We need more for the high elf aesthetic

I’m conflicted, as a Blood Elf main.

That chart is incredibly misleading. It implies orc males got more options than everyone else. Orcs are about fourth on total options, they just have more categories than everyone else because of the hunch setting which means the number of unique combinations is higher.


It outright states what it is. How is that misleading?

Because unique combinations is not the same as more options, which is how it’s presented.

It also doesn’t include human options for worgen, which makes no sense.


The chart literally states it’s tallying total possible combinations. How is that misleading? I suppose if someone decides not to read more than the first line it’s misleading, but that’s more on them than the chart.

Doesn’t it? Again, this is about combinations. You can’t slap a human skin tone on your worgen form.

Enough with the dang elves already.


I agree. People can make a Blood Elf which is a renamed High Elf in honor of their fallen people after Arthas.

With Cross faction they’d have all the options they are looking for right there. :wink:



This is why FF14 is better.

But also… OP, I get you want High Elf stuffs. But there are lot of races that hasn’t gotten their customization.

Maybe after they get enough, perhaps this thread would have been more appropriate? Too soon to ask.

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Honestly. Because they gave us high elf looks on void elf they have forever killed the ability to give me what i really wanted (high elf paladin) but i would be all for some tattoo options, more hairstyle options in general and maybe, most importantly for me, an option to toggle the freaking entropic embrace passive so it doesn’t turn me all purple. Please blizzard that would be the main thing i would want if i can only pick 1 of the 3 options.


Well what a lovely sentiment.


Absolutely agree.

Then it will be a point in my request.

High Elves for the Alliance!
Paladins for High Elves!


Nothing is more entertaining than watching high elf threads get ratio’d after

“wElL cLeArLy sInCe oUr tHread hAs a lOt of lIkes iT mEaNs aLmOst eVeRyOnE wAntS hIgH eLvEs”

and then when they aren’t padding the like count suddenly these threads get ratio’d by the very first post that tells them to buzz off lol.


Or you could just be happy they decided to give you any options at all, especially since they originally decided to just tell you to “Just play a blood elf” because blood elves are literally high elves. :roll_eyes:

But no, blizzard budged just a tiny bit, time to keep asking for more and more and demanding more and more.

Doesn’t matter the games already MASSIVELY over staturation with elves and plenty of other races are completely behind on customizations option.

no you want them to make an entire new race (Another bloody elf) that is literally just a copy paste of blood elves and void elves with minor alterations, and you cannot believe people find the high elf stuff completely exhausting at this point.

We don’t need more elves. Stop asking for more damn elves to be made. I’m so bloody tired of elves.


Or we could continue to insist Blizzard go all the way and properly deliver on what fans wanted.

Clearly the fans have enough weight to get Blizzard to move, it would be a mistake to let up before actually getting the thing that was wanted. This is not a situation where anyone needs to compromise with Blizzard - Blizzard can deliver High Elves, so there’s really no logical reason to accept anything less.


And thus my statement.

Give an Inch, they demand a mile.

Fully comes into fruition, and my point is proven. I vote no more damn elves in warcraft, we’re already drowning in elves we don’t need more.


Literally what I have pointed out this entire thread, except it’s give an inch and take 1 AU ( for those that aren’t in the know that is one astronomical unit which is an absolute insane distance)


You’ve got that a bit reversed.

Ask for a mile, get an inch.

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Agreed. And I won’t stop until I get high elf heritage armor. Also the ability to play a high elf paladin who proudly fights for the Alliance! (Or at least who can lounge around Stormwind, idc if we move past current factions dynamic).

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Blizzard took a mile, gave back an inch, and then you’re getting mad on their behalf that people want the full mile back.

You haven’t proven anything, lol.

Exactly. Ask to get your mile back, get an inch, have random posters defend Blizzard for only giving an inch. It’s actually really weird. Why do people feel obligated to stand up for Blizzard in this regard? What do they gain? I don’t understand it.