My suggestion on another thread was to connect some realms instead:
Connect low pop realms (less than 10k population) - this is not CRZ, you can have guildies from other connected realms and trade items too. They become “one realm” without having to consolidate names etc.
Add Cross-realm dungeon groups
Add Cross realm zones for 1-60 content
And here I demonstrate how the realms could be connected:
Of course you can play around the realm connections to make 2-3 connected realm groups a lot better.
Dual spec is just a bait right now, no one really take serious or say “wow DUAL SPEC IS GOING TO SAVE WOW”. It is just “meh, I wanna switch spec with one button, no cost, no kappa”.
If you let them, they would “meh, I don’t wanna bother killing Vashj, too hard, might not get my loot… I wanna get the loot for badges” → Another WoTLK Feature.
They try to confuse you with the same faction battleground as it was a real problem in the game, even though they won’t admit.
Re-spec costs and re-spec on TBC are a non-issue they try as much to paint as a problem here. It wasn’t and it never will be.