We LiStEn oT cOmMuNiTy FeEdbAcK! - The elemental Nerf no-one asked for

Why don’t you take a quick look around the sham forums, Discord, Reddit ETc, no-one asked for this.

and if it was for true accessiblity issues there would be compensation elsewhere to balance it out.

Instead they simply nerfed us under the guise of it being helpful and we were asking for it (We weren’t) And lied straight to our faces on both accounts.


No, in order for

To be true you’d have to look around the entire internet.

The only reason I’m still playing this game is because of a 6 month sub, and the only reason I’m still playing elemental is because I don’t have enhance weapons yet. Thank you Blizzard.

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Even so this change is unwarranted and extremely unwanted. Its hurts the gameplay because the fun part of storm ele is gone. It hurts damage to a ridiculous extent before we even get the tier set it would theoretically counteract. And the rationale for the change in the first place has nothing to do with ele damage. Even if someone throws some contrarian words on the internet it doesn’t change that this is a bad change by many metrics.

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Not to mention they had testing all this time and only now decide to nerf us? Instead of i don’t know… Changing the tier set bonus?

Also that 1900 DPS loss sure makes me feel more accessible in M+

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Apparently players disagreed and Blizz agreed with them :man_shrugging:

i keep checking back thinking there is no way they havent responded/reverted/compensated the spec in some way… and yet… crickets

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1.8 casting speed doesnt cut it in this meta we are in id like the cast time to be 1.5 on lb,cl and lvb and buffs to lava burst and lava surge.

blizzard took eles lava surge they nerfed and put it in to a tier set.


While we’re on this, Blizzard, I have an accessibility request. Affliction Warlock has too many DoT buttons. Can we please get them reduced to only Agony and Corruption? Some people out there are born with less than 5 fingers, per hand, think of them… Same with curses, too many, just let us keep 2, at most. Thank you.

Where is the response to this? You announced the nerf on an already underperforming spec 3 days before mythic release then ghosted us. What is the point in having these community council members when you actually don’t listen or give them any info to give to us? Petko is in the dark as much as everyone else here and he was convinced they were going to roll back this change. You have killed Elemental in M+ trying to nerf a meme raid build with this ham-fisted hotfix.

Its so much worse that in those same 3 days there was a compromise to the Fury warrior nerf.


To be fair, no one ever asks for a class they play to be nerfed, ever.

In such a case the solution is to buff MotE to make it a viable alternative, not ruin the fun for everyone else. Accessibility is a fake concern/reason: in reality Blizzard devs neither want that build in the game nor do they want people playing elemental. If this is the approach they actually took for accessibility, they would have crippled specs like fury and havoc as well because those two specs had higher APM requirements than the “machine-gun” build. And if the concern is pressing a lot of buttons in a short amount of time, we have had fire mage combustion work the way it has for years. But no reasonable person would gut those specs for “accessibility” just like no reasonable person should gut Storm Elemental for “accessibility”, but here we are.

From an elemental main’s perspective the devs seem to want to make elemental as awful to play as possible. From the cooldown on Flame Shock, to continuous undertuning, and now to this destruction of one of the funnest talents in the game.

The biggest joke about all this is that fury warriors got some of their nerfs reverted but there hasn’t even been a peep about compensation for elemental’s “accessibility buff”. A slightly less big joke is the fact that the core of a spec is being crippled to accommodate for borrowed power in the form of a build that is only possible with the tier set. This is just pathetically bad/backwards game design.

Yes I’m mald; anyone with any investment in the spec is.


This is like demolishing the stairs to make a handicap accessible ramp, except building a rock climbing wall instead of the ramp.


It’s rediculous is what it is

No one asked for this. this was super fun. and the current build you are forced to play now requires alot more skill and ability, you wanted to help accessibility the class where for 20 seconds you press one button is pretty accessible. and weave in earthshocks.

Hey, hey hey man oh hey do you feel more accessible?

i feel accessible to world quest and dailies because those are the only thing i can do rn.
Completely garbage in m+ :slight_smile:

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Don’t say you can still access world quests they will nerf us further

Oh no! An unasked for nerf!

Usually they make sure to sit us all down and discuss every nerf and make sure we want it first, what were they thinking?

They weren’t.