We need another "Cataclysm"

very happy I liked cataclysm it was my first expansion first Patch new races goblins and worgen new maps new story and a beautiful ending

My idea before the DF announcement was to do something for a new xpac where we went back to the old Azeroth zones for a new expansion and the idea I had was to phase it like UC and Teldrassil have been since BfA.

Have it so the new quests don’t affect those leveling at lower levels and if people in the newer content want to go back to the old version they can talk to an npc like they can to UC or Darnasus currently . Maybe put the NPC at the entrances of SW and Org and people can do that if they want to do legacy content .

Just an idea.


I agree. If they’re gonna stop doing expansion exclusive stuff, it would be cool if dragon riding came back from the dragon isle to
the main continents. We already have loads zones that have time phases, instead of pulling us away from the zones and stories we’ve invested in, show how we’ve affected those zones. I’m sure we’ve messed places up as much as we’ve helped. Small contained story lines are way better, in my opinion, and a zone revamp would be ideal for that.

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… No we dont. You think we do, but we dont.

I over-all agree though am intruiged by the dragon isles. We’ve now had post cata zones longer than pre cata. A lot of the damage should’ve been repaired by now. Thousand needles should’ve been flooded for months if that. Most of the damage should’ve been undone. What garrosh did to the vale in MoP was already undone. I would love some touch ups to the old world repairing most of the damage from deathwing in cata. A proper bridge in the barrens. Azuremyst isle and Quel’danas should be added to the respective continents and allowed flying. All cities should have all amendities. Restore undercity, and teldrassil. Give us player city accessible versions of gilneas and Kezan.

Deathwing caused destruction. Lets see some more healing. It’d be cool to see signs that the dread scar is healing in Quel’Danas. It’s almost 20 years.


I personally wouldt mind waiting, or sacrificing raids for it. It also doesn’t have to happen all at once.

I just want to be back in Azeroth (the main Azeroth, not its addons).

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Eventually things are going to have to affect the old zones in new expansions and even if we don’t go back to the old zones for the majority of a new xpac , they should add quests where we are sent back because of the affects the xpansion are having on the old zones .

Some of the stuff I brought up during SL was have quests come up where say Mawsworn were attacking class halls in the Broken Isles or Scourge have gotten off of Northrend and are walking to the shores of either E.K or Kalimdore and we go back to handle things .

If they aren’t going to do a revamp to the old zones then at least add stuff to make them relevant. I mean it is World of Warcraft and not Current Expansion Zones of Warcraft only.

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They do this to an extent. There are a new versions of Darkshore and Lordaeron that were created for BFA. There is a female NPC that will allow you to move back and forth between the old and new versions.

I mean they need to do it not to an extent but on a regular basis .

The npc is fine if you are in the areas and say you need to go to one of the other because you need something from say the AH and you still have stuff in the general area to do .

Warfronts you had to build up before you did them and they were faction only available when up . So if you were on alliance and they were up you couldn’t do on horde .

I’m talking about make things like callings that would send you back into the old zones or scenarios that sent you to instances that take place in old zones .

i say we crack azinoth like an eggggg and boom a baby titan is born and then we live on the baby titan back