These players want a looter, not an MMORPG. WoW has bowed to them long enough, time to get back to proper RPG gaming. It’d be best if Blizzard opened servers that were purely M+ lobbies for these people. Then maybe we can have a proper world once more, and the looters can run themselves in circles all day.
Azeroth, the first planet with 58 continents and 212 islands! Look for our portals to other dimensions where they have tons of landmass as well!
This needs to stop. Plenty of adventures can be baked directly into old maps, without them overlapping old world content whatsoever. There are NPCs, empty buildings and ruins throughout Stormwind alone where high level adventuring can take place. Much less places like Gilneas or the Hinterlands. There is so much space to use, and the world will feel lived in again.
And yet,you call it bogus. Do you really say that to an artist that dictates is love and time to his work? That’s like taking a hammer to a painting that you work on for years! That tare is real and hard to get over,that is why most don’t get emotional any more separating that love is destroying the work .
In all, let them have their time to process this transformation than rush to get it done it would be better for the game and the people involved.
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Thankfully Vincent Van Gogh didn’t destroy Starry Night and Monet didn’t destroy his haystacks.
You said that the artist had to destroy their work to be liberated, not me.
I don’t think that an artist has to suffer at all, it is bogus to think that they must suffer.
I do not advocate destroying work, period.
However, re-designing the Barrens is just another job on the to-do list.
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They suffer emotionally, by giving themselves up. They have let go of their work even if they want to hold on if not they become a slave to it and can’t move on. It’s a catch 22.
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In contrast, I think a musician plays for the joy of it. A writer relishes their time at the keyboard. A painter loves their studio. A dancer loves rehearsal. The process of applying technique to the work is the fun part.
Who gives themselves up emotionally, I just don’t get it. You’d have a lot of messed up artists if that was the path they chose to get pen to paper.
My opinion aside, I do like how romantic you make it sound. I’m sure I come off as the nuts and bolts of making work; not very sexy.
I know I’m weird ,everyone see things differently that’s important and very liberally independent. Ahh,freedom.
That’s what I’m talking about!!! Big planet with LOTS of land and tons of DIVERSE creatures and stories to be told!!! Wanting to “explore” what has already been explored is akin to a folly of “re-writing” history.
That the moderator of Latin forums spoke for me. I once made a post like this in the Latin forums and they gave me an answer: “no, we don’t want a revamp”. My intention was that there be a new cataclysm, there are world quests for kalimdor and eastern kingdoms and that the capitals of both factions be restored. But the Latino community didn’t like me.
Cata had 3 raid tiers. Even if they cut a raid out, Cata wasn’t particularly barebones.
Does the latin community prefer instanced content? They might fear that a revamp would result in fewer dungeons and raids.
Also, do the forums have an auto-translation feature? My posts are all written in English so it’s interesting to see a quote from one of my posts in a different language.
Man, someone’s never played Civilization. Or lived on actual Earth for longer than a decade! In real life, do you move from town to town after you’ve met ten people and hit the local the Chik-fil-a and Whataburger?
Archaeologists call ‘exploring what’s already been explored’ discovering history.
Or, you know, living.
Don’t freak out…but new things can, AND DO, happen in cities as time moves along. Azeroth should be the same. There should be no more than three or four more major continents. And, the continents we already have, need to evolve. It’s natural.
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Cataclysm was one of the worst expansions ever. Hard pass.
Lordaeron has been restored now and they’ve hibted at Gilneas being fixed during that quest line. We’ve gotten to return to the old world throughout various expansions (return to Karazhan, Uldum/Pandaria for horrific visions, etc), but I agree it would be nice to give more zones proper updates to reflect the state of the world. If it’s going to happen itll likely be slowly over time rather than all at once woth the release of an xpac. Maybe in 10.3 we’ll finall remove that sword or be able to fly in Silvermoon. Would be nice.
If the devs periodically want to update zones via optional phasing like they did in BFA, that’s great. But the broken Cataclysm world is THE World of Warcraft for me, since I started playing during MoP. And I would be very angry if all of those Cata-related questlines on Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor–questlines I often replay on alts–were trashed just like Cataclysm trashed the classic WoW game world.
As mentioned in my earlier post in this thread, content in MMOs shouldn’t ever be removed. The way they did things with Cata was terrible.
They should’ve instead phased in Cata’s changes, letting the player choose which version they want to level in or inhabit. They even added terrain phasing in Cataclysm which makes it all the more baffling that it wasn’t handled that way.
If they do a new EK+Kalimdor revamp, it should too be phased. I won’t ever visit the Cata phase because for me it represents ruination of something I loved, but it floats other players’ boats so there’s no reason to remove it.
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Yes please. Some zones were damaged/corrupted in WC3 and have been untouched from player perspective since Vanilla. They’ve had almost 20 years to heal/change.
You can only write software so fast. I’m waiting for someone to say, “I’d like those zones fixed so bad I’d be willing to wait an extra year for the next release.”
I don’t think anyone wants old zones updated WITH new xpac zones. I’d like the updated zones TO BE the new xpac zones.