I’m stealing this… yoink
How dare you! To the hounds with you!
I’m stealing this… yoink
How dare you! To the hounds with you!
I mean, this is true. It shows where the actual interest for the race is. If everyone is roleplaying as a sub version of the actual race, then maybe something should be done about that. For instance, retconning void elves and in place making them high elves again. Just, when there’s a void expansion, make it so their void tendencies become too much for them to control, and they have to siphon it out and become normal again. There, you wiped out the mistake and gave everyone back what they actually wanted. But I will be real, I do not even want to wait that long. I want at least all of my high elf options now. I want to be a real race already instead of half of a race. The demands right now, at the very least are as followed: Remove purple blood on reg skin colors, remove the echo on their voice with reg skin colors, give them their high elf name, Entropic Embrace toggle, Silver covenant hair, Paladin class unlocked if you are using the natural skin colors and hair. (EE will always be disabled) Do these very small and simple things and we’ll be fine. They could be all taken care of within a month or less. Why not just finish high elves already so people can stop complaining? Because until they do, it won’t be over. High elves absolutely should take precedence over everything else, as everything else is finished. High elves are only halfway done. Do not compare them with void elves any longer. Yes when compared with void elves they have a decent amount of options, but as a standalone race, they do not yet exist, they are not completed. Complete them.
What about people like that me that actually like playing a void elf and have no interest in stupid high elf nonsense?
It’s not like you would have had it anyways had they just given us the correct race instead of this compromise. Just play a high elf shadow priest I guess, and just pretend. It’s what they tell us to do, just pretend you have high elves. Not very satisfying, now is it?
Or you can just settle for what you have now and let people who enjoy whats in the game already just enjoy instead of furthering catering to you
Why in the world would I settle? Why would I be fine with just having half of what I want? Is it really so greedy to expect something in full? To just be alright with being given the short end of the stick all the time? This is hardly even catering. I will remind you again High Elves are not finished. What has been done is merely they’ve thrown a few bones our way as we grovel over them like dogs. Are we supposed to be pleased to our masters for their tiny gifts while everything else has been fully fleshed out and realized? We, the high elves, just remaining a joke that needs to share the race of the most opposite of what a high elf truly is? It is an even bigger slight, to be subjected to parasitize off a race that shares none of the ideals of a high elf. That no matter what, we will be suffocated under them, to be stripped of the core of being a high elf. Because of this void nonsense, no paladins, edgy aesthetics, putrid, purple blood, distracting racial glows, and the worst voice and voice lines I have ever heard. Everything about a void elf is a mockery to a high elf, and being attached is the biggest slight and joke blizzard has ever given the community to this day.
So no, do not go and say they are catering to us, and do not tell me to just settle. You have never had to settle. You have your vulpera. Completed, perfected. But we, we are just a boil on the disgusting faces of void elves!
Roll a blood elf lol
Vulpera are really lacking in customization options just like pandaran lol
Oh? But you can still play a vulpera, right? It doesn’t say… goblin when you try to create one? None of the npc’s call you goblin, you are your own race. You could have more options, sure. But that is just extra. You are still finished, with the door open for more to come.
Void Elves were taken out of the Horde and forced into the Alliance (a plot that doesn’t even make any sense) to satisfy the Elf-loving playerbase on the Alliance. I think we should be happy with what we got, not to mention given all the unneeded High Elf customizations which IMO ruined the Void Elves to me as a race. Forcing these customizations onto the Void Elves was a terrible idea, not a fan of all these customizations on the Void Elves. I liked how it was before when the Void Elves first came out, limited customizations which made them feel rare and unique, that feeling is no longer there.
It came to that because Void Elves were so poorly received. It wasn’t what anyone wanted. No one wanted these horde traitors that became massive edgelords who glow all purple and sound like dying hags. They are one of the dumbest races in conception.
You should notice hardly anyone uses them as void elves. People wanted high elves, people use them for high elves. Your race was just a niche until we got the better options. Accept that. You are niche.
You have twice as many customization options than any other race and can look like a high elf now. Stop being melodramatic lol
No. We have half the options. Void elf, is not high elf. They are 2 completely separate things, and any of their options do not work for us. They do not count.
We also cannot be called a high elf, we barely can look like one without the proper hair. Entropic ruins any idea of being a high elf because it just forces you to turn into a void elf every time. The voice effects and lines do not sound like what a high elf would say, and the purple blood is not what a high elf would bleed. So really, we are going towards negative options, because many of the mainstay features of void elves detract from high elves.
They are the same race.
No. One is a mutated monstrosity that has given up everything it means to be a high elf. Genetically they aren’t the same anymore at all. You see that again with the blood, with the flair, with the freaking tentacles! And when you use the toy that turns you into a kid? You’re a voidling. So how are they the same at all?
And yet here you are playing one that looks just like a blood elf in virtually every as to make it indistinguishable from one.
The hair is void addled. Even without the tentacles, you can see that widow peak, and the strange parts and wavyness. It’s the best one can do, but it’s not at all really what a high elf would have for hair.
This is just at a surface level at that. In gameplay? I am even less like a high elf. In combat I glow purple, when I get hit I bleed purple, I yell in a raspy, reverb voice. My voice lines are all so chaotic and evil sounding. They say things that do not fit with what a high elf would say. These things ruin the experience completely. So I may somewhat look like a high elf, but only at a glance.
yeah, would have made more sense if void elves remained on the horde and alliance got high elves
Then play a blood elf because that’s clearly what you want lol
I want alliance-aligned, pureblood thalassians. I want to play as the race I see helping the alliance out constantly. With the silver covenant, or the 7th legion troops. A blood elf is not that, they are aligned with the horde, their culture is now entirely different.
I grew up playing the old WC games, when high elves were with the alliance. That is what I liked. It made sense, it fit aesthetically. And it’s still there, being shown to us and constantly teased. It may be fewer now that they split off, but we still have those alliance aligned thalassians that harkin back to the days of old.