We need another "Cataclysm"

I want this so badly but they will never do it. There’s no reason to do it, really.

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The Horde questing experience was definitely worse in Vanilla. The devs admitted to such, they ran out of time and had to cobble something together. Even the state of Horde Vanilla questing as it was in 1.12 was an improvement over that of the original release, because they went back and filled things in a bit.

The gaps should still be covered by ramping up the XP curve, though. No effort-intensive revisions necessary. They could maybe stand to bump up drop rates on some quest items though.

How I would love to see things fixed and updated in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. It’s unreasonable to have so much evolve outside of the game and not be reflected in it. I just want my dam* fixed! lol

  • Stonewrought Dam

Blizzard stated that one of the reasons why cataclysm was a failed expansion was because of all the time and resources spent redoing so many zones that end game was seriously lacking. They had to cut a whole raid because of it.

It was probably more underestimation of the resources required than the actual resources required. With accurate estimation, almost anything can be done because you have a better idea of how much time to set aside.

It’s also an argument for why Cataclysm’s leveling zone revamps should’ve been “light touch” in nature, primarily fixing the biggest problems (bad quest item drop rates, bad reward itemization, lack of quests in some areas) instead of trying to radically change over half of both continents. That would’ve had far more reasonable resource requirements and wouldn’t have upset players even a fraction as much.

I think that we’d all like to see some areas fixed from the Cata expansion. But, for me, it would not have to be a centerpiece of a patch; just some side artwork and a few NPCs chatting about it. Maybe enjoy the discovery, “when did that get fixed?”

I mean, really, if they can install the artwork for a roller coaster in the DMF on some designer’s spare time, putting out the fire in Ashenvale should be a walk in the … park!

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If we’re willing to entertain some of the fixing not making sense lorewise, they could literally just copy chunks from the original map and paste them in the corresponding grid sections in the current map. Volcano in Ashenvale? What volcano?

They even already did this with Valley of Eternal Blossoms, which had the big Sha-drenched hole in the middle magically disappear and revert to its original state.


I would like an upgrade/overall of Azeroth.

Especially would like a chromie time option to go back to the vanilla version of azeroth.

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I’d like some major city love at least.

I don’t know if they’re trying to corral people into once major hub to make it more populated or what, but if they had a portal hub and all the same useful NPCs in each major city, that would be great.

I’d love to hang out in IF or Exodar more, but SW is just more useful with its access.


exactly, only mages use IF (sometimes). No one uses Exodar because no flight.

They don’t even have to do all the zones, just start with 6-10 well done, updated zones, then add more as the expansion progresses. I’d definitely start with Silvermoon / Exodar / Gilneas / Lordaeron / Gnomeregan, and their surrounding areas. They can even come up with dungeons for each, just like Gnomeregan has an old dungeon.

I don’t mean “undo” the Cataclysm and take it back to Vanilla, I mean to update the world with Shadowlands’ lore and tech.

How would it be a retcon? They already added the lore. It’s already part of the game. Just let the actual game reflect that.

How is it a retcon that Gnomes can re-conquer Gmoeregan? They have had the weaponry and support to conquer other planets, but they can’t kill a bunch of troggs and slimes because… reasons.

Or that we can heal the Dead Scar? The Lich King is dead, gone, now also the Jailer… we undid all the jailer’s magic in the SLs but we can’t kill a few zombies in Azeroth…

Better yet, the Exodar IS already floating since Legion. Make it actually float in-game.

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but ion said that they are gonna work more on world content in DF because that community is underserved and is the silent majority


Have you ever been in a software development group when the product leader comes around with a wish list from the field (i.e. customers) for the next release?

What happens is that he/she gives us the list, which goes on and on, tells us how important each item is and it all needs to be done in three months.

There is a brief pause then we all burst out laughing. And we laugh and we laugh and we laugh. Basically they are asking for three years of product development to be done in three months. It’s not going to happen.

So then the negotiating begins, the priorities are set and the reordering of lists is done. When we have a somewhat workable plan we all go get to work.

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An artist must be able to destroy his work to free himself as a form of liberation this isn’t an easy task to do and is causes an emotion response ,but in order to evolve there is no other way. Revamping the world should be done slowly over time so this negative response isn’t too much.

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Where’d or who told you that? I like it.
But, it isn’t true. Artist’s move on or they, like Da Vinci, carry the Mona Lisa around for twenty years; we are all glad that that didn’t get destroyed!

I’d not worry about the artists as Blizzard being upset. Their masterpieces won’t be in the game, it is a job for them!

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In order to evolve you can’t hold on to any belief system or you repeat the same techniques over and over causing them to not be art but craft. Tell me does the art become the person or the person becomes the art ?

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Azeroth does need repaired. They’ve wrecked too much without fixing anything.

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You are asking me?

The art comes out of the craft. The artist returns to technique and, using that, crafts a work. Not every crafted piece is art or a home run; but this is why more and more work is made – waiting for that technique to go off the charts, everything gets easy and the artist then knows that they are on to something special.

If you review the artist’s work of the past(which you have) three things show up.

  1. They changed over time.
  2. They left or gave up their work.
  3. They suffered.

Which of these are true today?

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I too would like to see the world restored, if for no other reason than requiring flight to easy access everything in areas like Darkshore and the Barrens was the height of ridiculousness. By the time you can fly why are you pissing about in either of those places? Of course you aren’t so it’s just a bunch of stupid barriers for lower players to max time /played by not being able to move straight from point a to b.

Go back to the classic version of those zones and it’ll be all the more obvious. I’m mainly saying this because I just finished darkshore on a TBCC paladin (getting ready for wrath boy does it suck in TBC but I digress). Both are about 220% more fun to maneuver in in classic. All those cliffs and random canyons from Cata not only make the zones feel truncated and on rails but are at this point a vestigial eyesore. The land should’ve healed by now.

Wide open is much better for immersion imo. I’d really like to get a fresh update that has the old zone layouts in mind just with (maybe) new quests. That’d be okay, and they are more likely to do it that way than a full scale time reversion I’m sure.

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This is fun.

The whole suffering for your art is bogus, it came out of the early 1900s when art was made by the people (still today) and not by elite guys with patrons. The poor artist in France arguing over coffee in a cafe about the changing art forms like Futurism, Dada, Surreal, Minimalism, Cubism, Impressionism and all of the many others was an image painted by the media and romanticized. Sure, there were starving artists but that does not mean that you have to suffer for your art. The ideal is to not suffer but be a “working artist” and paid for your work.

They do change over time. That shows in how they go back to their technique, the so-called “red period” or “blue period” is simply an artist who is trying to evolve by going back to the basics: technique leading to craft.

I can’t think of any who left or gave up! I know that you have some in mind.

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