We need more for the high elf aesthetic

Well, yeah? You don’t exactly have many big elves on the horde side. You have 3, or, had 3. Now Sylvanas is gone traitor. So you have 2 like us. And technically, while not a person who moves the plot in-game, Valeera is also aligned with the alliance for the most part.


Its time for the other races. Sorry. Yall got what u wanted. Your never satisfied. Rp as alliance elf or go blood elf. :man_shrugging:


No we haven’t. I ask you, what does my race say? Does it say high elf? If it doesn’t, then no, I did not get what I wanted.

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Why people even respond to bait? You want allance high elfs go visit their remanes in Theramore.


Because it’s not baiting. Many people are passionate about this. You mistake passion, with trolls.

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You are playing a character that looks exactly like a high elf lol

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Because this is what they actually believe and it is not trolling.

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Void Elves still have some of the least customization of the races in the game, I posted the actual numbers in another thread yesterday. I’m too lazy to go back right now, but if I recall, only Dark Iron and Vulpera have less.

That said, I’m against adding more high elf stuff. I want them to add more void customization. Some grey/blackish skin tones, maybe some new eye colors, new hairstyles, some more grey toned hair colors, different colors for the void tentacles, etc.


Again with the surface level. It’s more than just appearances. In gameplay, it quickly gets deprived of its high elf elements. Again, Entropic Embrace. It’s like the worgen trait. Just forces you to be something. You turn purple, you become a void elf every time it procs.

Why? Void stuff is the least popular element of this race. Plus, void elves are already a finished concept. Anything else added is extra. I ask you, go and get us the racial toggle to turn off Entropic! And at least 1-2 silver covenant hair styles! You can bring this up to blizzard! So don’t go saying this nonsense about not wanting more when we aren’t done!

Female void elves have actual blood elf hair styles, so they can look the part. But what of the males? None of them look like high elf styles. Let us be fair here!

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Yeah I really like the void aesthetic and would like for them to lean into that more instead of making them an even more generic copy of blood elves. But right now I think other races need more options like nightborne who still have one of the worst models or mechagnomes. Most of the beast races are also really lacking in options like the female pandaran who who is really lacking


No. No they aren’t. They aren’t remotely close to finished. They’re still practically a concept.

And no. We don’t need more high elf customization. You got the compromise that you wanted. If you want to play a pure high elf, roll horde. Now that they have blue eyes, and cross faction play is coming, you can use that.

Void Elves are Void Elves, we need more void customization. We need more backstory.


Mechagnomes have the second most customizations of allied races that haven’t been updated yet.

Nightborne have some of the most customizations after the updates.

Are we playing the same game?

Nightborne have a really janky and odd model that still needs more work :man_shrugging:


Cross faction still forces you into horde territory. I want ALLIANCE high elves. That is the important part. I want a pure high elf, on the alliance, none of this void nonsense. That is something you don’t understand.

And again, void elves aren’t popular. How can you say to go play horde when alliance high elves have completely consumed void elves? It shows where interest lies, it shows what people want. Even yourself, you do the same! So let us continue, and let us finish it. if not, then just leave. You are worthless to the cause, no, absolutely counter to the cause. I don’t even want you here and wish you had no place on the council.

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I like the Nightborne model, personally.

I hate the Gnome model, but I don’t think they’ll be updating that any time soon.

You can’t please everyone with an art style.

The only race that was universally panned was female worgen, and it took them a decade to fix that.

And again, yes they are. By the time high elf options were added, void elves had already jumped to the third most popular alliance race. We don’t have data for it since high elf options were added, but that doesn’t matter. The fact that many people moved to void elf proves they are indeed popular, and not just for the high elf aesthetic.

Your opinion =/= Fact. The data from sites that collect armory data? That’s facts.


People literally played them because it’s all they had. This was all they could cling on to for alliance high elves. Make no mistake, the idea, the concept, very unpopular. And the second the options for high elves were added, the options that gave them a semblance of the race they wanted… everyone jumped ship and went full on high elf. Just because people played void elf before, does not mean conceptually they were a popular addition. Void elves were always just the answer to high elves, and will always just be the sorta high elf but not really race. It will never be known for its voidness. It will always be the knock-off high elf. Always.


That is your opinion.

Stop stating it as fact.

I am literally evidence that people played Void Elves for the aesthetic. The only reason I opted for a normal skin tone is because Blizzard for some reason only gave blue/purple skin to Void Elves when there’s so many other options. If they ever add a grey/black option, I’ll immediately switch.


“Literally evidence” I don’t think you know what evidence means! You’re literally playing a high elf right now! What nonsense! And yeah, people like that exist, but not nearly as much as actual high elf players. It’s not even an opinion, high elf players are just far outnumbering those who care at all for void elves as a concept.

Now just accept it! Either agree with me and get us that Entropic Embrace toggle, or leave! I mean it! I’m tired of this back and forth! Help the cause, or be silent.

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the void aesthetic is more popular than you think. people love to be goth