We LiStEn oT cOmMuNiTy FeEdbAcK! - The elemental Nerf no-one asked for

Bliz, If this really was for accessibility reasons then we should get a buff to make up for damage/maelstrom that we’ve lost with this change. All you have to do is make it so when storm elemental is active chain lightning and lightning bolt do 100% extra damage and maelstrom generation is doubled. That would solve the accessibility issue and revert the unintended nerf that Elemental Shammy’s got with this change.

You know what’s disheartening, that when I look at the Community Council forum I don’t see any mention/discussion of this nerf. Even if it was for an accessibility issue a nerf still happened that affects community members. Am I wrong in assuming that the community council is there to represent the community and to bring any issues they see to Blizzards attention? Are we not part of the community that you represent?


Oh please, It’s Maizou Do you really think they care? Them of all people? HAH

Just re-roll mage and call it a day we are dead as Elemental shams until this is reverted.

Storm ele has worked this way for at least three years and there was a period in bfa where it was worse in terms of apm then this “machine gun build” during 8.3 with corruptions. If I recall in bfa the meta was just hit lighting bolt lol, but the “machine gun bulid” has to work our tier in which means we actually slow down a bit to weave lava bursts and probably flame shock in. This accessibility change came in after ignoring an “issue” that wasn’t an issue for 3 years, but suddenly needs to be fixed because ele was simming really high with a build no one could use yet. And I’m not saying its a nonissue because accessibilty is bad, I’m saying its a nonissue because storm ele was fun until this tuesday, I actually like fast paced gameplay and storm ele despite being an awkward cooldown was at least engaging gameplay…until this tuesday.

I actively doubt that accessibility was the reason why they nerfed storm ele, and my evidence is the existence of fire mage, outlaw rogue, and fury warrior who are all worse offenders atm for the same thing. Similarly they didn’t change shadow priest or venthyr balance druid for being able to do the same thing at one point or another. Its nice to be passionate about stuff but the context of this change was “ele was about to get really good with tier” and they decided to throw a curve ball nerf that wasn’t directed at the tier for some reason and used a iffy accessibility issue to justify it.

And I disagree with this premise vehemently but even if they honestly believed that it was an accessibility issue they should realize they just wrecked the damage of a spec that didn’t do stellar damage to begin with with no compensation the day mythic came out. Ele shaman didn’t even get a fort week before the talent that makes their aoe something special got gutted. There should be a blue post on that even if they do believe it was a honestly an issue, and to note even if they did a compensation I liked storm ele before because I liked the gameplay, changing it like they did when they did really hurts because it was part of why I spent the last few months working on, and investing on a shaman instead of any other class that I might enjoy.


I’m sure they developers can figure out based on numbers who does and does not need tuning. Did you expect them to just blindly make tuning as requested by the community?

but they did not do tuning because of dmg. they did it cause some people cant press LB in a 0.6 seconds cast. that was the reason. not for dmg but because a small amount of people did not like it. that was the reason bliz gave.


waiting miserably…

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it’s roughly a 30% nerf for m+ overall dmg


“Hey, some classes still have a one-shot macro.”

“Better nerf Shamans.”



I… I had a violin around here somewhere. I was going to play it all sarcastically and it would’ve been hilarious.

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It’s definitely not.

Storm elemental? Light Breeze Elemental.

Thanks blizz for screwing us



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Old Scotty from Marketing, lmfao you got me hahaha

Still waiting for communication.

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And things need to be balanced around teh highest dificulty -which is raiding .

sorry to all you M+ s out there who think that its harder content then raiding ,but compared to raiding it is definately second classs .Comparing mechanics that involve 20+ people and multiple abilities compared to M+ bosses or trash that have one or two abilities and in a five man group is laughable

Remind me what my job as a tank is in every raid oh… It’s taunt at x stacks… Ok cool

This thread is not a debate about raiding vs mythic plus (to which raids are actually behind when it comes to difficulty at an individual and progression comes down to three things, gear, cheesing and waiting for number 19 and 20 to stop wearing their pants on their head)

This thread is about how much of a crapshoot blizzards balancing team is and how they lied about the reasoning and how they still have yet to answer because they know they don’t have one.


please go somewhere else or make your own thread where you glorify yourself for getting aotc 1 week before next expansion comes out.


Posting in an elemental thread once again


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Hello elemental shamans are still waiting for a response. This still feels bad and I’m still holding on to some sort of hope that it might get better. Pretty please?

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please blizzard. Read the feedback from the shaman community, I want to believe that you care about us. Please answer our questions and requests. At this difficult time, the game is the last thing we have, I want to have more fun