We need more for the high elf aesthetic




I couldn’t have said it better myself so thank you for this post. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


all of the void elves in this thread look like high elves and not even void elves.

what more do you want lol


We are not a “different Alliance” the Alliance has always been the Alliance. Stormwind/Ironforge/Gilneas/Kul Tiras were always member. As for the high elves, they left the moment they found it convenient. The high elves that are still today part of the Alliance were those who never left!

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And they will become playable over the years or decades. The current options are fine but the best approach was and still is to to further develop the character creation screen with subraces so everyone wins in the end.


Honestly there’s nothing political about me trying to live my life in peace.


I would truly be happy for Blizzard if they added in more High Elven Options in terms of Hair Colors that adds variety like deep orange redhead instead of light. I mean I am grateful we even have two redhead options but I would atleast would love to see more variety. Another set of Brown Hair would be nice instead of darkerish, Dark Blonde instead of bright, and I think that’s it for the Natural Hair Colors. For the next new hair colors would be Pink, Another Set of Blue like Light Blue or another shade of Blue, Purple, and yea that’s about it. Just Another Shade of Brown, Orange Red, Dark Blonde, Light Blue, and Pink. Unless we get a half of Neon shades on like half of it for the Females and Males.

For Hairstyles I would like to atleast see some of High Elven Hairstyles from Warcraft 3 Reforged into Void Elves like the Units for example of the Priests, Rangers, Archmage, and etc. Maybe some of the Blood Elven Stuff like atleast Silver Covenant wise and other High Elf Npcs since they share the same hairstyles. Then after that go all out with Futustic Dark Elf Hairstyles or inspirations like from Borderlands, Zelda, Elder Scrolls, League of Legends, and etc.

I guess for Eye Colors I want dark purple version of Purple Eyes, Half Elf Green, Brown, and Yellow Human Eyes, because Half Elves, and Red and Black from the Void itself.

Some more Beard Options, Jewelry, Tattoos, and Scars would also be nice as well along with set Monster corruption features for the Void Elves or High Elves in general.

There we go. I say Void Elves just needs some Hair Colors More Hairstyle Options would be nice, and other things.

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We really do.

How are you posting when you’re currently imprisoned, varry?

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Some players have always been talking about not having the original skin- and hair colors/styles being available to them from the High Elf NPCs. Unnatural colors will likely fall below the Void Elf customizations, the Void Elf topic from Fenelon has some great examples, even though most of them don’t suit the Void Elves at all due the purple skin color.

They won’t do “half”-stuff for a long time, it’s still a touchy can of worms-topic which opens also Pandora’s box when it comes to inter-species breeding, especially to the sensible people on both ends. This requires so much work, it will likely become its own expansion thing if they do a time skip into the future. Otherwise I do not see this coming, at all.

In one single post you have managed to invalidate your entire argument by comparing helfers to LGBT struggles


sad tauren noises

feeds you an apple


Strong Seymour Skinner "no it is the trans community kids that are wrong energy in here



aaww cute


op, if you’re still around and reading the thread, i agree with this idea. i dont really care about entropic and i’m not hung up on the high elf title, but i certainly would appreciate the attention to detail. and new hairstyles would be awesome, for velfs and helfs


I had this bookmarked / it’s expiring but I guess we never got the citation for that claim, I thought maybe there was one but shoulda known better considering the source of the claim.

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Reading what is available for Vulpera the alliance attacking them was part of their story. They alligned with the Zandalari and after their king was murdered by the alliance I’d say it’s pretty clear the Vulpera were not treated well by the alliance. It’s not a wonder that they would choose Horde and not even consider the alliance as friends.