It’s been around for years and is in its second expansion. It is a hunter spec.
the game is 15 YEARS OLD, survival had a bow for far longer than it didn’t. I am not one to want that thing removed from the game, because I know some people like them.
That said if WoW decided tomorrow to give fire mages a flamethrower and a focus bar, I think we’d all understand their trepidation.
Sorry, did not get your point with this:/
Not sure how it would make it impossible but anyway, I don’t agree with people who say that MSV should not be/isn’t part of the class.
I might not like the spec/playstyle but…that’s really just me having personal issues with it.
Honestly, a lot of players did and sort of still do.
I was one of them but after looking into it a bit more, I just don’t think that giving us RSV through MM talents would actually give us a satisfying outcome.
At least you got your workout done^^
Like I said above, we might not like the spec for various reasons. But it is part of the class whether we like it or not.
No matter the reason for why they decided to remove it.
Not doing that no. Giving free passes…
But as far as suggestions goes towards how to make it return. The least invasive one that still would give a satisfying enough outcome, if you ask me that is, is the 4th spec route.
No need really to go for new class options just to get it back.
Lol, yeah, I’ll take that route as well :), ANY excuse, literally ANY way to get it back is fine with me. I just thought that if some wanted to have a melee pet class, they might like some extra specs as well, after all, the DEVs opened that box, NOT us.
After about 4 years, it’s a pretty safe bet to call it what it is, a Hunter Spec.
It’s the best possible chance. Also I’m probably going to do about 20-30 minutes of yoga and some cutting exercises (Bowie knives and saber) as a workout tonight.
While time can certainly be a factor, I would argue that it has more to do about if the playstyle and theme fits the class fantasy.
Also, does it have a connection to a part of the game in large.
And while the most prominent melee-hunter we can find, Rexxar that is, uses 1h weapons and not a 2h, he is a melee-hunter with pet(s).
Perhaps. But…how good would it actually be, design wise as well as the playstyle when combined with part of the MM core? I have my doubts…
Survival has an entirely different shot core, it’s not even possible, unless you go back to a classic/BC build system…and that would still add a fourth tree.
It would either be severely overpowered(and nerfed to the ground) or so watered down it wouldn’t be the same.
ALL hunters had melee abilities with 1 and 2 hand weapons, this is just further evidence of the level of “maiming” that has been done to our class over the years…it doesn’t in any way excuse the Devs for taking Survival’s bow away.
That is my biggest worry yes.
Nothing does…
No matter the argument.
Honestly melee should have been an option in the Bm talent list as that’s where it’s only viable in it’s origins and truly belongs. Other than that let them have their melee spec, i don’t really care for retail anymore ever since classic has been released. They can keep retail and all it’s woe’s while i enjoy classic.
When you reword it I can see the issue. I was not thinking that if MSV was moved it would mean starting over from scratch. After playing a character for 120 levels you get attached, and to dropped them just to continue to play a spec you like would be a disservice to the player.
Was think of it as a way to keep both specs, and seeing that a fourth spec for hunters are low it seemed like moving MSV to its own class maybe a alternative.
Yeah, was think about the play-style than the overall fact that you can not just reroll your character.
im disappointed guys. the last few weeks of classic i haven’t seen any OG vanilla survival melee hunters. really was looking forward to their legendary return.
Sometimes I melee at 5% or less to make it a shorter trip to loot and skin.
Not likely. Of course they would have tried again at it.
Yea, they rework and tweak MSV. They did that by making it more ranged. This is indicative of two things. Firstly, reworking it in the first place demonstrates they felt MSV was untenable. Secondly, their attitude towards the melee aspect of the spec has shifted from treating it as the core strength and focus in Legion to being a “necessary evil” in BFA.
None of those stance switches are as significant as what you’re proposing.
Permanency of choice. That’s why I suggested making it a talent choice. You have to really like melee to pick it and once you’ve picked it you’ve committed to it. If you make it trivial to switch at any moment… no one would forgo ranged, unless you start adding damage incentives to melee at which point you basically arrive at the current state of SV: a melee spec that can do significant damage at ranged.
And yeah, make it a talent point and not many people would pick it. At this point its clear to anyone paying attention and not lying to themselves that Hunters just for the most part don’t like melee. At least the people who did pick it wouldn’t be pressured to switch to ranged literally during a fight.
It’s not a feasible compromise. The melee playstyle already cost us a ranged one and it’s the one not many people like, so as far as I’m concerned it’s not the side with the leverage here for any compromise. The other big problem with the stance approach is that you have to design SV in a way that makes sense for both ranged and melee. If you look at the direction SV was heading in before Legion this would be hugely restricting. Meanwhile BM already has a playstyle that would work in melee as well and make sense.
No, it wouldn’t.
BM could have exactly the same playstyle. The melee talent would just be a matter of swapping single abilities like Cobra Shot, Barbed Shot, and Multi-Shot for melee versions (Raptor Strike, Lacerate, Carve; easy). MM would lose a couple talents hardly anyone takes anyway, big deal. SV would be the only spec revamped and even then it could keep some aspects like Serpent Sting and Wildfire Bomb.
MSV is already very BM-like due to the inherent problem that melee Hunters necessarily depend on a pet more.
Yes the particular playstyle of MSV would be gone but like I said I don’t think it earns a favourable compromise here. Also, let’s be honest, the current state of SV is not tenable. It has a decent PLAYSTYLE but Blizzard has demonstrated that doesn’t cut it; identity-wise it’s a mess and it’s only a matter of time before that becomes intolerable to Blizzard.
Hunters have three specs, two of them are ranged and one doesnt even need to rely on pets.
Why, now, do we need the one and only melee spec to be reverted to yet another ranged spec? Why are you incapable of simply changing to marksman/beast mastery for those encounters which require range?
Hunters have three specs, three of them ranged with different strengths.
Why, now, do we need one melee spec after 15 years of range?
lol there’s no such thing as one honestly the only way to actually have a viable Melee hunter is through the bm 31/0/20 tree with a little on survival and having the 2 fist weapons from zul gurub along with the Beast stalker set + broken tooth as a pet. nothing before that will actually make them good besides ravager for a few level’s. It can work but it requires actual knowledge and work in order for it to make a difference.
No one should lie that right now blizzard is literally buffing melee survival in retail to make it more attractive. imagine if it was actually balanced similar to marksman. It would be the worse spec in the game. It’s over-tuned and buffed like crazy with mongoose and wild fire infusion.
For example imagine the tears if arcane shot buff’s the damage of the next aimed shot by 15% each stack up to 5 max and having Piercing shot/lock and load/ or calling the shot’s give your aimed shot the ability to cause a bleed with similar damage to shrapnel’s bomb full 3 stacks. Along with Marksman having some actual good cc that doesn’t dr as much similar to the net’s or steel trap Which it desperately needs and rightfully deserves.
There would be endless tears. The melee spec has been cared for more than it’s ranged counterparts for some time now and it’s unfair.
Lor’thamar Therron, Regentlord of the Sindorei is a melee Hunter with a 2h Sword. Also I would not look at in game mechanics and lore figures too much. Rexxar does duel wield but he’s also a little special. This was gone through in another thread.
Because it’s different. Now why do we need three ranged specs after 15 years?
Because we only have one class that does physical ranged damage and we have eight classes that are melee the real question is why did we need another melee spec?
To allow players to choose to between a melee with a pet or not, to allow players to choose where they want to do their DPS at. There are only three specs that use a spear/staff and agility. The two who use a bow/gun are of little difference gear wise.