Simple as that. There should be a simpler catch up mechanic to get profession knowledge at a reasonable rate up to maybe a week or 2 behind someone that has started from the beginning.
It is pretty much not possible to start a character now and get a profession even close to anyone that played a few months ago and it makes leveling alts or swapping profs painful
we need better professions period. whatever this new convoluted system is that evolved out of the garbage that came from Legion needs to go away. Crafting was just fine up through Mists of Pandaria.
meanwhile, I was blissfully ignorant just enjoying engineering for my own selfish reasons. Now, if I wanna max it out, I need to collect four different kinds of ore at four different levels to make 30 different items with all four types of ore at four different levels and still figure out where to get the rest of the recipes. I was able to level classic through Pandaren engineering in three hours. I haven’t been able to max out the last five expansions in the last 10 years. And that’s a me problem because I refuse to put in all the effort to chase down all the stuff just to push that number to the top level.
so in the current expansion, there are four different types of or eused in crafting. each of those types have four different levels based on cute little multicolored diamond shaped icons after them. Then to craft items you have to start with the singular diamond that is brown and then work your way all the way up to the top level just to improve the quality of the item but to do that you have to use better quality ore. which means you’re not only have to craft level one of everything, but then you have to go back in craft level two and then level three and then level four. back in the good old days, all you had to do was smelt the ore and craft an item. you no longer have to smelt anything, but you do have to re-create the item in four different stages in order to max out that item and max out the profession.
You really just need to catch up enough to specialize on crafting 1 thing that can be sold in the AH, then spend all your concentration crafting only that at max rank.
If you want to play the work order game, then yeah you’ll get more business having a wider variety of craftables. I personally don’t care for competing with other crafters to find work orders. I just buy mats, use my concentration on crafting the rank 3, then sell it.
It is not even crafting that one thing but being able to max out on getting mats and reduced production cost as well. Not everyone wants to make things to sell but want to supply their own needs while not breaking the bank.
I disagree. The new system is a billion times better than anything we previously had. You can gear up alts in full heroic crafted gear very easily and that gear will last an entire expansion. Crafting is not convoluted or hard to understand at all. The stats you listed are not needed at all. You don’t know what you are taking about to be frank.
We’ve never had it this good as crafters and that’s a fact. You can easily max out a tree with professions treasures and work orders in one day. Mats are dirt cheap right now.
Get the recipe/pattern from a raid or dungeon, click to learn it, and then advertise in chat. People would get the mats, go trade you, you’d make it and bam.
Now it’s just over-complicated in my opinion, much more than it should be. Plus the profession trees and all that too.