The strange part is there is catchup mechanics but they don’t seem to work how I’d think they would/should. I have a weakaura that specifically tracks it. But it just … doesn’t trigger. Or does so at a very slow rate. I’ve made it a point the past couple weeks to just focus on crafting as I’m more or less done with the season. I pushed a few enchanters up to max and their catchup does work if you do the weekly quest + 2 treasure drops (requires the drops from dirt piles annoyingly that can be super rng and not in your favor).
Stuff like alchemy or jewelcrafting just doesn’t seem to ever fire off the catchup mechanic, or maybe 1-3 KP a day sort of levels via the patron orders. Doing the weekly quests and treasures doesn’t seem to impact it either. It honestly feels like it’s bugged given the characters I’ve been crafting on are severely behind on alchemy as an example, and have at minimum 50 points of catchup available.
My leatherworker (this guy) for whatever reason has a bunch of catchup available, and the KP catchup patron orders show up much more frequently. Despite crafting every day for a couple weeks I’m still not caught up, and can’t seem to get past the 20 or so points available barrier. I even check sometimes more than once a day in case one of the patron orders is expiring.
Hear hear. Even ppl who’ve been crafting since day one need it. I havent tried Darkmoone Faire for catch-up, i know you can get some kp points there. I finally went to DMF last month and was like ‘this is stupid’ lol.
DMF gives both knowledge points and skill points. It’s an excellent way to get free points.
Those points don’t count as catchup but rather a weekly quest source. At least, the way my weakaura tracks it it doesn’t show up as a catchup point. But yeah it is one way of getting some extra knowledge. Just at this point you can be over 250 points behind. Enchanting you can do in one sitting, but everything else is reliant on orders that just don’t spawn fast enough.
3 types of ore - bismuth, ironclaw, aqirite.
3 levels, 1,2,3 stars.
It’s hard to take your complaints seriously when you’re this off base.
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What professions/game were you even playing? I used professions all expansion long before the trees and consistently made decent gold. Unless you’re only talking about personal use of your crafts.
Engineering not great as a profession but the pvp bracers sell well. But they are few and far between and actually have to be on my engineer to see the orders. It’s a really fun silly profession that needs more love.
That new mount the engineer makes, actually that big machine the goblins use or whatever, has a part thats like 100k in Ringing Deeps. So whats the point of crafting a million gold mount? I just ignore that schmatic. I made my hunter the POW2, sometimes those popup. (It’s not special by the way, it’s just a blunderbuss that is not helping her dps whatsoever lol.)
Well let’s start with Leatherworking. What were you making all expansion long with Leatherworking?
Main thing I’ve used engineering for is crafting the new jumper cables at r3 with concentration and cheaper mats. They can be used by everyone, and have a pretty low failure rate. There’s no real reason to make the bracers or helm outside of some specs that might really like one stat to the exclusion of everything else, or trying to fill in a gap in gearing stat-wise.
None of the current tinkers are great, and I didn’t htink the dragonflight ones still worked (like the combat res). I hadn’t actually checked to see whether or not I could slot it in a pair though.
First off, that’s not what the OP said. He never said he was going to “give up” on professions. You’re putting words in their mouth while also being unnecessarily rude. Even if they had said something like that, you could have simply pointed out, without the attitude, that it’s not 100% necessary to max out knowledge points to stay competitive.
But even then, that’s just your opinion. Some people are completionists. I know I am. I can craft anything I want, yet I still go out of my way every day to do patron orders and squeeze out as many knowledge points as I can. Sometimes, I’ll even waste thousands of gold just to craft something for a measly 2 points.
And let’s not forget,you still haven’t addressed the actual reason for my response… You’re being a jerk for absolutely no reason.
I disagree with people on here all the time, but I don’t talk down to them or act like they’re beneath me. Feel free to comb through my comments, you won’t find a single instance of me treating someone the way you do. Maybe try a little civility next time. Like I said before… Do better.
Im also wondering why we dont yet have an extra method of getting Artisans Acuity, as we did for Artisans Mettle in DF. Im fairly sure by this time in DF we had the npc you could visit each week for a bunch AM, and have to wonder why this hasnt been introduced into TWW.
Has anyone heard anything on that topic?
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Thanks I appreciate the advice
The way they addressed that this time around was by having patron orders show up with acuity instead of a weekly mettle quest. I’m getting more acuity now per week than I did mettle back then but it’s a heck of a lot more expensive to do.
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Which expansion?
Shadowlands? Heavy callous hide, Drums, Legendary gear, Armor Kits. Leggos made the most profit, of course, but the other things sold constantly/consistently.
BFA? Combatant gear/weapons, drums (again), mount items like the barding, items that people used to turn in for the warfronts each week if it was a LW item, dredged bladder sold like crazy - that was one of the few items I sold constantly to get the Bruto before it went away.
Legion? Granted I started playing in legion and LW was not my top profession priority til late expac - drums were still going great, there was a mail and leather leggo (made a ton of gold through those, they actually got me to start a LW and to start taking gold making more seriously)
Yeah the expense is the issue. Some of the crafting orders are extremely costly, while other professions’ ones are relatively cheap. It seems oddly unbalanced.
Certainly patron orders help but I wouldn’t mind having a small quest of some sort to get a few extra, especially for those who might be, as it were, gold challenged.
And mining and herbing dont have that luxury at all.
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Just means we should all stop at some point. I had over 9,000 mettle at one point in Dragonflight, stuff just kept stockpiling infinitely if you talked to Mr. Bright every week.
Yep, these are what I made money with on leatherworking through those expansions. This time around most of the consumables I’d make I’d do so at a loss or very close to it. I’d be relying on multicraft or resourcefulness to make any profit. That, or concentration I guess for r3s. It’s not terrible to use r2 mats to make an r3, but it’s nowhere near the levels of profit you get on other professions for the tiny handful of things that do turn a profit.
I keep doing it mostly out of fear they’ll introduce a new cave and a vendor that wants a bunch of acuity for books again. But even now I’m over a couple thousand on most of my crafters that I actually pay attention to. Not really anything to spend it on either. It just keeps piling up. Mettle did have the added benefit of being useful to make max rank gear.