We need range Survival Hunters back

Haha sure champ keep thinking that. I don’t speak for anyone but myself. Good luck trying to invalidate people because of their playstyle, I’m sure that will work out well for you.

You’re the one who’s crying about posts in a forum, and that’s no one’s problem but your own. And I am sitting thanks.

Then you voice does not matter here then, since your not the majority.

Right right, only the majority matters. Please tell me more. :wink:

Exactly, the many outweigh the few. So, you keep on boasting for a spec that you only kind of play, while the many of us ask for a spec that was fully loved.


Don’t go Bepples on us. It was popular, but BM has it beat in the popularity department.

When it comes to MSV who do you pay attention to?

Lmao fully loved. Hahaha that’s rich. We all know RSV was the least popular spec for the majority of it’s existence.

The poster above you is why you’ll never get rid of me. Silly dwarf.

That was actually MM, but it’s AoE damage hurt it.

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I’ve said it before. The more we keep this argument up of who hates the other(spec) the most, the less there will be any interest whatsoever to actually look into any possible solution that would be best for…both sides.

I know that many are hesitant towards considering a 4th spec to be anything worth even looking at. But the back-and-forth arguments many are having here(and in other threads) right now, will certainly not lead to anything productive.

The devs gave us the MSV spec simply because they wanted to create a melee spec for the class. They even commented on it in a way that would suggest that they didn’t really care about how many “current” hunters there would be who would actually like the new design or not.
(Or I should say, they had more focus on the spec being attractive to players outside the class or even new players, rather than it catering towards current hunters)

We have since not seen any indication that they are considering reverting the design to be ranged again. I doubt we ever will, no matter how much people keep demanding/asking for it.

And, fair enough, there also haven’t been any indication of them changing their minds towards introducing a 4th spec option either. But at least it’s more likely than that they would suddenly do a complete reverse on the MSV decision.

I have posted my thoughts on how the ranged SV spec meet the criteria for why it should be added as a 4th spec option before.
What still has to change for it to happen?

The idea that the time and work required to make it happen is worth it?
All design elements of the game requires that. To a varying degree ofc.
If the playstyle/design of the new spec meet the criteria for a separate spec option, why not?

The idea that classes shouldn’t have 4 specs?
They have done it once before. When they thought it was justified to do so.
It’s mostly a matter of them realizing that a 4th spec option is motivated not only for Druids.
The hunter class had a playstyle in the past that in it’s core was unique. It was different from the other hunter specs. With the design philosophies of today, it could be even more so.

Should all classes have a 4th spec option just because?
As an example, Hunters shouldn’t get a 4th spec just so we can get a different iteration of the BM spec, neither the MM, nor the SV specs.
The same goes for other classes.

A design has to make sense for WoW as a game/as a world.
It has to provide a unique playstyle for the class. And amongst all classes really…
It should also provide for a way to strengthen the class as a whole. A way for the class to now be better at something, that it currently, might not be so good at.

It’s less of a WoW Hunter spec, though, which is entirely the point of all three specs.

Even then, he only ever does random BGs. Is there anything that epitomises melee Survival better than one of its biggest forum champions being a reroll and a barely-active toon?

A decision that screws over a lot of players to please a select few is generally a bad one.

Depends on the patch and also whether you count Classic/BC where all three specs were underdeveloped and didn’t have their fleshed-out toolkits yet. The version of SV most people remember, i.e. the one with Explosive Shot and Black Arrow, was more often than not the more popular spec.

You’ve been unequivocally proven wrong on this multiple times. Give it a rest.


That’s your opinion, and it’s wrong. While you want to focus on just the ranged abilities, neglecting the melee aspect of it is just being obtuse.

SV never had the draw BM had. Wrath forced BM to be a leveling spec and it was still popular. You can talk Patches all you want, but SV never has had BM’s following.

Glasses houses and all. (And I do agree RSV was more popular than KW is implying.)

The only thing wrong here is your obsession with an extinct spec, that was never any good.

Yes, BM has been my main spec since I first started back in Wrath. Think each spec has had it moments were it was on top. Think what causes a spec to rise are utility and damage. Players pick the best first.

Someone like Whim, respect a player whom has played more than just the one aspect and can hold a argument for the spec.

Post all you like I know everyone likes a good laugh. :rofl:


Players pick what they want first, then people tell them to go with what performs best.

Glad to hear that you hold me to such esteem.

This is the unfortunate truth, players want to play the spec they like; however, their guild or group tells them to switch or be benched. Leaders are looking for the easiest win, and after watching Method using a strict stacking of specs think that is the only way to win.

If you can hold your ground with Bepples then you have my respect.

What is really unsettling is that you still think anyone takes you seriously still. :rofl:

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That ain’t saying much really. His tactic is to use a lot of words to hide that he has little to say and will repeat himself. Two things to always look out for, posts that are essays rarely, if ever have any true substance, and the use of large, little known words to try to make intimidate someone.

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To be fair. Any arguments on the topic of ranged vs. melee SV and which one’s the best. Continuous discussions of whether MSV should removed/reverted in favor of the return of RSV, they are just as repetitive as any…

The same goes for the opposite. Those that like MSV and couldn’t be happier that RSV was removed in favor of their preferred playstyle.

You see the same arguments in most threads where the topic is in any way brought up.

“MSV is trash. It should just be reverted back to the old ranged spec!”
“No MSV is the best spec that has ever existed. If you don’t like it, go play something else!”
“Hunters shouldn’t have a melee spec. They were never melee in the past!”
“Survival was a melee spec in vanilla. It makes much more sense now than it did when it was ranged!”

And so on…
The above aren’t exact quotes. Or, they are, there are just so many variations of them.

This is my point really. Until we start looking for another way for how we can make it work, it will always come down to this very discussion. The very same arguments.

This ofc goes for the devs as well.
They are sitting on a unique spec for the Hunter class. A spec that has already been a part of the class in the past. A spec that did make sense. A spec that fit the fantasy. And that provided the class with additional strengths in combat.

But so far, they haven’t given it to us. Why? Because in order to truly let it remain as a unique playstyle. It would require the implementation of a 4th spec option.

My everlasting question based on the above is this:

If RSV does not justify being a separate spec. Then what would?
It can hold it’s ground as a separate spec as much as any of the existing specs for all classes in game atm. Even more so than in some other cases.

“A pure dmg class should not have 4 spec options. Period!”

To quote someone else:

Said no creative person. Ever.

And when phrased correctly:

Said no person with an interest in making the game better for everyone. Ever.


Aww looks like my new buddy got banned, what a shame, he was really helping that RSV argument.

Yes I know, if you are able to read through a Bepples post then you are set for life. However, he does show lot of passion for RSV, and has brought up some interesting points.

Think if they got straight to the point more readers would not skim past their posts.

But…he started it first.


That post wasn’t meant for you or Naham.

There are currently about 12 replies missing from this thread. Between two other posters.

I guess they were removed due to the content of said replies. And, due to being a violation of the CoC. To be fair, I honestly don’t know. But they aren’t here anymore at least.

I’ve deleted my reply that was based on those as I can understand how it’s a bit confusing now^^

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I think that was a joke that went over your head.

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