We need range Survival Hunters back

The video shows that even though Hunters had melee abilities from their origin they were there as a filler for when they had no other options. The ones that did damage were sub-par and failed to perform as well as their range abilities. They also required special mechanics to activate them.

Blizzard realized as time went on it that is was more optional to just remove the dead zone and let hunters shoot at close range than to keep abilities that just over bloated the specs with little pay-off.


10 minutes worth of, “our melee skills were pretty worthless, accept for wing clip” does not a precedent make.


He another history lession, is it a long read so be ready to sit.


now that classic is out, the randoms claiming SV was melee in vanilla seem to have disappeared. thanks blizzard.


Probably because patch 1.7 is the one which reworked BM and SV talent trees, and classic is on patch 1.12? Hard to say the spec is melee after lacerate is replaced with wyvern sting, and melee hit/crit talents turn into general hit/crit talents. IIRC that’s also when the 15% agility talent was added.

Still, 10 minutes of melee discussion. Even the title states “The History of Melee Hunter”. Even as the options were of low performance, the precedent is still there.

I would suggest you at least learn what you’re talking about (precedence)…


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Because you seem to be confused that specs were not defined as they are on live. Survival gave melee options (hence the precedent). The playstyle however still provided a ranged aspect (not complete melee).

Being that retail moved away from hybrid spec options, the developers have chosen to double down on that precedent to create a melee spec, which is less defined in the role as many other melee.

so basically even blizzard gave up on that horrible idea halfway through.


But wasn’t it changed back to melee like… 3 years ago? Seems like they gave up on the ranged iteration too, but idk.


yes we have been in open rebellion for 3 yrs. which is the purpose of this thread.


Is it working? Cause it seems to have accomplished exactly nothing so far. How long does the mourning period last?


we defeated the evil melee only spec from legion. we now have a half range/half melee spec in BFA that we must cleanse.

and thanks to non-believers, this is the biggest thread on the entire class forums.

they may take our spec, but they will never take our freedom!!


Was it really ‘defeated’ though? As far as I recall, legion sv had some issues related to the whole mongoose design requiring stupid high uptime, and the spec was heavily punished if it couldn’t maintain that uptime in raids/pvp. So a lot of the actual melee dudes (meaning like 5 of them) wanted some ways for SV to not lose fury time and waste mongoose charges if a boss mechanic forced it to run out.

You could just as easily say that blizzard’s putting in aspect of the eagle was a result of that gameplay complaint (the swap from trap to wildfire grenade is another prime example), rather than putting in some range to try to appease you folks; pretty sure if blizz was going to swap it back to full ranged, they would’ve just ripped that bandaid off rather than allowing players to have another couple years trying/potentially liking the melee spec.


Yet it’s still a melee spec…

And you have the freedom to accept the developers have worked on every class/spec over the years, and decided to turn Survival into a melee spec. If you want to keep the appearance of being unable to accept change, you do you.

Considering the posts immediately following the OP, MSV isn’t abandoned. Despite this, it’s far from intelligent to use a post count as any type of measurement…

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Especially when the forums give a nice list of frequent posters in the thread, with numbers. Does a 900 page thread really show widespread support for something if multiple people have posted in it over a hundred times, each?

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To be fair, I’ve posted on several characters myself.

It’s quite frankly idiotic to assume otherwise :+1::+1:

yeah, you were one of the ones I was counting in that, plus kindwolf (who probably woulda hit 200+ but I suspect he was a bit too trolly). It still looks less like ‘widespread support’ and more like ‘the same 20ish people arguing with each other’

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It’s closer to three of us with a couple of outliers sprinkled in. Kindwolf and Yura are two sides of the same coin with the odd good post being drowned out by a lot of trolling posts. Bepples and I are alike in that we are firm in our position, but that is about it. I don’t have to respond to every Anti-MSV post like he has to any Pro-MSV Post and Anti-RSV post. I’m falling more in line with Ghorak in some ways but to be honest, there are a few posters here who just encourage trolls and the Mods seem to still avoid this forum.

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lol me and bepples combined have less posts in this thread than any of the top 3.

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