the payoff would be there if the expansion was based on Azeroth. Raids on Azeroth, WQ on Azeroth… instead of in random worlds we never heard of like the SLs.
Ardenweald looks great and a LOT of effort was put into it just to have a few WQ in it now… just put that same effort into the original world. Problem fixed.
I agree, a “Fixaclysm” or “Unclysm” need to happen. Heal the wounds, or maybe with some Bronze dragonflight shenanigans make it so some of them never happened (flood in Thousand Needles, the ugly chasm in the middle of EK…), polish the rough edges, bring the original continents up to modern standards.
It would also be a great opportunity to make questing in EK+Kalimdor somewhat timeless again, as they were prior to Cataclysm. Tying those two to a specific expansion was a terrible idea — the base game should always be relatively time-agnostic, with the bits tying it to the current era being few enough in number to have an intern go through and update periodically.
These really need to be connected to the main world to allow for flight especially. Exodar is supposedly repaired in the books/stories, but remains the janky broken down jalopy wreck in game. Be cool if it was floating above as it should be
It didn’t work back then. It won’t work now. People want more enjoyable instanced content they can more quickly jump into. Hence blizz pulling back for player power in ZM vs prior patches. And to get people to do world content as much as you think they should that would require player power from outdoor content.
I’m a hobo in WoW, a simple nomad travelling around. I prefer to have new continents to roam around on - I really only enjoy Azeroth old 1-60 EK/Kal zones when it comes to just solo questing (I deeply enjoy those old zones; but only after the Cata revamp).
Yeah, but it’s yet another island. When people say “Azeroth” a lot of the time they mean the two mainland continents.
At least the Dragon Isles look to have a more Azerothian feel — it’s not like Pandaria which may as well have been on a different planet — but it’s still not Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor.
I personally think that players should have both pre-cata and post-cata zones to explore and do quests in. However, pre-cata zones were designed with very different questing in mind. Often there were not nearly enough quests, or at the level of the player, who had to grind mobs or find another zone for a while. So that would require a major rework of those zones with an eye for staying faithful to the original world geography, which is kind of the opposite of going through the world and changing all the quests to align to the latest whims of current storywriters.
Ideally, this is how MMOs should work in general. Huge swaths of content shouldn’t ever be removed.
This gets said a lot about the original quests but I find that it’s quite exaggerated. If one does all the quests available in each zone they pass through and don’t go out of their way to not kill mobs in between, the “bare spots” are minimal. The most classic example of this are the various quests in central Elwynn which players tend to skip in favor of going straight to Eastvale Logging Camp, as well as several other quests scattered around Elwynn which people tend to skip in favor of going straight to Westfall. If you don’t skip those, you can hit level 12-13 before leaving Elwynn and if you’re working on a profession too that can be raised to 13-14.
Naturally, that makes life in Westfall a lot easier since you’re actually matched to Westfall’s entry-level mobs and it eliminates the bare spots that Westfall would have otherwise.
And that’s in Vanilla, before the XP curve adjustments brought by TBC and WotLK. If Classic Azeroth in retail had WotLK’s XP curve there’d be no hint of a bare spot or grinding anywhere.
I leveled to 60 in classic, and I disagree completely. The typical experience in a new zone was to find the initial questgiver, who gives you a yellow quest. 2 miles out and back you turn it in and he gives you an orange quest, a red quest, and a red elite quests. That’s it. You might be able to do the orange quest very carefully. You aren’t going to do either the red quest or the red elite quest.
Another example is the Battle for Hillsbrad, a quest chain that starts at level 23-ish. Most people did it in groups, which meant you got little xp for killing mobs and leveled slowly. By the time you had gotten to the last quest, you were level 26 or 27. However, the last quest in the chain was an elite quest packed with level 29 elite mobs, so not doable until much later. When I finally completed that quest chain, the group I was in had a 43 mage in it. It’s bad design to require breaking up a group and having people come back greatly overleveled to a lower level zone to complete an overtuned quest.
This happened all the time. Glad it wasn’t messed up for you on the Alliance side, but it sure was for Horde. I traveled a lot. I killed lots of mobs for xp.
And when I traveled through zones for some reason, there were always whispers from low levels who wanted “help” doing a multiplayer elite quest they were no way ready for, which I would be soloing for them if I did help them. That’s what it was training players to do.