The horde does have trolls - those people are usually trolls in RL too
Its not a question of “how evil” but how would blizz portray it? They made one big push in BFA and so many people lost their minds, horde or alliance. Personally if you want to be the bad guy, your best bet is joining an rp guild that has what your looking for
the horde has always been bone dry evil
I’ll volunteer to he the next villain.
Gimme rabies, Blizzard! Lemme at em!
the horde are the evil faction
Fixed as it can be said the alliance is the evil faction that does not know they are evil or thinks anyone not like them is evil.
I’ll stick with the Scarlet Crusade (Head-Canon wise at least).
(Sips )
Victory for Sylvanas!
what if they add a faction that is full of scammers from call centers - they are pure evil
This will be saved for wow two
Faction Perk:
You can kill pesky npc children.
Peolle will be flocking to this evil faction for that reason alone.
the evil faction is always THEM.
thus it has always worked and thus it always will.
The evil faction is blizzard entertainment
i thought it was activision?
is microsoft the corporate paladin?
Doesnt that get boring?
make Fel Pandas and Valupas
Give us back pvp servers in retail.
The Evil Faction should be the Scarlet Crusade. Led by Turalyon who has gone mad. Like crazy cult leader mad. Like purge Azeroth of all that is wicked, which is anyone not following the Scarlet Crusade.
I can get behind that.
(Sips )