We need range Survival Hunters back

I still see the misconception floating around. I saw someone complaining that a Hunter ninja’d a Strength/Stamina axe from RFK or somewhere and the reply was something like “Was he SV? In which case, he needed it”.

For the record: Hunters have zero use for strength, in case anyone’s wondering. Agility gives both ranged and melee attack power. We NEVER take strength stuff unless it also has agility we need, which this axe did not.

Ironically, given that Savage Strikes and Lighting Reflexes were added in 1.7 (in their recognisable forms) Survival after 1.7 probably had better melee DPS than Survival before 1.7.

Even before 1.7 Survival did not stick to melee range, period.

It sounds like you’re the one not using “precedence” correctly, or at least depending on overly-generalising the situation and avoiding context. Hunters having some melee abilities before 5.0 would only be precedent for Hunters having melee abilities later. It is not precedent for a purely-melee spec or a spec that must stick to melee range to achieve its full damage potential.

Yura knows this well. He is mocking the people that don’t. There’s a pretty widespread belief that Survival in Vanilla stuck to melee combat.

Yeah, Survival gave melee options. Survival in Legion and BFA gives melee requirements. Not precedented.

They had to remake the spec and compromise much more towards ranged gameplay, even going as far as to add an ability from ranged Survival back (Serpent Sting). Evidently not.

Yes because the spec was entirely overhauled and forced in a ranged direction after 2 years of minimal PvE representation. It wasn’t just a tweaking of the ranged capability of the spec. The playstyle almost totally changed with only basic elements making it through to BFA.

You should read the Q&As more often. In the January 2018 Q&A Hazzikostas talked about the mistake on focusing on “spec fantasy” over “class fantasy”. He gave Survival as a specific example and said that it felt like a different class to BM and MM and that it was weird how you got to level 10 and forgot how to use a bow if you picked Survival, so Survival would have a better mix of ranged and melee mechanics in the future. This is also why the spec has Kill Command now.

To your credit, he has also said since then that they still thought melee Hunters were an awesome choice. But that can change. They were pretty happy with ranged Survival at some point too and it was way more widely enjoyed than melee SV is today.

It’s far more ranged than it was in Legion and it was forced to conform with the Hunter identity far better.

Melee is also often framed, if often subconsciously, as a weakness of the spec even by people who like it and the primary selling point and distinguishing feature of the spec over other melee is its ranged capability, so melee is NOT safe.

Being able to accept change is a virtue, but unconditionally accepting any and all changes including those that are negative is not.

Literally any spec is going to have its fans. I’ve seen people swear up-and-down that Survival’s best iteration was the pre-1.7 one despite such overwhelming disagreement from everyone else. The point is that the debate is still raging on even this long afterwards. It’s still a relevant, controversial issue. Keep in mind that Survival being ranged was NOT controversial and there was hardly any community pressure towards melee but they still did it.

In my experience, just like with any debate with two sides, most people don’t care and aren’t invested and therefore don’t post on the forums.

The problem is that even so, those that don’t care and aren’t going to ask for anything to be done about it still generally shy away from Survival. For example, the other Hunter in my guild has related this to me (paraphrasing): “I don’t mind SV being melee, but I’ll never play it”. I’ve heard that many, many times from in-game Hunters. I’ve even met many that play Survival but would prefer if it were ranged. Of course, there are plenty that love melee Survival and never post on the forums. But the representation of the spec speaks for itself. Most Hunters avoid it, when in the past most Hunters tried it out and many mained it.


Again, there is confusion of what the precedent is, and is not.

Did BM or MM offer Melee options compared to Survival?
Being that Vanilla specs gave the player freedom to talent into whatever hybrid build they chose, Surv was of course not going to be completely melee at the time. With the now defined specs, our gameplay options are limited to clear intention.

To simplify; Much like Death Knight’s now complain that Frost no longer is able to use 2H weapons, talents in Frost (not Blood or Unholy) during LK and Cata promoted duel-wielding (despite performance). Again, live Frost can not use 2H in their rotation as they were able to in the past, and the prerequisite that it had those options, means that Frost (not Blood or Unholy) was chosen to now be limited in their weapon.

This very concept is why players have been asking for 2H and tanking specs for Shaman. Roles of ranged, melee, tanking and healing aren’t typically blended within specs these past couple of expansions. Warrior’s Gladiator Stance was essentially a failed experiment of hybridisation, and retail’s Disc Priest is as close to healing/dps, as Survival is to melee ranged.

Survival is currently a defined as melee spec, with some ranged aspects, as much as Classic Survival is a ranged spec with melee aspects. The game has diluted it’s hybridisation of specs to the point of intended design. Whatever the reasons to transform Surv into melee, the precedent that Surv had those options most likely validates that BM and Marks were not chosen for such a change.

Legion and BFA giving melee requirements instead of options is a product of the design limitations behind all specs in the current game. We play the spec how it’s intended, instead of the freedom and options we had in the past because of how every spec has been defined (and limited) over time.


Was the SV Hunter’s only melee DoT. Its damage was worse than a Rank 4 Serpent Sting, because of this it was considered the worst Talent in the game, let alone worst 31 point talent in the game. Very few people ever took it for anything other than a joke. Thus, Blizzard replaced it in 1.7 with Wyvern making all the Hunter specs ranged.

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“LOW performance”?! Try NO performance, ALL hunters had the majority of the skills discussed, full SV was literally BROKEN. NO ONE went full SV till Wyvern Sting, SV hunters STILL used their bow for their primary DPS…that is the ACTUAL history that got ignored in that discussion. Just because someone names a video “History of Mellee Hunters” doesn’t mean there was ANY SUCH ANIMAL in Vanilla.


And what if America had just except British rule, were would be be then? America was built on tell the opposition that we will not listen anymore and just lie down.


And America is also built on the invasion of lands already established by indigenous peoples, but how does that affect game development…

This is a game, not a democracy!
Grow up!

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Then what does it prove when a “MSV is Great” post is made and the same ten players post. Who may just be as Naham has said is the same player posting on diffrent characters?

It is clear that this topic is still a hot issue when every MSV is great post dies quickly to be buried under thousands of the same posts.

When did this turn into a stand for the PC police?

That again, it’s the same like 20 people arguing with each other? Some like it, some hate it, and most of the playerbase is Switzerland or moved on years ago.

PC police…
When you decided to incorporate history, I’d suggest you work on the ignorance of “colonisation”, along with your opinion that game development is a democracy!


To think that “colonialism” is a PC subject, you’re more ignorant than I first thought…

Pathetic :roll_eyes:

Someone sure on thier high horse. You have every right to like MSV, but to tell others to expect and move on takes away the right to fight for what they love. You do not have that power to just tell a player to give up.


Maybe stop being a cliched gamer and start acting like an adult, not a child screaming “STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO”?

like the crazy part is nobody would give a s— if people just said “i don’t like it and here’s why”

but instead the same people post every single day “I HATE IT THIS IS AWFUL THIS IS THE GREATEST INJUSTICE EVER DONE” and have a constant echo chamber of how horribly they’ve been treated.


Just pointing out your ignorance in many factors!
Stating the treatment of the American indigenous is a matter of PC police, is showing you need to learn a lot more about history, as your ignorance is staggering!

I do, and I also appreciate that people don’t enjoy the spec, or may feel betrayed that the spec has turned melee. It is what it is, but do not go thinking Blizzard is a democracy. If Survival is changed again into ranged, it’s the developer’s call.

It is expected.
The precedent is there, and some were excited for a new direction thanks to that video you linked. Hell, it was announced in 2015 that the spec was turning Melee, and you’re still acting like a complete child. It’s honestly pathetic in how you’re acting.

You think you’re fighting for what you love?
You’re throwing a tantrum over events you have zero control over, and acting like a child in the process. You do not have a say in this process because development is not a democracy!!!


Or they simply gave up cause they knew if Blizzard was willing to remove a spec after years of fans, then they would not care what other plays had to say.

Even if they fought for RSV it would just come to nothing. So, many moved on to play anothet spec, or stopped playing a Hunter. Then there was a few who picked up MSV and liked it more than RSV.

However, as long as poeple remember how much they loved to play RSV there will be a post about wanting it to return, and there is no player who can change that hope.

So then you must work for Blizzard, or any other big name game developer?

You just like to talk down to others. To act as if what you say here gives you substance or proves your value.

Just another big talker with a ego to match.

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Heads up!
It isn’t a democracy!
If Blizz decide to reinvent a spec, they will.

As it should, because game development is not a democracy!

I should hope so! If you do not enjoy the spec/character you’re playing, you should absolutely roll to BM/MM, a different spec, or just stop playing. You have the freedom to choose those options!!!

Hope? Grow up!
The game has changed so much over the years.
Specs and playstyles have changed since the inception of this game, and you’re concerned about Survival specifically?

Yeah, go ahead and assume that :roll_eyes: You’re already acting the child. I’m outright telling you that your assumptions in game development is wrong. BFA has a lot of issues, Survival hunter isn’t one of them.

Right now, just you.
And yes, it’s incredibly easy considering your ignorance!

Nah, just educating.

Well, I am making a point.
It’s just a shame that you’re too ignorant to understand that point however :roll_eyes:

Then what is the point for making any suggestions on the forums? If it is just up to Blizzard’s whim as what direction they want to go then nothing on the forums has any push on them and they will go in what ever direction they want. then it means that everyone who enjoys MSV has no value to their arguments as it just up to fate if it stays another expansion.

It is not ignorance to make a comparison to fighting for one’s argument and some some point in time. They did not fight for democracy that came after. The Revolutionary War was Americas fight for Independence from British rule, who told them they had to give in and pay up taxes. It same as a MSV telling a RSV just give up the fight and just except MSV is here to stay.

It is just as unjust as telling Blizzard to remove MSV to bring back RSV. Both sides have equal say in what happens to SV now or its future. That is a democracy and one that Blizzard should be listening to. Not whatever little “big idea” they come up with next that has only lead Hunters into a separation of sides.

If you want to bring your ideologies to the post for your love of MSV or for the return of RSV then this is an open place to share. However, no player has any right here or any other post to kill off hope.

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Don’t go romanticising fate, with the development team.
They made a call in 2015 (maybe even before then), that Survival was to be redirected into melee. Feedback is perfect, but you’re continuously whining about a playstyle that was intentionally removed, like every other spec since the inception of this game! The only difference between Survival, and all other specs, is the switching of roles, of which there are 2 other specs within the class.

If you enjoyed Wrath Feral, gone.
There is no other melee option in the class.

If you enjoyed Mists Enhancement, gone.
There is no other melee option in the class.

If you enjoyed WoD Shadow, gone.
There is no other ranged dps option in the class.

Much like Rogue, Warlock and Mage, if you enjoyed Survival and no longer enjoy the spec, there are options in the remaining specs. How do you think Sub Rogues fare when their spec has turned to crap? If the designs aren’t enjoyable, leave your feedback and move on.

Except you have the freedom to not pay a subscription, and not play at all.
Your analogy is flawed to the point of being childish, as you’re thinking this post has any comparison at all with the American Independence. As for your thinking my comments of democracy has anything to do with this analogy, you should be aware they are generalised.

Blizzard will do what they do, if they want. if they find your care factor is more than theirs, they may consider a change. Otherwise, there is no democracy.

True, it would be very much the same in calling out for MSV to be removed over RSV, but do not assume either side has a say in the direction of the spec.

Again, this is not a democracy.
At least at our level.

It’s more akin to a dictatorship where they’ll listen, and analyse data, of which they have complete details that overshadow anything the player has access to, but it’s their call in the end.

There it is…
Grow up.

If RSV becomes a thing, that’s cool and all, it’ll be Blizzard’s call. But do not go thinking you matter.

Who hurt you?

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Your ignorance :roll_eyes:

Are you Sylvanas, just using another toon while you wait for your next plan?

“But despite all I taught them, they stubbornly clung to hope. To life. They will learn the truth, along with all the rest.” - Sylvanas Windrunner

Most likely, they did not give up on ranged SV as much as they just really wanted to create a melee hunter spec.

I get why they wanted to. It’s an easy way to further differentiate the various spec options that we have. And also, a melee-spec is actually fitting for the Hunter class.

The big problem wasn’t that they gave us a melee-spec.
The big problem was that they did so by removing a ranged spec in the process. Something that the playerbase wasn’t asking for them to do.

As long as people(players AND developers) continue with the mindset that it has to be either melee-SV or ranged-SV, nothing will change.

They decided yes.

But that decision wasn’t made with the basis that ranged SV could not be kept in the game. They did not decide to turn the spec into melee because ranged SV had nowhere to go…

It’s not this thread alone that shows why ranged SV have a decent enough level of supporters.

Check back through the forums and other sites all the way back to when they removed ranged SV.

In general, this topic of the return of ranged SV, is one of, if not the most popular topics of all class discussions.
Counting topics related to single classes. Not class design in general.

And it’s intended design between Cata and WoD?

Was that the general approach of Vanilla, or was it the forced playstyle-approach that we have today?

In Vanilla it wasn’t intended to focus on any defined fighting-style at all.

In Cata-WoD, it was intended to purely be a ranged spec.

In Legion - today, it’s intended as a melee-spec.

In short, intentions have changed a lot over the years.

Some do yes. It’s the same in both directions.
Some hate ranged SV and repeatedly post about it.
Some hate melee SV, and do the same.

Hopefully, more will start to specify what they would want instead as well as how it could be done without hurting others.

Not as of yet no.

If that was the case, we wouldn’t have lost our ranged SV spec in the first place.


And if we can find ways to get a beloved playstyle back in a way that suits everyone, then we are free to bring that up as well.