally suppose to be a melee focused spec. To many that killed off the fantasy of a Hunter. Even though it was melee MSV still had traps and pets, so still kept some of the fantasy of what it means to be a Hunter. Wait, traps were too awkward to use in a bloated rotation, so lets cut them down to only two and make them just for utility. Alright, then it just the Hunter and its trusty pet at their side against the world, but wait some players find the AI is too unpredictable and do not want to deal with it, so give them LW. Now what is left? A spec that swing a big stick around while throwing bombs and pulling out a dart gun every so often.
Sounds real unique, cause no other spec uses two handed weapons, throws projectiles, or pulls out a small weapons to shoot. If you want to go petless there are Retribution Paladins, Outlaw Rogues, Arms Warriors, Fury Warriors, Windwalker Monks, and Frost Death Knights who all use a big stick to fight and toss stuff.
If you cut out the fantasy that is a definitive factor of a class you end up with all the classes just end up feeling the same.
You know what Rifleman, Archers, and Rangers have in common? They are ranged, and if you have the skills to stay at range then a pet is not necessary, or could be a hindrance, like trying to stay in incognito or making a quick escape, a pet sticks out in a crowd and could slow you down.
The one melee spec you mention is BM and beast is in its name. Even in other games a melee class with a pet is considered inseparable from each other.
If Blizzard was to cater to the few whom asked for a change every time some aspect of the game inconvenience them they would have to stop any advancement to the next expansion cause there would be never a end to all the complaints.
It would be much more productive to go and fix pet AI as it would solve a issue that the masses have been calling for. And if after that the spec still does not sit with you then there are other options out there to try.
Quality over quantity best to have some well written responses that to a bunch of cheap troll posts with all the same one liners.
That depends on what Class/Specialization combo you look at, for some Specializations they took the core Abilities … and build around it adding allot flavor.
Hmmm … you got that mixed up, but you can go to Classic to get a good whiff, Classes had three Aspects.
For Hunter … those three Aspects where easy … the first was Ranged … just like Rifleman and Archers. Then you got the Beast focused one from Rexxar … Rangers … in allot stories are not always pure Ranged but incorporate Melee.
That’s why, if you check Classic you will see everything revolving around Melee and Trapsis in the Survival Spell Book/Talent Tree.
It was actually a big surprise, in Wrath of the Lich King … that they went to add Ranged Abilities to Survival.
I don’t find the Pet AI unpredictable … i never did, the only unpredictable thing is Pathing. In Vanilla, BC and WotLK you knew Dismiss the Pet before jumping down somewhere … when they later added the Pet would also jump … but sometimes not … that’s what confuses.
But that’s the same as if you try to Blink as Mage only to not move, or try to Heroic Leap as Warrior and the system keep tells you … you can’t(and they still didn’t fix either of those two).
While i want to remind you that Dual Wield and Two Handed is not the same(point Rogue, Windwalker Monk, Frost Death Knights) … i get your point.
I not know should we be happy that there are a bunch Classes/Specialization combos that play eerily similar, but i think it’s either adding Ranged Abilities or adding Movement Abilities.
In the case of Death Knight(Frost and Unholy) you either give them Ranged Abilities(like they did) or you give them something like Heroic Leap and/or Charge. Otherwise you will be left with a Class that might not be able to reach the enemy.
I mean I’ve tried retail and it’s just not good as classic overall. If they can’t find a solution to fix retail or bring back ranged survival in some form properly in the next expac i’ll Just keep playing classic and wait for bc servers to come;
when that happens there wouldn’t be a reason for me to even consider buying another expac especially if they even consider making wotlk servers.
This may come across as cocky but I can honestly say that I’m sure that I’m not alone on that gesture, and the only way blizzard would get the extra money out of my pocket for the new expac Is having the bc and wotlk servers locked behind the expac paywall which they doubt it will.
I’m not sure what the point of this reply is. It’s like you agree with my points but are trying to sound combative nonetheless.
Yeah, most if not all DPS specs could be described by my statement, which means ranged Survival should not have been singled out like it was. It’s a ridiculous double standard.
Those 17 posts are the “other Bepples”. It’s a result of some forum bug I was having after a server transfer where it was stuck as the Khaz’Goroth version of my toon on desktop and the Barthilas version of my toon on mobile (or the other way around, don’t fully remember). I had to completely clear all cached data and cookies on this domain to fix it.
By the way this also meant I could put 2 likes on people’s posts (1 per toon). I tried to avoid this but sometimes I would read a post and forget that I left a like on the other toon. I tried to check if I had whenever I liked something but if someone finds a post where I’ve liked it twice tell me and I will remove 1 like.
No surprise a melee-loving Demon Hunter is acting entitled over Hunter specs.
What you are asking is to make MSV more similar to all the other melee specs, just another big sword swinging fighter. MM having a option to not have a pet keeps with the ranger fantasy that many players want, but, MSV without just makes it some guerrilla fighter hodgepodge of other melee classes.
Blizzard removed RSV cause it played like MM with explosions, so it was reworked to give it a identity that distinguished it from the other specs. Hunters now have two range specs with another melee spec added to the many. However, what gives MSV it identity from other melee specs our it ability to be fully mobile and attack from range as well, and that it pet is apart of it identity and rotation. Taking out that identity will just put it back in the crowd of all the other melee specs.
It not about giving MSV another option of play-style it a argument on how much more can be change to Hunter’s that they loose that identity.
I never said I speak for all, just those that agree with my thoughts. You have your opinions just as others have their own. Do not have to agree to them that how discussions start, but it better to discuss them than to just start a argument for the sake of making others angry.
Most topics that lasts for a bit of time follow the same patterns, in general.
What’s more…unique…regarding this topic is that it has “survived” for so long.
Most class specific suggestion topics tend to fade away after a while.
What does this tell us?
That the level of engagement regarding the old ranged SV spec is, as many have said before, one of the most popular topics of all class specific ones.
If this doesn’t motivate the devs to start listening to the feedback given, than what would?
Depends on who you ask really.
I would argue that it’s more several specific design choices, like some talents, specific core designs etc. that could be considered being among the bigger mistakes.
To a large degree, yes it did.
It basically told us that, they don’t care about those of us who liked the DoT-playstyle of RSV.
It told us that the theme of RSV wasn’t a good fit for the class, according to them(the devs).
Ofc I can only speak for myself but…cmon. A theme focused around the use of poisons, animal venom, explosives as well as trap enhancement. That does not fit the Hunter class??
Saying things like this, is exactly why people tend to get dismissive or rude towards the opinions of yours that has merit.
You get what you give, pretty much.
To some, perhaps.
Though, considering how popular the new design of RSV was for long periods.
I would argue that it was a good call.
As evident by the sheer number of topics that have been posted ever since they removed the spec between WoD and Legion.
I would agree.
Though the thing is, like I’ve said many times before.
It does not matter that much what the specs were designed like back then.
It only matters what they are/could be designed like in todays WoW. And how much they would cater towards the Class fantasy as a whole. Along with providing a strong and unique playstyle that remains separate to the others.
In it’s core that is.
They said that this was the reason yes.
But I honestly can’t figure out where they got that from.
As objectively, that wasn’t remotely true.
Both were ranged specs, and both made use of pets(could make use of).
And they both used Focus as a resource.
I mean removing abilities to simplify the rotation, but dull the spec to a three button rotation. MSV had more synergy before BfA but was pounded down into a less action paced rotation. Then they turned BM in Legion into a lunatic that throws his pets and screams. Then MM is a caster with a gun.
Hunters have been pushed back to it most simple forms with less substance.
Honestly, the big question for people who want ranged SV back is what do you want? Like I really want to see that highly-mobile, good RNG spec with strong AOE and single target options, and excellent CC. It didn’t need to top meters, just so long as it was fun with incredible valor and respectable damage. It was easy to learn, not incredibly hard to master, and an excellent fallback spec for anyone who wanted to play a ranged DPS.
Can MM be modified to have those options while still having the potential to have the more conventional (and challenging) game play it does now? I can’t see why not - after all, the spec is full of dead talents, so why not fill them in with something better?
Idk it wasn’t only gameplay for me. I liked the fantasy of using all these different elemental shots vs. MM which is just a flavorless turret. I haven’t found MM interesting since wrath.
Still hoping blizzcon announces dark rangers or something as the next class, as that is more likely than rsv coming back.
Then it becomes a matter of what we would be satisfied with getting.
I know for myself that simply adding in a few of the signature abilities would not give me a proper version of RSV back.
All it would do, is give me MM but with some niched abilities through talents.
The theme of RSV was and is VERY different compared to what MM is meant to be about.
Hence why they designed them as different specs from the beginning.
If they actually thought that RSV and MM could work well together, they would probably have done that from the start(in WotLK), and gone for making SV into something else(a melee spec perhaps?).
But they did not do this…
Honestly, #RevertToMoP, and build from there without removing what we had.
The thought of being able to run through Legion and BfA content with a scaled up MoP SV hunter, even with no new abilities (no artifacts/no heart of azeroth) would be great.
Don’t think it is going to happen, but you asked what I wanted.