We need Death Appeals

I respectfully disagree. When you make your character, did you not click “I agree” to the agreement? It specifically states "*By agreeing to play on these realms, you accept that your character’s death is permanent for whatever the reason. This includes disconnections, lag, server outages, gameplay bugs, or any other reason. *


No they’re a great idea and very popular. Some people have junk ISP connections, its not Blizzard’s job to fix that.

i lost my 46 mage last night to DC and wont be rerolling because it will most likely just happen again. It’s a horrible gut wrenching thing to go through.

Hardcore is not for anybody who doesn’t like starting over again. That’s half the fun. DCs happen.


You calling another player the r-word used up any sympathy I might have had for you.

Will add my two cents here. I wish there was an appeal but I did agree to a contract when I made my character and knew the risks. While need is a relative term - implementing it would change the dynamic of the game. And ultimately playing an appealed character would feel differently to me. I’m fine without appealing being in the game.

I say this as someone who lost 60 hours on a character due to a disconnect death while swimming underwater in an area with no mobs. All professions leveled appropriately in the expert range, high quality blacksmithing gear equipped for the level. Fun low level Engineering trinkets and all.

It was a relatively small body of water, underground cave. Got up to the other end and realized my breath meter was still going while out of the water and suddenly the dark portal was staring me in the face. Logged back in to a sad spirit healer who’s only response was “I cannot help you champion.”

Funny thing is, I think I would be more mad if I died to playing poorly rather than my ISP simply deciding it was that characters time to go. (I have a PC with good specs, ethernet connection not wifi and don’t skimp on slow internet).

Lesson learned - always have an underwater breathing pot if you want to swim.

I’ll be playing starfield for awhile and going to the gym/cooking, but will probably be back at somepoint. Good luck friends, you’re gonna need it.


I just wanted to thank you and everyone else in here for their time and comments. I have really enjoyed reading this. This is hilarious and the best part of hardcore. Thank you for this content.


I died from a stupid mage quest in UC, wasn’t expecting 3 lvl 16’s to bumrush me, had like 1 sec to react.

No. Everyone is on a level playing field of no appeals. Once you allow appeals, then it’s all opinion based and then no more level playing field. If you love the game, you’ll go again as it’s the journey, not the destination.


While I agree that appeals are not necessary this

needs to go on the meme list with the likes of “a slap in the face” and maybe have a drinking game around its usage.

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Been HC since Feb, have never wanted to appeal a death ever. Appealing deaths is really kind of lame. Never had a dc death, a bug death or seen anyone die in any of my dungeons groups.

The top 3 reasons I have lost a HC char is:

  1. drinking while playing
  2. debunking bad takes in chat
  3. overconfidence

All three of those things have one underlining issue, its me. HC is kind of like golf, you’re playing against yourself and the world. Enjoy the world and go again.

ps. I like to swap from horde to ally when I die to help keep the leveling fresh.

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I’ve seen two videos of deaths that should have been able to be appealed.

One was of a mage running through Shadowfang Keep, he was running away and a Worgen attacked him through the wall and killed him even though he wasn’t close to it.

The second was of a warrior running in the Temple of Atal’Hakkar and they ran into a wall, which made their character fall through the floor and die.

Those are deaths that should not have happened.

Death by other players, disconnection, hyperspawns, and everything else that people complain about are just part of hardcore.

The problem is, as soon as blizzard lets someone appeal the 2 out of 1000 deaths that actually need an appeal, they will open the flood gates to thousands of appeals that don’t need it.

Unfortunate in rare circumstances, but that’s just part of the game. It’s been said before, but it is true in some cases. WoW was not built with Hardcore in mind. There are still bugs, there are still design issues that do no play well with hardcore in mind. Most of the time you CAN play around the the issues but not all the time.

so is mobs attacking you through false walls :expressionless:

i know that feel :expressionless: my character is in danger but i just gotta get that snappy retort out

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What a silly idea. Just get good OP or it’s back to elwynn.

You can argue that it’s part of hardcore, but I dont think mobs attacking you through walls or falling through the floor should be part of it.

But it doesn’t really matter because Blizzard is likely not going to fix it, so it will remain part of hardcore.

Those thinngs

has been a part of WoW since Vanilla :wink: It’s the new bugs, like hyperspawns, Guards PvP flagging you, Inns not giving rested buff … all those new ones we have an obligation to complain about hoping to have them fixed!

oh what’s this one now :expressionless:
inns are working fine for me.
if there is ever an issue you can just leave the inn’s area and go back.

100% no. Do you honestly think you yourself and many others are not going to abuse it? No.

I know and I did, but it still should work first time you enter an inn. It’s mostly Lion’s Pide Inn in Goldshire being up to tricks, but also the Scarlet Raven in Darkshire is on the list - which is worse if you’re trying to get away from Stitches at low level.