We need range Survival Hunters back

Nah KC is perfect, ranged Dd for when I get kited, or CC’d. Builds focus and can hit pretty hard.

I really don’t understand why having an ability from another spec, is such an issue for so many people.

And I’m saying in pvp, even though I love KC, the pet is problematic. So switching melee to BM would be bad, assuming you would tie more abilities to the pet, as many have stated.

With right talents it hits hard otherwise it a wet noodle, and if range is all that it good for than make the DoTs from Wildfire and SS build focus. Its was just added to give pets more flavor to the spec.

If I am not mistaken, during legion alpha/beta, testers were complaining about how focus starved surv spec is and Blizz said they might change raptor strike to active focus generator…

Even though focus wasnt really an issue midway thru legion, personally, I still don’t like and didn’t like dead downtime.

I prefer legions surv melee compare to BfA’s.

So you’re argument is that because I am posting on a rogue that my argument is invalid? Okay then you got some interesting logic.

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LOL bepples logic.

“Close-knit SV lovers that defend the spec despite its flaws”

Every spec has flaws. The people that like melee SV don’t believe all the trash you seem to need to reiterate every day as you cry, yes cry to the forums.

Still feeding my pet your tears.

Hey how’s ranged survival doing by the way?


actually counting dhs its 15 so 16 total

some people really like to melee also why dont we count all the caster specs too
3 for mage, 3 for priest, 3 for warlock, 1 for paladin(partially), 2 for shaman. 2 for druid, 1 for monk and we have 15 1 less then melee

I really liked legion survival too. I miss lacerate and the throwing axes. And flanking strike hit hard as hell. I like that they added kill command though

From a Dps stand point we only have,

  • Balance Druids

  • Beast Mastery

  • MarksmanshipHunters

  • Arcane

  • Fire

  • Frost

  • Shadow Priests

  • Elemental Shaman

  • Affliction

  • Destruction

  • Demonology

That is only 11 options for a pure range dps spec, and only two out of those is not a caster class.
Blizzard has only added melee specs with each expansion and be nice change to add a new range dps spec.
So, it is understandable why loosing range SV hit many hard.


just going through some old things (old game menu) to make sure to understand that a melee main hunter isn’t good for the hunter class as a whole and should be on the chopping block simply because of what the class was originally made to be.

(The Hunter The hunter is a unique class in World of Warcraft because it is primarily a ranged attacker. Even though other classes can learn to use ranged weapons, none of them is as proficient in their deadly use as the hunter. To support the hunter’s ranged attacks, this class has two main advantages: a loyal pet and a wide array of movement-restricting spells)

This lets me know the two ways to augment the hunter is either through focusing on one ranged (marksmen), two pets (Beast Master), and third movement restricting spells (Survival). These are the things that are supposed to Add to the hunter who is a primary ranged damage dealer every thing else is just supportive.

The main melee hunter is something that completely doesn’t make sense it’s a complete 180 from the original design where as mop’s ranged survival was the perfect example of what and where it should be. It’s easy to understand where the dislike for melee main hunters come from once you start reading the old classic menu.


Ok but bm isnt really a ranged spec. Its just a pet spec that has a few ranged abilties. Yes, blizzard has added purely melee classes since vanilla, which is a mistake, but hunter deserves an option to have a melee spec. The ranger archtype, which a hunter is, is more than suited for a melee role. It just shouldn’t have been survival.

But melee hunters rock! Best place survival has ever been!

I humbly disagree, The Bm hunter plays a major role because the hunters pet is key to what a hunter is and has been since it’s beginning.
The problem now is there there are thing’s like lone wolf which is actually horrible and should have never been implemented.
There’s step forwards to fix the mess the hunter class is in today design wise, but the proper first step would be back to making it a primarily ranged class.


wonder who’s bright idea was to make Hunters a Melee class? if you’re a Hunter would you prefer to face a lion at close range…


There’s a thread for survival melee promotion you could post things like that there this is a thread focused on bringing back the class to unison being primarily ranged.


The issue with the discription is how Blizzard has and will continue reimage what it means to be a hunter.

Original over view:
"The hunter class performs pulling, threat redirection, crowd control, and primarily ranged damage. Hunters have pets that add to their DPS and help manage aggro. They can also track, tame and train animals and beasts found in the wild. The well trained pet, on countless occasions, has saved a hunter’s life. It has been said by many, and throughout history, that hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends.

In some other games, such as Everquest , the hunter is a ranged/melee hybrid that can rely on both, when the need arises. In World of Warcraft , this is simply not the case. The survival tree offers some enhancement to melee defense, but the class’s damage mitigation is poor compared to any pure melee classes and its melee abilities are few. In fact, besides auto-attack, Raptor Strike and a few others is all a hunter has as far as melee."

Now the new overview:
" The hunter is a damage dealing class that can engage in either melee or ranged combat. Hunters who are master marksmen use a plethora of different shots to take down their prey, from venomous barbs and magical projectiles to explosive volleys and penetrating powershots, while those who focus on melee combat do so with polearms, executing deft flanking maneuvers and being particularly skilled at throwing their weapon. Hunters are also masters of survival, and their familiarity with traps and misdirection can allow them to manipulate their quarry’s attentions, leading them into deadly ambushes or camouflaging themselves so well that even the sharpest-eyed of foes cannot fix their aim upon them. True to their name, hunters are also skilled huntsmen, capable of tracking even the stealthiest of targets with incredible accuracy."

We went from being a range class that was not equiped for melee combat, to we are capable master of both.
A Hunter’s definition can be what ever Blizzard wants, all they have to do it revamp the fantasy.

This is where I will believe wow classic coming back into the picture, put’s retail to shame and will end up dominating over retail simply because when it comes to an mmorpg vanilla is a superior product and similar visually. Then blizzard most likely making an adjustment to retail to make it similar to classic.

Lol no. Classic is slow an inaccessible to the majority of the player base.
Also Lonewolf is fantastic! And exactly how MM should be played
Also also ranged SV isn’t coming back, thank goodness.

This guy really doesn’t know hunters/history. He is just trying to troll. Plz move on or flag him. The early agreement in this post was a 4th spec would be the easiest option at this point

We can tell its raid participation, though. And that’s perpetually low. We can compare it to ranged SV on the same grounds and see that ranged SV was brought to raids more often.

You can hide behind “oh but that’s only raiding” all you want but the point is people in this game strive to complete end game PvE content and tuning imbalance is relatively low, which means the proportions of each spec in raiding reflect how many people playing the spec in general. Every spec in the game has a proportion of casual non-raiders playing v.s. raiders. To argue that SV might actually be secretly popular means that, for some reason, SV in particular would have to have way more casual players than any other spec. How does that make sense? Why would Survival be a special case?

To wander into the land of anecdotes for a second, if this were the case you would see SV Hunters everywhere. They would be common. Every other Hunter you saw outside a raid would be SV. But I think it’s safe to say that that’s not what anyone’s seeing. Just one piece of anecdotal “evidence”, I was doing a lot of BGs last month. Hunters were a popular class. It was rare to ever see a single one that was SV, let alone multiple (I count 2 BGs total this expansion that have more than one SV Hunter). I was in an AV that happened to have 17 Hunters across both sides. Not a single one was Survival, the apparent “PvP spec” of the class. In WoD most if not all of them would have been Survival. Again, this is purely anecdotal, but if SV really were a popular spec and that just happened to not show up in raiding these anecdotes should be rare/non-existent. Where are all these hidden SV Hunters? Keep in mind that the spec really was everywhere the last time it was ranged.

No, there was actually a point there that you totally ignored. You keep acting like Survival being ranged would infringe on the other Hunter specs too much. One key counter-example of that is the class from which you are posting which is why I pointed it out.

Why is it fine for Rogues to have three melee specs with a similar template and identities when it’s not fine for Hunters to have 3 ranged specs?

The answer is, of course, that Rogues are fine it’s fine for Hunters to have three ranged specs.

Survival has more flaws than most. It is no coincidence that it is one of the most underplayed specs in the game.

They had to go out of their way to kill ranged SV while melee SV was dead on arrival. At least ranged SV never ended up as the laughing stock of the game :slight_smile:


You’re still not making any sense. Why would it be any more problematic than it is now for BM? Even Surv right now heavily depends on the pet due to Kill Command.

I don’t know what you people see in Vanilla Hunters. Yeah, some things have been pruned. But over all we actually have a similar ability count and the core rotations are actually far more complex and involved nowadays. Furthermore, Vanilla Hunters were much slower paced, primarily due to GCD, and limited due to the minimum range on all our abilities I hate Legion and BFA Hunters as much as the next guy but how would Vanilla Hunters be an improvement?