We just accepting that this game is 60% bots?

If you would have read you would have seen it’s 30-39 bracket. So clearly I am leveling an alt. Comparing bots in bgs to you being terrible at arenas and wanting hand outs is quite the stretch but not surprising you are trying to connect it. Wait till ToC then you can have all your furious gear for being 1200 rated.

It’s the equivalent of you running a heroic and saying “I should get ulduar 25 from this to make it fair”. Get better, quit crying.

Your fault for doing BGs in Wrath. Wait till Cata

I did read it but it is irrelevant. You’re doing random BGs, period.

What I connected was you crying about bots in BGs and others like me crying for arena gear to be earned through means other than arena. I was pointing out your crying hypocrisy.

Sorry, but I don’t want anything done about the bots; their actions to curb this behavior could end up affecting my BGs.

Why would I want furious at that point, when the more powerful gear is going to be relentless?

Do you see how you don’t know what you are talking about? Don’t answer that; it’s just a rhetorical question and I don’t expect you to see anything past your own ignorance.

Not at all. You have no idea what fair and equivalency is.

It’s the equivalent, of me wanting LFR so I can queue for ulduar 25, and be able to raid myself.

On another note, I’m guessing you’re all twinked out in heirlooms; contributing to the toxicity at low-level BGs. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I can count on 1-hand the number of times I’ve seen noticeable bots in a BG.

I’m quite curious where the 60% figure comes from.

I mean what can we do ya know? These forums are filled with threads about bots but nothing changes.

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RDF would get real people playing again


Consumables are twice the price on Benediction compared to two or three weeks ago. Just did a couple Battlegrounds and didn’t see any bots.

Doesn’t look like any bots. If they’re in the lower brackets as has been claimed in this thread, that’s because they’re being banned. Bots don’t level up for fun, they level up to replace banned accounts.

you just haven’t done a lot of BGs then, after the big 100k ban wave the BGs were mostly bots I had multiple strand BGs where the whole game is just camping DK bots at the beach GY like we’re farming in PVE. maybe they’re better now I stopped engaging with BGs like a month ago because of this I don’t really have much faith that it was fixed


So far in many AB’s since its this weekends CTA its not been bots. 60’s bracket is what I have been running.

I have been horde many times. I have called it the alternate alliance at times. since 75% of horde more than once was merc’d alliance. There has been no filler army of bots for horde a lot this weekend. it’s been alliance players.

Or it has been twinks. either you get em or they do. Obv…you want the twinks on your side more lol.

since some rant on lower levels…not all your bot are bots. Its people like me going awww crap, we got twinked.

And we don’t really go max effort then. I know several twinks who hit like freight trains and will not die unless you put 5+ normal players on them. I see them, I see I am alone on say LM…I call that in chat and die. It’s a really fast death too.

A few horde rogue twinks are skilled at one shot. I don’t burn my trinket to break the cc they lead off with. they one shot anyway. I save that trinket for a cc after death that be more worth it to use it.

I see these combined I get one thought. well at least I will get about 25K xp from this run. these twinks are nice enough to 5 cap us quick. No honor kill farming. I actually appreciate that.

just finish us off so I see what matchmaker gives us next match. All I ask when then this happens.

Rogue bots in 70-79 bg are nuts right now
All 1.0-1.1k gs, check scoreboard and they’re like 0-20 and maybe 10k damage

I’ll bet all that alliance was furious-geared as opposed to the hateful-geared horde.

60% is too generous. It’s more like 95%.

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blizzard has completely out sourced it’s customer service and GM team

go look at the blizzard careers page. There isn’t a single GM/CS opening.

you are absolutely not someone who does BGs then. most BGs are have a handful of bots per team, and well over 70% of the game during off peak hours. anything below max level is 90% bots


Well you haven’t played the game for 3 years and never got a single parse above grey, so it’s not surprising that you aren’t aware of the state of the game.

Admittedly, I don’t do a lot of BGs outside of leveling or gearing up for Arenas.

I have been gearing up a level 70~72 alt recently, and playing a few matches here and there (overall less than 100 BGs during those 2 levels), and while I did notice a train of about 7-10 DK bots in an AV, as well as a couple here or there during AV weekend, I haven’t noticed any in most of the BGs I’ve been in. I queued about 8 BGs yesterday, for example, and I didn’t notice any bots (though that was all AB).

That’s not the same as my claiming that there are no bots, mind you! I’m merely stating that it’s not something I’m personally noticing, and that claims that BGs are overrun with bots or that there are more bots than people seem hyperbolic from my perspective.

Good one! Ad hominem is great at avoiding any reasonable conversation or point being made and go directly to attacking something completely unrelated! Well done :clap:

Unless something has changed very recently, they do not outsource their CS. They house the majority of their NA CS in an extremely large office in Austin, Texas.

There’s two openings for CS positions at their Taipei office in Taiwan. Likely because of the influx of Chinese players playing on Taiwanese servers after the Netease fiasco:


Explain how you’re going to report on the state of BGs without actually being in one? Troll.

Well here is the funny thing, some people get too picky in the reporting.

For a good run last night we had this pita from atiesh. by 4th match many were going omg, again with this dude.




They weren’t bots. some were smarter players going we know the twink dk and/or rogue will come. So you 2/3 man’d the defence at least.

By Sunday of CTA AB we knew the horde players pretty well. We had seen them since Friday when this fired up.

The twink rogue alone was killing for sure one dude and the 2nd if not a higher level. This twink was good. They weren’t all gear. They knew how to use it quite well. 1 man defence was not working with them.

That was a flip, guaranteed. The dude could drop you from stealth and start flag flip before you even typed “rogue on lm”.

The dk…was gear. A pita friday night. Sunday and many now level 67+, they were manageable. Most by Sunday were going yeah this is why they stay 69…they are only good for picking off 61’s to 65’s lol.

So guess what…you didn’t leave 61’s alone on flags. Simple solutions to simple problems.

I don’t even know where to start with this post, I feel like I’m dumber for reading that.