We need more SKIMPY Clothing in World of Warcraft

All the armor classes need more unique mogs in general! I remember one time pondering the idea of a revamp that allowed different variations of all armor pieces in the game, so one could simply choose whether or not they wanted an item to be skimpy.

Though perhaps an undertaking like that would be a bit too complicated, in retrospect. Still… it was a thought!


what about leatherdaddies


Thank you! Just saw that you’d replied. Hopefully people will consider this may be why some skimpy stuff (and non-skimpy stuff, for that matter) doesn’t get in – because it just for whatever reason wouldn’t work.

But you’re a demon hunter in the skimpiest of mogs.

I was replying to the big boi kul tiran in speedos… I have a Kul Tiran and something’s just don’t work…

Some people are into the hairy bara daddy types.

Excuse me, I need to wash my mouth out with soup for saying that.


how do I unread something??

Also came here to say this game is severely lacking in heels. I’m walking around in these god awful sandals. Tyrande is being stingy and won’t tell me who made hers


did they remove tyrande heels because feminist? too afraid to check!

Agreed. Take a hint from korean mmo’s.

No, no… well ok, but optional heels only
(My reaction is due to certain a Korean MMO and it’s style… and mandatory heels)

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She was wearing them until she went all Night Warrior on us

My wife is always looking for more skimpy transmog. I’m sure this would please her.

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I’m more interested in having more realistic armor sets for female characters. I’m sick of having to hide shoulders that are almost the same size as my character’s entire torso.

Also, some of the BfA armor sets were pretty ugly. I like good looking sets. For example, I did Nighthold over and over for the cloth sets, which were awesome.

And finally, there wasn’t enough diversity in armor sets in BfA.

so she isn’t wearing one anymore? wow lol yeah we ain’t getting skimpy clothing at least not on girls.

Sorry bro but this so called realistic armor doesn’t exists in WOW. Skimpy clothing are more realistic than the bulky 300 pound armor you see in WOW.

Yes, I know… which is why I want it. If it already existed, there would be no necessity to want it. I’d already have it.

And by realistic, I don’t mean 100% historically accurate. I just mean something better than what we have at the moment, particularly in relation to shoulder armor.

Is it just me, or wouldn’t it be great for the female worgan to have bras covering 6 or 8 rather than just 2? Like sets of 3 or 4 bras. I think that would be more dog style.

We need skimpy clothing


I want some thigh high boots with heels on them. Make it happen Blizzard!

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