We need range Survival Hunters back

Oh, I’m not saying its a QQ thread. I see it more like nostalgia kinda of thing. All I’m saying is that all classes are changing and that it’s normal to feel left behind because you like the old version of the spec. Lots of people feel that way across the board.

I’m a die hard affliction fan and I hate the spec right now, and did not like it in legion either… At the same time, I usually leave the game when I played my main too much and am bored of the spec… They need to keep things fresh so that people like me are not bored.

Some specs suffered more than other, look at demo lock, disc priest, paladin seals are gone and auras are talents… war stances, I’ve seen thread in druid forums that asks to merge guardian and feral back toguether.

I’m just naming a few examples on top of my head. The point is, game changes. If we go back to ranged SV, everyone is going to ask for theit prefered playstyle back. Demo locks have lost their metamorphosis and gave it to dh, should we remove it from dh? Remove the new demo flavor which a lot of people like?

You guys need to move on, try something else if your spec is not fun for you. That’s what most people do, they face the change and move on. They evolve.

EDIT: Typos

Lol I’ve seen the same three people asking for pipedreams. Go ahead live in the past, I don’t really care.

I’ll say whatever I want about any spec/class thanks. Like Melee SV is better than ranged SV ever was. It ain’t coming back homes.

This guy si right, no it doesn’t.


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I am making a guesstimate. Using the forums and the number of same posters is a poor a assessment of numbers. You have to also factor in that the spec was range from 2004 to 2016. Then look at not only the EU wow forums but also MMO Champion, Reddit, and Twitch forums that have the same request. Lastly, you have to know that there are players who have just gave up on seeing range returned, or not motivated to post either.
This logic can also be a plied to Melee SV numbers as we have no clear way to see it population; however, its numbers are still lower as it a new spec and still has hang up that slow it growth.

Sorry, was not directing that to you. Any time a “I miss something post” shows up the same groups want to say stop whining and move on. Nogstalgis is a key factor in asking for SV back, you always want what you can not have, but there is also factors of how raids have been designed this expansion, and the fighting between the two sides of the Hunter community.
I just want Blizzard to give players some form of range SV that way the same players who keep asking for it back can go back to playing.

Then expect players to continue to call you out as a troll.

I think having the range abilities mixed in with melee gives more utility, but want to see more than just Raptor as its only melee attack.
Make Mongoose based a line ability again and have Raptor as a Focus builder. Give pets same effect as Lacerate. Then have SV mastery increase the amount of damage poisons and bleeds cause the target.

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Call it whatever you want, making up numbers just makes anything you say after silly and downright stupid.

If I’m a troll, you and your cohorts are the Kings of the trolls.
All hail the Hunter Troll Kings an their non existent ranged SV spec!

Call it whatever you want, kids.


not really. no other spec changed roles like SV. warlock specs changed but theyre still ranged. outlaw changed but it’s still a combo melee. just take bfa survival and make it ranged instead of 90% ranged.


Nah , it’s good as it is. Go play mage or lock if you so need three ranged specs.

Ok, dad… keep making up numbers to try and support your argument.

Idk why they couldn’t have just made a 4th spec. Why overhaul the entire spec and completely change it…

I hate survival hunters :confused: I see they are fun and do good dps but I’m not accepting of the fact that they ruined a perfectly good spec to add another melee to the game, like the last thing this game needs is more melee


"You guys also oversee all the other classes. Are there any particular changes that you’re most excited about?

Adam: I’m super excited about Shadow Priests, Outlaw Rogues, and Survival Hunters specifically. Shadow Priest gets to finally fulfill their fantasy of being really void-driven shadow magic. We haven’t really used the Old Gods as a hook for any of our classes until now and having that, like, wrestling with going insane and then just trying to hang on to that ridiculous amount of power for a little bit of time and then going back to normal. It’s kind of like the Demon Hunter except it’s consuming them and they want to be in that angry space for as long as they can before they build that back up.

Shadow Priests have always been in this world of: “I don’t know what my identity is. Am I a Warlock, am I a Mage, am I somewhere in between?” And now they have that unique hook. Discipline also, actually. We did a really good job – Holy is very much on the healing side and Shadow is very much on the damage side – Discipline we’re kind of doing an experiment where you can do both pretty well and we haven’t really done that before. So finding a niche for that is something that I would love to see, how it plays out. It’s scary territory for us but I think that’s a good place to be. I love taking risks like that and seeing how far we can push our design.

Outlaw Rogue doing the half-pirate, half-swashbuckler like [Hollywood actor] Errol Flynn, a musketeer with guns and swords and stuff I think that’s really fun. I worked on the Roll the Bones visual which was this really crazy idea we had and it was just like, “I think I know how I can do this.” And then it just turned out to be what it is and “I think that’s cool?” (Laughs) And then Survival Hunter…

Travis: It was another one that was missing its niche. It’s kind of like Marksman except more traps? Or different arrows? So it was kind of missing that “what is the core fantasy?”

Having it move into the melee space and actually return to its roots that was the vanilla Survival experience. You got your Raptor Strike and all that and having those come back and play a role, moving into melee, giving mobility like the Harpoon to draw you in – it’s like it finally gave them a unique identity. If this is the beast companion guy that you’ve always wanted to play then you’re going to have that role.

Generally those are the ones that probably got the most drastic changes but every single class – I think one of the things that’s fun to see is when you go into a five-man dungeon now and you can actually pretty readily, visually go: “Oh look the Rogue is doing his roll of the dice right now” or “Oh look the Paladin just threw his hammer.”

You get more flavor both visually and also as a player. That feeling of “What is that experience that I wanted?” and it delivers a little bit more for every class now."https://www.gameaxis.com/interviews/interview-wow-legions-lead-class-designer-senior-producer/

The Lead Class Designer Adam Kugler and Senior Producer Travis M. Day felt the spec had no distinction from each other and needed an over haul to accomplish this.



If you’re Steve Irwin? Yes.

And in a somewhat more serious response, have you tried to google “spear hunter”?

More importantly though, this sort of argument doesn’t work in WoW because it would invalidate every single spec of Warrior, Rogue, Monk, and any other melee spec in the game. If real world logic applied, why would anyone bring a sword or dagger, let alone bare knuckles, to a battle in which guns are being used?

I could be a troll and tell you that Survival Hunters will consider returning to ranged when the gunsmiths of Azeroth figure out how to craft a ranged weapon with a little more stopping power than a BB gun, but the reality of the situation is that WoW is a game where fantasy trumps reality.

It’s obviously not going to be fun or fair if ranged Hunters harnessed the same lethality of real world fire arms and so the argument over whether a ranged or melee Hunter is more effective holds little weight. The fantasy of these close-quarter combatants is that they bring the same lethality.

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Careful guys. We have people using three and four toons of theirs to make it look like extra people disagree with ranged survival lol.

Honestly idk what these guys have against a fourth spec that doesn’t hurt anyone. Seems silly for them to keep saying (idc about this) and keep bumping it to the top and trying to derail it.

But I’m glad for the popularity that this post is receiving


Exactly SV was always second string MM.
Now it’s In your face Steve Irwin and furry epicness.


Exactly, would you want to play WoW if it still had to pay taxes? That’s what I liked about having a melee Hunter option, being side by side with your pet killing stuff. " Hunters form a deep bond with their pets, and are rarely to be found without a fierce companion at their side, ready to leap into battle at the hunter’s command." standing back and letting your pet fight does not feel like a bond.


Exactly why bm should have been melee and not survival


What you need to factor in to this idea is that first of all BM has the largest number of payers out of all the other classes and specs in WoW, and Blizzard already knew with Survival Hunter that we were making a niche spec. It is a melee spec for a class that has traditionally being range. So, naturally Blizzard was not about to alienate most of their players, especially after they had just come off one of the worst expansions and the sub numbers showed.

Also SV was originally suppose to be called “Outdoorsman”, with a focus on a melee. Nearly every talent that wasn’t a boost to traps boosted melee attacks, melee crit, melee hit, or melee damage. The hunter overhaul in 1.7 removed most of the melee stuff and replaced it with tree people who’ve dabbled in 1.12.1 are familiar with.

Lastly, Survival for the longest time has been the red-headed stepchild of the Hunter specs. Never quite up there in terms of popularity or DPS, but it still had its fans, and they were loyal fans as well. So it was quite a niche spec already, and seen fit to make large-scale and sweeping changes to the spec.

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Bm is the most popular spec because of its ease of play. Its a training wheels spec. Doesn’t mean the concept cant be improved upon


BM has never been “easy to play.” It just used to be easy to do lots (LOTS) of burst without knowing what you’re doing. This was because of a lack of LoS requirement to your target, and because you could “fire and forget” with your pet, pressing your mongo pet macro. Because it was so mindless to do burst without LoS requirements, it gained the “simple spec” moniker. The rest of the spec wasn’t any easier than any other Hunter spec though. It was once a rich spec, with all the required skill a Hunter in general required for mastery, which used to be substantial. It just had a low skill floor.

Now it has lost a lot of that spec richness, but it has also gained more LoS requirements than any other class. It has also lost the ability to macro burst. So it has become less difficult (lower skill ceiling) because all specs have been dumbed down, but more difficult (higher skill floor) because all the mindless bursty benefits have been removed. In other words, in BfA its not “easy to play,” at least by today’s standards.

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