We need connected realms on TBC Classic - here is why

That is it. The only way to avoid more transfers to Faerlina / Whitemane / Benediction at this point is to connect all low realm pop servers per region.


On US East connect:

  • Westfall
  • Herod
  • Sulfuras
  • Netherwind
  • Skeram
  • Kromcrush
  • Heartseeker
  • Kirtonos
  • Incendius
  • Stalagg
  • Thalnos (no information about population)

Removing both Farlina and Benediction from this simulation as they are auto sufficient right now (if a catastrophe would happen to them, they could be connected in the future):

|Server      |Alliance| Horde|
|-------------|------ |------|
|Sulfuras     |      0|  5883|
|Westfall     |   5077|     0|
|Herod        |      0|  5055|
|Earthfury    |    756|  4040|
|Netherwind   |   3145|     0|
|Skeram       |      0|  1987|
|Kromcrush    |   1454|     0|
|Heartseeker  |    560|     0|
|Kirtonos     |      0|   456|
|Incendius    |     33|     0|
|Stalagg      |      0|    27|
|Total Faction|  11025| 17448|
| Total population    | 28473|

The realm group wouldn’t be as balanced as desired (Horde at 61,28%, Alliance at 38,72%), but at least would be an alternative to Benediction and Faerlina.

We would have as many layers as necessary (similar to Benediction today).


This would singlehandedly push the remaining alliance to Bene.

I agree on connected realms, but not like this.

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Why? Isn’t the reason the alliance moving to Benediction because they were on dead servers?

If that is the case, block alliance transfer to Benediction.
Open free transfer off Benediction to those realms.

Earthfury was not dead until people left for Bene, we had over 3000 A logged.
Alliance started to leave for Bene because they couldn’t handle only being 35% of a pvp server when H thought camping at every summon stone / daily area / farm spot was a mandatory zug play 24/7. What killed EF was needless horde xfers in.

So your offer of 2 horde to 1 alliance again is no good.
Especially for the Alliance that won their 100% servers.

First of all, the numbers show clearly it is not 2:1

Second, what is the alternative? create even smaller connected realms that will die sooner just because you can’t handle being the minority faction? on the group?

Even with layers that should be highly mitigated.

Perhaps you would like to be on a PvE realm instead.

You pose like it is like the horde situation on Benediction (where is actually for real 3:1 alliance:horde) with this here where is barely 1,58:1 horde: alliance characters.

Don’t you even dare. The others that left are the issue, I am staying despite the now insane imbalance. Because sure, I can handle some pvp. The majority of alliance, not so much. IFpro is way behind btw, more guilds leave every day. And have you ever played as the minority? Horde is all of Skeram so I’m not sure.

But seriously. Right now I am 1 of 135 alliance online.
Horde is over 2000.
Live it and tell me how good the pvp is then.
Struggling in this environment does not mean someone deserves to be on a pve server.

I feel for them as well, and I bet some are leaving. To Faerlina, no doubt.

1.5 to 1 is still not 1:1 and you’re talking 6,000 difference.
Any clear disadvantage has historically sent the lower faction packing.

Btw if you look at any of my posts you will see how against Benediction I am, despite being Alliance.

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People are transferring because that’s what they want. People want this.

Lizzard stopped reading there. Every transfer is free money. They will never do anything that costs em money.

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Why they want? giggles

Lots of people are stop playing because they won’t transfer.
Subscriptions are numbers that they need to maintain. Contingency (transfers) may not cover the loss of subs because of their poor management of the realm populations.

i still say the majority of transfers happen for one of two reason: #1 People follow their guilds to a new server because the guild decides to move and #2 People decide that they have no choice but to move due to server issues.

I’d put the range of people who move and are excited to transfer at about 15% - 20%. Max.

Most people if you asked if their server had stayed as it used to be and their guild had stayed as it was would they have preferred to just stay on that server and they would say yes.


the operative word here is may. They will change it when the sub numbers get that bad, they have to adjust policy. But until then, nothing will be done. Fresh SoM coming out soon too. Don’t expect them to do anything as long as there are people willing to pay 25 bucks a pop.

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I don’t know. It could be different for different people, but it does seem like some people prefer being with a lot of people from the same faction on larger servers.

Well, you are the one who said that they do because they want, if you don’t know, you can’t make such claims.

And how exactly have 11k+ players from the same faction to play with - is not exactly what you’re saying?

Sure I can, because they show they want it by opting for it.

Yes you can, but you look like a fool because you don’t know why, and you are assessing that they’re going because they are willing to go and actually looking forward to it, while majority of players spending between 25-200 USD for transfers are doing because they can’t play where they were before for several reasons:

  • No functional auction house
  • No recruitment options
  • No dungeon groups
  • etc.
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I mean you are the guy making a post asking for server merges, even though its perfectly clear and obvious that Lizzard has absolutely no interesting making sure the servers are healthy and well balanced.

Even to the most ignorant it should be pretty obvious by now that their first and only priority is milking the players for as much money as they can. So as long as there aren’t enough people quitting their subs over this, they will never merge servers. As long as people are paying for paid transfer services, it will continue to be in the game.

The only one foolish in here is you, believing this post will lead to anything.

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I’m not asking for server merges. You should read better.

I’m not level 11 alt with 12y old that says “Lizzard” when referring to Blizzard. Please, your posts and opinion are not even amusing.

Nothing you just said dismantled my point. You call it connected realms, i call it server merges, we both know what either of us means. Neither will happen.

And wether im a lvl 11 alt, 12 years old or 45 years old or 65 years old or 25 years old, it also has nothing to do with the argument.

At the end of the day, this post is a waste of time, because they do not care. The sooner you realize this the easier it gets to accept it. If you want to change anything in this game, the only way to do it is to have ppl quit their subs. They only speak money, Lizzard is not your friend, its a business.

You are wrong.

Blizzard already done it in both Retail and Classic, to fix the low pop realms. They will never merge them, but connect them.

There is precedent: They’ve done it on retail over the years to fix dying realms and ensure that players won’t leave due to lack of groups/players etc.

They’ve even done it on Classic Era.

It is even documented in their Knowledge Base:

If this was a problem specific to one or two realms, I wouldn’t come here to post a thread like this.

This is affecting all realms except few of each category in its region.

The clear solution required here is connecting realms, and if in your head-canon it would never happened because Blizzard would never done it.

But there it is. You can even read more about it here:

So, who is more likely to be right on what can be done and what will be done? I, that actually am suggesting something they already did, something t hat works, something that they can actually do, or you, a person posting on a level 11 alt, whose guild haven’t even cleared TK/SSC, and refers to Blizzard as “Lizzard” like some sort of childish insult?


Its not gonna happen, till enough people stop using this service. As of right now, the paid transfer is booming. I can not speak for retail, I assume the continous player numbers dropping were part of the reason they finally decided to merge it.

As long as players in classic continue to pay for server transfers (and as said, its obvioulsy smth that gets used every day by countless players) they will not connect anything.

Continue to believe they will change their approach, specially if they are making loads of cash daily with this “service” if you will. I am still gonna point out that, if you choose to believe this, please do not call other players in this thread “foolish”.