We need more SKIMPY Clothing in World of Warcraft Part 2

Continuation of We need more SKIMPY Clothing in World of Warcraft

Okay, so we need more skimpy clothing in this game. Like A LOT OF IT.

I’m looking at all these gorgeous Warcraft 3 Reforged remodels, especially the Night Elves armor. They actually look like Night Elves armor unlike the censored armor releases that we currently get that covers you from head to toe.

WE NEED MORE SKIMPIER CLOTHING because its part of the Warcraft series since the beginning.

Skimpy clothing both man and woman has been on the lore of Warcraft since the very beginning. Yet in 2020, our options are extremely limited to outdated vanilla models. Ion Hazzikostas, how is this okay? Especially since its been in the lore since Warcraft ONE. I understand that all the developers from Warcraft/Vanilla / BC has left, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot replicate the vision that was there from the beginning.

We need new artists (not saying to replace the ones we have although we def need new ones, just an additional help) to the current World of Warcraft team that has the same visions as the original artists of Warcraft One and Vanilla World of Warcraft because to be quite honest with you. The current team that we have just don’t cut it. They prefer everyone looking like a bulky walking she hulk than say, agile and sexy wonder woman.

Signed Ruby Roundhouse the sexy and beautiful Karate, Tai’Chi, Aikido, Dance Fighting, Nunchucks… girl.


Yes we definitely need more!


I do believe that any lady or gentleman who wishes to display their bodies more openly, should be given more options to do so indeed.


Nah we are okay with what we have

This is what fan art is for because I’m not being forced to look at it then when I see another blood elf idiot running around trying to look like they’re making money off the street


Yep and our only options are from old vanilla / bc style armory and somehow this is OKAY even though it’s been a part of the lore of Warcraft.

Just because you are afraid of your own body, doesn’t mean everyone else feels that way about their own.

Better stay away from Muscle Beach. There are some sexy looking people too good for your eyes.


It is quite jarring to reach WOTLK content and see how Blizzard turned everyone into nuns. Alas at least Legion had some skimpy options as well.

I think the biggest problem is that for other newer skimpy options in BFA or WoD, they are all “savage” style and don’t really fit most characters or complementary pieces, and even if they did, they just aren’t as stylish.


I don’t think it’s got to do with being afraid of ones body i think it’s more boring as all hell these days i see more female elf models with 0 clothes on then i do using any of the cool armour sets in the game.

Like i’v seen the same Night Elves with the same undies and bra combo so much i’m starting to think it’s the same person every time.

Edit: Everyone is free to wear whatever the hell they want but i’m also free to call you generic and boring.


Might be because WoW has so few options when it comes to that type of transmog. It seriously needs more options in that territory.

They can barely fix helmets on us worgens i doubt we’ll get anything now seeing as tier sets are gone.

The Night Elf bikini/mankini armor from the Battle of Dazar’alor scenario would be an amazing mog.


I think variety is the best way. I don’t want us to be overtly sexual (those mmos are kinda bleh) but I would like more options.

Meh. /10characters


Elves and goats running around in their underwear is lame.

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We need more conservative, dignified clothing in this game, and less plate bikinis.

Have some self respect and don’t encourage sexual objectification.

Damn kids.

Mary Poppins would be rolling in her grave right now.

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I, Donny Kawano, seek skimpier clothing.

Training is inefficient when I am confined to heavy armor. Donny Kawano may be a death knight, but Donny Kawano does not need to feel like death as he trains.

You see, there is something to this brilliant call for nudity.

Donny Kawano pulls his pants off.

Be free heroes, be free.

Donny Kawano backflips into his basement.


That’s because that’s all there is. If they made more you wouldn’t see the same thing as often because people would have more choice.


WoW isn’t sexy enough.

You don’t need lots of skimpy outfits to be sexy, you just need a story with sexy people.

I say we go full Game of Thrones, write the story full of sex scandals, heads on pikes…

“Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king.”

“The things we love destroy us every time, lad. Remember that."

“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

“You’re a hateful woman. Why have the gods made me love a hateful woman?”

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yeah i wanna wear a thong please

its the only option they have. so wouldn’t it be better to give alternate options?

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They wouldn’t have to be skimpy but it would be nice to have more tunic/shirt options instead of robes almost all of the time. At this point I’m almost shocked to run across a non robe chest for any of my casters, and some brighter colors would be nice as well.