We LiStEn oT cOmMuNiTy FeEdbAcK! - The elemental Nerf no-one asked for

WE don’t even have the highest APM of specializations out there either, That goes to Rogues, Fury warriors, Mages so it isn’t even over accessibility concerns it’s just plain and simple

We don’t want you playing elemental

I understand the frustration, remember just weeks ago frost mage’s base kit was nerfed over the set bonus / lego. And when one of the borrowed power nerfs was seen as too harsh, they doubled down nerfing the base kit even more.

I agree that if the problem was solely “stupid fast casting breaks the game” they could have tuned the damage upward, but that they did not tune the damage upward suggests that maybe Shamans were doing more dps than the devs had targeted as well.

Shouldnt that apply to all classes and all specs then? Nobody is forced to choose Storm Elemental and primal elementalist as their talents. There are other options. How hard is it for blizzard to allow macros that allow multiple buttons presses with 1 press (oh that was what was used to kill multiboxing under the guise of killing bots)? How hard is it for blizzard to allow macros that allow HOLDING A BUTTON to have it repeat the action over and over? What about other classes with much higher attacks per minute, should they be nerfed?

They reverted many of those changes due to frost mages getting upset over it.

Enhancement is at a good place, especially when we get our four piece.

Most shamans are used to not being flavor of the patch, so Elementals freaking out over 10% damage is just players collapsing on their fainting couches.


You nerf someone by 10% when they at the top of the pack and outclass everyone by an order of magnitude and you come up with a real reason as to why.

You don’t nerf someone that is at the high section of the middle of the pack with a blatant lie about it being an accessibility issue and then tell us that WE ASKED FOR IT


No. they reverted a nerf to the borrowed power “Icy Propulsion” in exchange for lowering the damage of Frozen Orb and Blizzard even further than they had initially. Eventually the expansion will be over and our kit will still be nerfed but the borrowed power long gone.


That’s literally the same thing we’re complaining about - so why are you here telling us we’re fine?


This is good perspective from someone that doesn’t understand how how their class functions past LFR and +3 dungeons.

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Ele will still be middle-of-the-pack. Honestly, you’re not at Affliction levels of bad even with the nerf.

They could of simply stopped us from refreshing the stacks, Instead they not only nerf the amount of stacks we can get (Which is a big deal) But also stop us from refreshing the stacks aswell.

We got screwed on both ends and they said we asked for it.

But affliction has two other ranged specs they can easily swap to.
If you play ele and you want to do ranged dps…you’re stuck with … well, being ele.

Yeah this is a major issue people have with borrowed power. Blizzard nerfing base abilities rather then the power that will end next expansion.

They usually then forget to revert the nerf and then you have a broken gimped spec that needs huge fixes or complete overhaul…

I guarantee in 10.0 Balance is gonna be redone for the 3rd or 4th time and Feral my god feral pls? Many classes gonna be needing a repair. Ele included.


in fact, sims now show our single target second to last RDPS ahead of only Affliction. But they can play Destro or Demo…

We demand a response blizzard. If you wanted to nerf us just say that. You make a change because its an accessibility concern which is valid but explain why you don’t buff us as well to compensate. There are other specs that have MUCH higher apm than us. Please respond.

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How about not relying on sims and instead looking at actual numbers from raidlogs?

Blizzard, in their infinite stupidity, sought to fix an “accessibility issue,” only by nerfing the class and making the class itself inaccessible in high keys and early Mythic raiding.

Good, show me the raidlogs of everyone having double legendary and 4 pc tier set.

Waiting on those fury warrior, Fire mage, Rogue nerfs due to accessibility issues.


Wait and see, my dude. The sky isn’t falling chicken little. This is why raiding is getting less and less players because of premature freaking out over sims and ‘what could be’.

No one has double legendaries or their 4 pc, so stop complaining about something that hasn’t even been field tested yet.